Circumcision remodeling questions.

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Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby PeteTx » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:39 pm

I'm having an implant with remodeling and circumcision this Monday 3/23/15. The surgeon is Dr. Robert J. Cornell in Houston, TX. He's a great guy and well known throughout Texas and who knows where else.

I have questions about your experiences with circumcision as an adult. Good or bad, lets have it.

As for remodeling for Peyronie's, has "cracking the plaque" allowed any lengthening in addition to straightening things out? I'm getting the AMS CX700?

I would ask Dr. Cornell but he is in Hawaii on Spring Break with his family and won't be back until this Saturday. So I won't see him until the morning of the surgery. I'm sure glad I'm his first procedure when he gets back well rested.

I really appreciate everyone's help, openness, and concern for fellow men. Way to go guys!

59 yo, diabetes, Peyronie's, and phimosis. Implanted with AMS CX700 and circumcised on the 3/23/15 by Dr. Robert Cornell in Houston, TX. Revision scheduled for 3/12/19 by Dr. Bryan Kansas in Austin, TX.

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby thinktank » Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:17 pm

I can only comment on your circumcision. Why in the world would you want to do that. I am uncut and my foreskin is filled with thousands upon thousands of erogenous Meissner corpuscles, the same neurologican pleasure giving corpuscle in my need to google meissner corpuscles, frenulum, foreskin.

Without your foreskin, you will have to lube up to enjoy self stimulation to climax. Why do it in the first place when your foreskin now provides you pleasure lubeless to relieve yourself.

I applaud you on your implant decision. I seemingly am heading in that direction myself. But I would never go thru a circumcision. I am learning to become multiorgasmic, and my foreskin is a great boon to the pleasure of my penis in this venture.

I wish you well and I hope you rethink the big C issue. You can never replace the pleasure you are throwing out the window. If you have not learned to relax and enjoy the pleasure the meisner cells bring to you, I would think you dont realize what I am trying to tell you.....Remember, whats done, cannot be undone in a circumcision. If its the look of a circumcised penis over the intact penis, I opt for the intact look as my foreskin moves behind my glans with an erection.

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby thinktank » Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:15 pm


I see from your other post that you have phimosis. I can understand now your frustration. I have an internet friend like you who had phimosis miserably tight. He opted for a dorsal slit which spared his foreskin but gave him freedom of movement. Its a big decision and maybe one that could be solved in incremental steps that would spare your foreskin. Good luck in your pondering this decision.

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby FlaDon » Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:25 pm


Looks like we'll be in the operating room at the same time, I am also getting an implant on Monday morning. I'll be thinking about you & wish you all the best. As for the circ question, I'm no help, having been cut at birth, so I have never known anything different. But I do have a very good friend who was circumcised as an adult, and he has never regretted it for one moment. His decision was purely choice, his only complaint was the effort it took him to keep clean....his words, not mine. Seems the 'grass is always greener'...if I had been given a choice, I would not have been circumcised, but the point is moot.

Anyway, best wishes for Monday!!

63, Central Florida area, ED for two years. Implanted with Coloplast Titan Touch (22 cm w/ no RTE's) March 23, 2015 in Daytona Beach by Dr. Martin Dineen.

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby PeteTx » Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:13 am

Thanks guys. I really appreciate your advice.

Thinktank, my only concern is the loss of sensation and stimulation. Dr. Cornell and I discussed the need for circumcision but I didn't bring up the ramifications. I'm diabetic and control my glucose levels very well. I just can't seem to keep yeast away from my foreskin. I'm wondering if he couldn't take skin from the proximal (pubic) area and see if the yeast stays away from the distal area since everything would be out in the open so to speak. I wonder if the phimosis would be problematic when inflating ( AMS 700 CX)? Your thoughts?

Don, thanks for your encouragement and sharing your friend's experience. I have heard more regrets than positive experiences so it gives me some hope if I have to have it done. I also hope everything goes well for you. I'll keep in touch as I can.
59 yo, diabetes, Peyronie's, and phimosis. Implanted with AMS CX700 and circumcised on the 3/23/15 by Dr. Robert Cornell in Houston, TX. Revision scheduled for 3/12/19 by Dr. Bryan Kansas in Austin, TX.

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby NickNickNick » Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:59 am

Have you tried anything to cure your phimosis? I got circumcised 2 years ago because i had severe phimosis since birth (i had never seen the head of my penis, that's how bad it was). But before my urologist circumcised me he gave me an ointment that i had to use for 6 weeks to try to stretch the foreskin back. It didn't work for me but it might for you. If you can avoid getting circumcised i say that's best. Ask your urologist.
AMS 700 LGX. Edward Karpman, California. 02/2015

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby 2451cs » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:07 am

Several years post radical prostatectomy I developed phimosis and within a couple years it became quite severe. Tried creams but nothing worked. Was scheduled for surgery for a male sling due to incontinence. The surgeon advised a circumcision prior to the surgery to reduce the possibility of infection. I asked about the dorsal slit and he advised against it saying it didn't look great and I probably wouldn't like it.
The circumcision was done in 2012. Having had radical prostatectomy, male sling and implant surgeries I have to say the circumcision was the most painful - not the surgery itself but the healing - the glans was so sensitive, having been covered for 60 years that anything touching it for weeks after surgery was painful. However, it was well worth it, due to the circumstances leading up to it. No regrets whatsoever.
Radical Prostatectomy Aug 1999 (age 48); Implant AMS 700 CX, Apr 2014, Dr. Brock, London, Ontario

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby firstcav46 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:20 pm

I am uncut. Prior to my implant 10 months ago, my foreskin naturally did not cover my glans. After surgery, it does, although it is easily retractable while flaccid or erect. In the past few weeks, however, I have developed an irritation around my foreskin, but it's not itchy or painful - just sort of red. I don't see my urologist until a regular PSA check in three weeks. However, I saw my dermatologist on an unrelated issue a few days ago. I asked him to take a look at it since it was, after all, a skin issue. He said he did not see any infection and prescribed a synthetic steroid cream. Keeping my foreskin clean has been a daily priority for me my entire life, so that is not the problem. Circumcision would be a drastic resort for me. I'm very happy my parents made that decision for me when I was an infant.
71. Married 35 yrs to sexy woman; ED at 62; pills/injections eventual fails; AMS implant 5/29/14 (Dr. Milam); yr later - severe burning, pain around shaft on inflation. Remove & replace with Coloplast Titan 10/18/17 (Dr. Kramer).
Auburn, Ala.

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Re: Circumcision remodeling questions.

Postby gregorbehr » Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:09 pm

I had a revision surgery to my implant in Feb. A knot of scar tissue had pushed the right cylinder out of place...
The doc did a circumcision incision, cut all the way around the head at the base of the foreskin and pulled the skin down to access the areas he needed to work on.
Then pulled the skin back up and sewed the skin together. I lost about 1/4" of foreskin during this process. Not a lot, but enough to expose the head, and OMG not fun!
No more going commando, the head is just way too sensitive! Though I am assuming this will fade in time. But I see my doc today and going to see what he thinks of foreskin restoration via stretching.

But since you are doing it for medical reasons, rather than esthetics, it is what it is and you and your body will adjust.
Side note, as a diabetic, I get the occasional yeast infection too... its a real drag! Shake, shake, shake the puppy off :)
51, San Francisco
Diabetic: used pills & injections.
2 TURP surgeries caused Peyronie's. 1st implant lost to infection, 2nd one is about 5 years old. But "floppy head" due to all the scar tissue, couldn't get tips all the way up.

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