Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby avlis26 » Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:30 pm

Hi Newimplant, how is everything going now?

We have a similar story of life. I am a 30 y/o guy who have ED for my whole life and I have now decided to go for the implant.
I would really like to hear more from your recovery and of course I'm hoping you can enjoy your new life.

please keep posting your experiences here and also some good tips you find valuable for guys like us!

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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby Newimplant » Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:30 pm

Hey there...im still early on in the recovery. It is still somewhat painful but not as bad as the first week. Size and everything is still the same as right after surgery. Im seeing the doc in 2 weeks so ill let you know how it goes!

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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby avlis26 » Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:04 pm

Glad to hear pain is getting better!! Look forward to hearing more from you!! Take care

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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby Newimplant » Mon May 12, 2014 11:33 pm

Here is an update.

I am nearly 6 weeks post implant and had my activation 5 days ago. Initial length of a little under 5.5 inches. After surgery, length was just under 4 inches. Now when it is inflated until it hurts (i take 2.5 percocet and hot shower before "max" inflate) i am at about 4.5 inches....definitely not happy about that but i hope i can reach 5 after a few months. At the end of the day it is what it is and ill make the best use of it. Girth inflates is a tad under 5 inches.

I have a curve to the left deflated and when inflated it goes slightly to the left but not terribly. When i was activated there was a bigger curve and the doc "cracked" it. Most painful experience of my life and that was with 7.5 mg of percocet taken beforehand.

I still have numbness on the ventral side but can feel pain if i pinch so im hoping i will gain more sensation there over time.

My glans does not engorge at this point and remains "cold".

Overall, i think it is still to early for me to evaluate. It def does not feel like a regular erection as when it is erect i mostly associate it with pain. Only time will tell. Anyone else have these experiences at this stage? Really hoping it improves.

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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby proactive » Thu May 15, 2014 9:29 pm

You have more healing to do. As your swelling goes down more of your new toy will be revealed. Give it to week 12 at least. I gained more than an inch over a 36 hour period around week 10. It wasn't the implant growing. It was my scrotum area shrinking.
50 yr old. 21cm Titan implanted on June 20th 2013

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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby Frankenweenie » Mon May 19, 2014 1:14 am

Have no fear brother. I agree that once you heal and begin pumping 3-4 times a day and using it pumped up at least once a day, either sex or masterbating, your inches should slowly start to come back.

As a wise friend asked me once.
Would you rather have an 8 inch cock that just hangs there, or a six inch rock hard cock?
Keep in mind that you can reach the G spot with 3 inches.
46 year old, who has survived 7 massive heart attacks, a stroke, and a coma, but as of September 4th 2013 I joined the oh so prestigious Brotherhood of the Bionic Boners! Drop a line, and we'll talk about anything.

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Re: Just got implant...would like some reassurance and support

Postby torless50 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:14 pm

How is your situation now? Did it get better?
Thinking about implant

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