How did y'all handle this?

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How did y'all handle this?

Postby tukusmax » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:39 pm

Here’s a question I haven’t see addressed, if it has been please point in that direction.

I’m expecting to have IPP surgery in a few months and want to know how, for those who that have had it, how you handled the “information” part. Of course my wife has, and will continue to be part of all of this. I’ll be at least overnight in the hosp. then laid up for a week or so with an ice bag, then gimp around for a few more weeks, what do I tell my family and friends? We’re talking my kids, grandkids, sister, and OMG my 90yo. mother!, let alone our friends. My wife says we should tell them that we have gone on a month long vacation. I don’t want to use that explanation until I’m completely healed ; )

Ok guys, how did you handle this?

I would prefer that this not be the topic of conversation at family get togethers and neighborhood Bar-B-Ques.

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Re: How did y'all handle this?

Postby Genome » Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:02 pm

I just told my family i had a faulty blood vessel in my male anatomy and i was having minor surgery to correct the problem. I did not ever mention an implant....just minor surgery.

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Re: How did y'all handle this?

Postby franglais » Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:50 pm

Last edited by franglais on Sun May 22, 2011 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How did y'all handle this?

Postby Dave48003 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:12 pm

I'm going through this right now, so I can relate. There are those that I can be honest with and they understand. My daughter thinks it's so cool that I'm doing this to keep a great relationship with my wife alive.

I have a few guys I work with that I felt comfortable sharing with, but then I'm pretty open about my own mortality, including things that don't work. Maybe I can be of help to them when they have issues down the road.

Those who can't keep their mouths from trying to put CNN out of business, I've told the local plumber couldn't handle the repair so I had to go to the hospital for some plumbing repairs. One neighbor who continued to push was told I had a small growth removed inside my scrotum.

This was done at my wifes request. She's not comfortable with letting people know the truth in some cases. I'm of the mentality that I don't care what people think. But, that is just me, obviously I considered my wife's feelings also.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

General Orez
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Re: How did y'all handle this?

Postby General Orez » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:38 pm


Hello. I am John, 60 and suffered from a venous leak causing ED. Pills worked for a while, but lost their effectiveness. I chose to tell
my family, including kids, mother, brother and some close friends. This is a physical problem, nothing more and nothing less. And of course,
the woman I love and hope to marry.

I had the IPP implanted on 03/11/2011 and will go to the doc Wednesday for activation and am hopeful to initiate with my lady
this weekend. My penis is still tender and we are just going to play it by ear, we've waited this long.

Antidepressants - my old physician and I worked together at a Brain Injury Clinic and he noticed my affect changing as I was experiencing
some of those life experiences that hurt. He told me to give them a try until my situation improved. After a month or so, I told Joel the side effects
were worse than being down. I could get it up (before ED) but could not ejaculate. My girl friend at the time was a trooper; once I wore out her
womanhood, she would suck me for up to an hour and she had mad skills. I told the doc "you thought I was down before, if this keeps up, you might
see on a bell tower with a high-powered rifle. Just a joke, I have never had a real gun. Anyway, I went off them and things improved. Please don't think I am advocating
anyone else go off their meds. That's always something you need to discuss with your doctor.

Good luck and if I can offer you any help, email me and I will respond.


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Re: How did y'all handle this?

Postby Minnesota » Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:14 pm

Being a 21 year old, this question came up in my mind alot when I had my implant put in.

But the real question ALL those people really need to know? I am fairly certain that only about 1/3 of my family knows I have an implant, the rest I just didnt bother to tell. Chances are that if I came into contact with friends or family during recovery then I would tell them what my current condition is. Other than that it's pretty easy to keep quiet. Unless some one asks do you really need to tell?

Second note: I am sure by know you might be used to talking about your penis to doctors, female doctors, female nurses, and just about everyone you came into contact with while at the hospital. Should people be afraid to talk about a hip replacement? knee replacement? Getting tubes tied? You get the know its a medical conversation, not an everyday sexual conversation.
Diagnosed with ED at age of 19, Implanted with Coloplast Titan at age 20. Now 34 (2023)
Titan failed 09/2020, replaced on 10/2/2020 by Kolher @ Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

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