Pain After Surgery

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Pain After Surgery

Postby SR68GTO » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:48 pm

I have had two surgeries in the last 11 weeks. The first was for an inflatable implant which after three and a half weeks was removed due to intense pain and suspected infection. During the removal of the inflatable, a semi-rigid implant was put in to keep things "open". My surgeon assured me that within two weeks of the second surgery I should be feeling better. Well it is now almost 8 weeks after the second surgery and I still have pain in the scrotum and sensitivity on the surface of the penis.

At least one member with similar circumstances told me he had to wait almost 3-4 months before all the pain was gone. Although that is reassuring to me that at some point the pain will go away, it seems to me, after reading other posts from other members, that is a really long time for the healing process and I don't know if I can handle it.

I am considering going for a second opinion to another surgeon.

Has anyone else out there had this kind of experience with pain after surgery. I would really like to here from you.

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