pain at base of penis

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pain at base of penis

Postby 382485996 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:48 pm

I had a OTR Titan implanted on 6/16/14(10 days ago). my overall pain is gradually subsiding but when i stand or walk for more than 5 minutes I get sharp burning pain at the base of my penis on the left side. I think this might be where the tubes go to or into the resovoir. It is also right on the edge of the incision. Pain goes away when i sit down. Tylanol does not help. I hope someone can tell me this is normal and will soon go away

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby BillinAL » Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:07 pm

I had my OTR implanted on June 11, 2014 so I am two weeks post op today. I believe that to some extent every one of us is on an individual journey to get healed so no one's experience is going to be exactly the same. I stopped taking percocet on day 5 and then have continued on Tylenol since that time. Today is the first day I can say that I have not been in pain. My pain was not in the base of my penis, but was on each side of my scrotum. In addition, my penis would burn or sting for about 30-40 minutes from midpoint to tip everytime I urinated. I am hoping that this is the beginning of the end of the pain. Even though I know others on this forum have had a much worse experience than I, the pain begins to wear on you after while.

I do wish you the very best in your recovery and hope the pain subsides very soon for you.

75 years old, Severe ED since Robotic Prostatectomy in 2010. Titan implanted 2014 by Dr Milam. Titan failed (tubing leak near cylinder) May 2017. Revision by Dr. Kramer on 7/26/17. Replaced cylinders and pump - upsized to 22 cm Titan, 1 cm RTE.

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby bob1138 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:38 pm

I was implanted with the Coloplast Titan in December 2007 after developing ED Post-Prostatectomy in 2004.
The Implant completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and the emotional bond with my wife.
I had my Implant, as well as, an Abdominal Wall Hernia repair done under the same Anesthesia by my Implant Surgeon and a Vascular Surgeon and was back in the gym lifting weights in 6 weeks.
I hope that this puts the Post-Implant discomfort in some perspective.
Looking back, the few weeks of Post-Implant discomfort that I experienced in exchange for the 6+ years of pleasure I have enjoyed since, was the best deal I ever made!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby RogerM » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:10 am

I had a Titan Touch implanted in mid-March. I remember the pain you refer to when you stand for more than a few minutes. Just take it easy for a few weeks; it will go away as your body gets used to your new implant & heals. It is completely normal.
Congrats on taking the big step & getting your implant!
61, Type II Diabetes and ED for 10 yrs.
Coloplast Titan OTR 22cm + (2) 1 cm RTEs on 3/13/14 by Dr. Bruce Garber at Hahnemann Univ. Hospital/Philadelphia, PA

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby Jollis » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:03 am

I had the Titan implanted last October. I had the pain in the exact place you described. I too believe it to be where the tube goes into my body toward the reservoir. The pain gradually went away and doesn't bother me any more. However, if I poke are that area, I can still feel a little irritation at that point. But it is insignificant when having sex or masturbating. In fact I don't feel any discomfort at those time.

You will do okay!

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby Olivero66 » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:19 pm

382485996 wrote:I had a OTR Titan implanted on 6/16/14(10 days ago). my overall pain is gradually subsiding but when i stand or walk for more than 5 minutes I get sharp burning pain at the base of my penis on the left side. I think this might be where the tubes go to or into the resovoir. It is also right on the edge of the incision. Pain goes away when i sit down. Tylanol does not help. I hope someone can tell me this is normal and will soon go away

Maybe they placed the connection tube too close to the corpora where the cylinders are in, in a way that there is some collision and abrasion cropping up now. Optimally the connection tubes are going loosely and floatingly from reservoir to pump.

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby 382485996 » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:32 am

I posted this topic and just wanted to let everyone know that the pain has gone. It took 5 days to leave. This forum is a wonderful thing.

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby Charlie999 » Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:00 pm

I had the OTR also and am 2 weeks post op also. No pain, except when sitting down,then some pain in scrotum.
My problem now is trying to deflate the partial inflate done after surgery. Can't find the release tabs. Any advice appreciated.


85 married 36 yrs. implanted by Dr. Paul Perito June 14. Complete revision by Dr. Ralphael Carrion May 17 because of leaking Coloplast.

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby 382485996 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:36 am

Im 19 days out and I also cant positively locate the release tabs. I know what they look like but I cant feel anything in there that feels like what the picture looks like. I suspose Im going to have to man up and just start squeezing and hope I hit the the target. Anyone have the secret for success?

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Re: pain at base of penis

Postby rlm1818 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:09 pm

382485996 wrote:Im 19 days out and I also cant positively locate the release tabs. I know what they look like but I cant feel anything in there that feels like what the picture looks like. I suspose Im going to have to man up and just start squeezing and hope I hit the the target. Anyone have the secret for success?

A couple of comments:

First, according to what I've read Coloplast has a newer pump called the 'touch' as opposed to the OTR ('one touch release'). From what I've seen, it doesn't have the same tabs as the OTR. But, I've no experience with it. So make sure you have the OTR as opposed to the 'touch' if you're trying to feel release tabs.

Second, its way helpful to do your first deflate/inflate with your surgeon, or a nurse, or a PA who has lots of experience. I know I was instructed to not play with anything until my first session with the doc. I did end up playing around sooner though. But, you can learn a lot from someone there with you in terms of how to hold the pump (its slippery!), and what fully inflated and fully deflated really feels like. It seems to me quite a few guys with Titans don't discover what fully deflated really is unless they get really good instruction. Without that some guys complain about an always 'semi' erection. In many of those cases they're just not getting it fully deflated. I don't think either Coloplast or AMS recommend that you learn, at first, on your own. If your doc is recommending that I think you're not getting full service.

Third, I got, and at least a couple of years ago just about everyone got (both with Titans and AMSs) a pump replica on a keychain. Its easy to dismiss this as a gimmick, but its actually very very helpful in terms of feeling the components. On the OTR replica I have, pressing the deflate pads feels very very realistic. Squeezing the pump is pretty realistic for the second thru the tenth or so pumps. The first and later pumps are often harder to press than the keychain. I don't understand why everyone doesn't get one.

Other than these suggestions, yeah, I guess you just have to feel around pretty aggressively until you can make out and feel the components based on looking at pictures. Seems like it should be obvious, but its less obvious and intuitive that you would think. And, you sometimes have to squeeze both the pump and the deflate pads way harder than you would imagine. If you don't get good instruction, you will learn, via trial and error, how to hold the pump so it doesn't slip away and slam your balls. That's much more painful when you first try pumping and are still tender. Eventually, you won't be tender and will toughen up, and of course, you'll get good at holding it all securely.
22cm Coloplast Titan OTR implanted Feb 2012 by Dr Francois Eid in NYC.
Initial implant experience here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1308

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