AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby bclogan1 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:33 pm

Day 22 after surgery; I started cycling my pump 14 days post op, starting with one pump and deflation and increasing to the current 8 times daily, The pain for the most part is manageable from the surgery. The rods when inflated hurt but I am suppose to walk around inflated for three to four hours daily, not going to happen anytime soon. I am currently at 30 minutes.

The penis is defiantly shorter probably by a good inch, very sad. The doctor has told me through repeated cycling and stretching of the penis I might gain a centimeter. The penis is also taking off to the left, which is apparently common post op. I have been instructed to massage it daily and reposition it over to the right.

To inflate or not inflate that is a question. Post op I had the impression it was inflated, not. The new rods give it an outwardly erection all the time, very embarrassing. I have tried all different techniques to try and hide this permanent woody without a lot of success. The new underwear definitely helps but I am going to look for a more permanent solution, like wearing a jock fulltime. I found going down a size in support jocks is beneficial as the rods are very strong and have a mind of their own.

I asked my surgeon why my bionic looks so much different then the video of this device (flaccid equals mini hard on). His answer was simple, maximum implant length equals a more prominent and rigid penis.

Some learning with the new pump; defiantly start by feeling the new plumbing, as this will be helpful. Don’t worry about the deflation valve until you have a few pumps, as it won’t work without that pressure. When deflating, go to a two-step process; deflate for the four seconds as recommended. Then massage and bend your penis down towards your scrotum and deflate again. You will be surprised how much more flaccid you can make your new hard on. This has helped me.

Sex is good but the inflated hard-on is still very painful. I am following the doctors advice about frequency equals success with the implant, which I don’t mind.

I am back at the gym three days a week doing about 50% of my normal workouts but things are progressing. Work is tough for lifting but that is also improving daily.

Again, I am on the home run with my new bionic and hopefully my sharing will help others on this road.

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby ED2013 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:54 pm

Squeeze your penis while deflating

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby bclogan1 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:30 pm

Thanks ED2013. All advice is great and I'm sure it will help someone. I tried squeezing the sides of my penis while deflating but because the rods maintain such a rigidity I was not completely draining. The technique my urologist suggested of the two step really works for me. I found when I agreesively bent it down I was getting a much more flaccid look, which makes it easier to poke around in public. Im also finding the more I use it the easier it becomes to inflate and deflate. Cheers

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby bclogan1 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:07 pm

Thanks Panhead, who thought women's fem products could help us guys...:-)

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Re: AMS 700 The light at the end of the tunnel

Postby bclogan1 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:47 pm

I went bionic 30 days ago and things have finally turned the corner for me. The pain is minimal and I am back to work, in the gym and everything is starting to come together nicely. If someone asked me two weeks ago was it worth it I would have said no. Today things are good and it’s worth all the ups and downs of this recovery.

Size reduction recovery; I would not have thought inflating and deflating every day, walking around inflated for three hours wouldn't help get me back to my original size, it has! On average I am pumping between 20 and thirty times and I have good girth and the length is just a little shorter then my drug-induced erection. I am very happy with the recovery of my size and my sexual happiness has gone up ten-fold.

Inflating and deflating is now routine and the sex is fabulous once again. I am making out everyday and the orgasms are different but I am still getting use to the new equipment.

I was back on the stationary bike for the first time to day and that was a new experience although well tolerated as the pump compresses on the seat of the bike.

I feel my journey is coming to an end and I want to thank those that have shared their experiences and helped me with my recovery. FT is just a fantastic site full of very wonderful people and I hope me sharing my experiences helps others contemplating this journey down bionic road.

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby pockie » Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:06 pm

Congrats on your journey.

It's been about a month since your last post, how are things going?

You mentioned things feel a bit different, how is the actual sensitivity and sensation. Are they similar to what you were prior to the implant, or are you less sensitive?

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby bclogan1 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:46 pm

Thanks Pockie for the note and follow-up question; Things for me are very good and my body is adapting to the new equipment. Sensitivity and orgasms have been great since the second week of surgery. The hard tips from the AMS implants have a different sensation, which is just another body adjustment. Prior to surgery trying to get a hard on in a hot tub was next to impossible, even with all the drugs and injections. Today, I inflate and its not affected by the water and the sex is fantastic. The tubes and pump are the most difficult adjustment as the plumbing is in a sensitive little space. There is no pain and the benefits of auto inflation, no injections or drugs out way the awkwardness of the new look and feel. Having the penis pointing north has also been an adjustment since day one of surgery, which impacts the way I do some of my activities like bending over or squatting but again just another adjustment. It seems by reading some of the posts many men have difficulty with size loss, prolonged pain and inflation issues, which my journey seems relatively unscathed. I have been told that the pump should last about five years or less because of my frequency of use, which is ok because that’s why I had the surgery in the first place. Surgery is the only way to fix the device and this really does not thrill me but perhaps they will have made some improvements by the time its due for an upgrade. I hope these comments answer your questions.

All the best.

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby avlis26 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:20 pm

hey bclogan,

only 5 years? How frequent do you plan on using your device?
I heard the duration of these devices would be between 8 to 12 years..

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby bclogan1 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:20 am

I use it everyday, sometimes twice. If you read the reports infrequent use you might get ten years but frequent use ie everyday they suggest two to five years. There has been improvements to the pumps and cylinders since the last report in 2012, so I'm hopeful for five years.

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Re: AMS 700 MS or other Series recipients

Postby bclogan1 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:11 pm

I believe your using the pump incorrectly. Because of the MS valve, if you squeeze the bulb incorrectly it will not inflate properly. Holding the block seems to work for getting the proper alignment. I went from 20 squeezes because I was pumping incorrectly to now 10. Hope this helps

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