Stkman's 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

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Stkman's 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

Postby stkman » Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:53 am

stkman here,
I've been away from FrankTalk awhile but I'm ready to jump back in with some thoughts.

First I would like to welcome those who have joined the Brotherhood in my absence, as well as those who are about to join. To the newbies, this is by and large, a group of guys who are compassionate, understanding and are willing to share their experiences (Oprah Effect) :D . I still don't know how the world got this way with the support that I see on this site.

Anyway, I had an AMS 700 LGX implanted on 12/12/2015. I am Diabetic, 50 years old and was in denial about my disease. ED (that rat bastard) :evil: started robbing me of my erections as early as the late '90s. Tried yohimbe, VED, Viagra, Cialis etc with diminishing results. (even had a minister try to lay hands on my dick but that's another story :shock:) Finally, after losing sight in one eye, I got serious about my diabetes but the condition had taken its toll. I decided that I will live my life the way I wanted and what I wanted was a fully operational penis. So I took the plunge and got the implant.

Being a veteran and living near the Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Md, I got top notch treatment. My team of Doctors answered all my questions. They were surprised at my knowledge of the procedure (FrankTalk). On the first attempt in October 2014 I got sick on the table and out of fear of infection, did not perform operation. Two months later, I joined the BrotherHood.

My experience was very mild pain. The Dr said that my procedure was textbook. So going to a Dr with a high number of quality cases really helps. Very little swelling (I used both ice packs and heating pads). I got of the Percocet as quickly as I could due to the constipation. I checked my incision site daily for leakage and drainage. (Very Important!) I also wore compression shorts/jock straps to help with support. This is very important because without support your nutsac may feel like it may burst open from the extra pressure from the additional equipment.

Now the Penis itself. It feels very hard but I don't feel like I'm having a natural erection because I'm not. The head is slightly smaller than it was. I've lost one inch in length and one quarter in circumference. Now because I was 1.5 inches above average anyway, I'm adjusting to my new size. I was mourning the loss at first but became realistic about it. Besides who wants a big dick if you can't use it. Give me the size loss and a 24 hour boner any day of the week, 365 days a year!! :D There are those who have experienced gradual increases to the penises over time due to constant cycling (inflating deflating). I would be good with that but like I said, I am now in a win/win situation. Haven't got to use it yet but will let you know how things work out without being too graphic (go to Literotica for Pete's sake).

Once again welcome to those who have joined, will join, or are on the fence about joining. To the BrotherHood: Fuck ED!!! ;)
Last edited by stkman on Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

Postby ShopMan » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:59 pm

Hey stkman, Charlie (Shopman) here. I am at this point between 5 and 6 weeks post op. Will be activated this Tues. Looking forward to that. I will only get to use it for a few days because my wife is scheduled for knee replacement Feb. 3. So after that it will be another long dry season. I am hoping that I don't loose too much. Didn't have any spare to begin with but as you and many others have said better to have one the functions then one that just lays there. As of right now flacid I am slightly larger. So I am hoping that's a good sign.
Are you activated yet? I assume you are. If so how is it going for you?

80 yrs. Married 60 years. Hypertension but under control with meds.

ED since 1995. Viagra then switched to Cialis. Both quit working.
Was on Trimix. Tri-Mix quit working. Implanted by Dr. Novak Grand Rapids, Mi 12/16/2014 AMS LGX

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Re: 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

Postby stkman » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:15 pm

Hey Charlie,
hope all is well. Thought about you and the other guys lately. I've been cycling for the past two weeks, trying to get a feel with pumping and the release valve. I've had many a nights with hands on training (Pardon). I've come to realize a few things:

1. Flaccid, I am also larger. I use to be a grower, now I'm a shower. Have to position penis just right to minimize crotch bulge. Wife inspects me before each outing. I have to release all fluid in implant to reach acceptable crotch to bulge ratio.

2. Releasing fluid is trippy. Sounds and feels like water releasing from a pot. PSSSSSSST! :D . Have to press valve about five times to fully deflate.

3. Erections are weird because they don't feel natural. Yet I can still be horny and have the "want to".Its just not that throbbing demi-god I use to have. Have to conduct some sex trials for further analysis. Will discreetly inform folks of my findings.

4. I've been tempted to use the VED again. I tried it breifly to see if I could fill up the pump like I used to. It's counter intuative because no blood is being brought into the chambers due to the implants. Yet the head of my penis gets harder. Its too early to go hard (pardon) right now but will try more VED in future. Just would like to exhaust all avenues to get inch back. (it was mine, you know0 ;)

Hope you are ok with your recovery. Also feel your pain about the wife's surgery. My wife had major surgery during the same time as I had and her healing has been slow. I'm cleared for take off next week but I doubt she will be ready.

Oh well, I'll just spend my time calibrating my Johnson. Anywho, let me know how things go at the Doc's. Take Care Brother!

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Re: 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

Postby RickRed40 » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:47 pm

I'm in the hospital now recovering from implant surgery. I'll be following your post op journey with keen interest. Thanks for sharing it

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Re: 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

Postby stkman » Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:12 am

Welcome RickRed40,
to the Brotherhood!! I hope your recovery is smooth and relatively uneventful. Get plenty of rest, listen to your DRs instructions and check for leakage at incision site. We had a couple of Brothers go through infections and by all accounts its something to avoid at all costs. Ask away with any questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can but there are plenty of Brothers with good advice on this site. Take Care and Good Luck!! :D

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Re: Stkman's 5 weeks Post-Op Insights

Postby LGX_Man » Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:44 am

Whatever you do, do NOT USE A VED with an implant. You could cause irrepairable harm to it.
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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