Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

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Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby DeadlineDave » Tue May 14, 2024 4:04 pm

I have been having this issue where, after I deflate to the best of my ability, my seems to slowly fill back up to an annoying degree.

I saw my doctor yesterday, and he said it was because when I deflate and squeeze my penis, I'm not actually getting fluid out of the part of the cylinders that are within my body abd then it seems to re-inflate the entire length. He suggested this move where one is holding the deflate button and essential pushing the penis into the body. It helps a little. I told him I heard that you should give it one pump after deflation. He said that would contribute more to it....that opens the valve and if he pressed on the reservoir, more fluid would go back in.

I was getting used to the idea of a plump, "shower" chubby, but this is annoying.

Also, my pump is pretty high which pushes my right testicle out of the way, and he said he could do a minor surgery if it continues to annoy me, but he would try to dissuade me. Instead, he said while I was cycling to try to just push the pump down each day. That sounds fine in theory, except you guys know almost ALL of this is uncomfortable. Has this worked for anyone???? I'm going to give myself some time before I make a decision as I've only been cycling 7 weeks. I've heard on here that a lot of the discomfort begins to fade and someday it (my penis) would just feel like "my penis."
71 years old. Implanted 1/2/2024 with AMS LGX, 18cm with 4cm rear extenders by Dr. Bryan Kansas in Austin, TX.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby wilsonmill » Tue May 14, 2024 4:12 pm

I had to pull my titan pump down as it was trying to adhere to me. Yes I pulled, uncomfortable, yes, but it worked.
Age 63, diabetic , heart disease, Married 20 years, Titan implant 27Feb2019, Duke Medical Hospital, Dr Lentz

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby Txagq8 » Tue May 14, 2024 7:41 pm

DeadlineDave wrote:I have been having this issue where, after I deflate to the best of my ability, my seems to slowly fill back up to an annoying degree.

I saw my doctor yesterday, and he said it was because when I deflate and squeeze my penis, I'm not actually getting fluid out of the part of the cylinders that are within my body abd then it seems to re-inflate the entire length. He suggested this move where one is holding the deflate button and essential pushing the penis into the body. It helps a little. I told him I heard that you should give it one pump after deflation. He said that would contribute more to it....that opens the valve and if he pressed on the reservoir, more fluid would go back in.

I was getting used to the idea of a plump, "shower" chubby, but this is annoying.

Also, my pump is pretty high which pushes my right testicle out of the way, and he said he could do a minor surgery if it continues to annoy me, but he would try to dissuade me. Instead, he said while I was cycling to try to just push the pump down each day. That sounds fine in theory, except you guys know almost ALL of this is uncomfortable. Has this worked for anyone???? I'm going to give myself some time before I make a decision as I've only been cycling 7 weeks. I've heard on here that a lot of the discomfort begins to fade and someday it (my penis) would just feel like "my penis."

Same Doctor.

Same Implant.

Same pump seemed too high for first couple of months.

Same advice (pull gently/tug on pump to get it to sit lower in nutsack).

Same option: we try to avoid it but we can surgically move pump if it doesn’t straighten up.

Hopefully, you get same result. I pulled, I tugged, and as I approached the 3 month mark I woke up one morning and my pump was nicely situated at a convenient spot in my nutsack.

Note: I didn’t get terribly rough with it, but you might ask Kansas or Shawn just how hard a tug they’re talking about. I drew the line at feeling some pressure but no pain.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby DeadlineDave » Tue May 14, 2024 8:17 pm


You know, this is work. And not comfortable work.

But here I am. No regrets and making the most of it.

It sure works well!
71 years old. Implanted 1/2/2024 with AMS LGX, 18cm with 4cm rear extenders by Dr. Bryan Kansas in Austin, TX.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby portageriver » Tue May 14, 2024 9:47 pm

"I told him I heard that you should give it one pump after deflation. He said that would contribute more to it....that opens the valve and if he pressed on the reservoir, more fluid would go back in."

In my experience, you are correct. After ensuring I am completely deflated, I always give it 2 quick squeezes to lock the pump. Once the pump is locked, saline cannot pass through until it is unlocked by hitting the deflate button.

I've been doing this for years. You can test it: deflate fully and then give it one quick squeeze. After 5 minutes try and put another squeeze in. Mine is always locked up tight and I can't put another one in until I hit deflate again to unlock.

Try it out...
Age 55, Ohio - Implant AMS 700 LGX, 21+ 3 following RAP for prostate cancer (Gleason 6). Implanted June 2021 and loving it!

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby Txagq8 » Tue May 14, 2024 11:02 pm


Seems like I dealt with the mystery reinflation for a while.

I’ll be honest: on an intellectual level I know all these devices are made the same and have been tested. That being said, at 4 yrs 5 months I believe my implant is basically a real dick. Like mine pre-implant, it has a mind of its own.

I ended up going with the hold the button down and squeeze my dick technique. It’s still a pretty good sized flaccid (5.5”) and it’s always soft and pliable at a urinal or in locker room at gym.

Trial & error. Find out what works for you. I ended up taking all my urology needs (TRT, kidney stones, etc) over to Kansas’ practice so I see them twice a year. I’m pretty sure they view my case one of their big success stories because I ended up with an implant that looks & acts like original equipment only better.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby DeadlineDave » Thu May 16, 2024 12:14 pm

portageriver wrote:"[
I've been doing this for years. You can test it: deflate fully and then give it one quick squeeze. After 5 minutes try and put another squeeze in. Mine is always locked up tight and I can't put another one in until I hit deflate again to unlock.

Try it out...

I'll definitely give that a try...... I know docs are smart, but I don't think my doc has one of these magical beasts.
71 years old. Implanted 1/2/2024 with AMS LGX, 18cm with 4cm rear extenders by Dr. Bryan Kansas in Austin, TX.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby ED2013 » Thu May 16, 2024 1:07 pm

As mentioned by others, many with the auto inflation issue give the pump a quick squeeze or two after deflating to engage the valve. As far as pump location, I recommend trying in a hot bath. You can massage the pump, gently pull skin away from pump if it’s stuck to skin and gently pull down.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby newbie443 » Thu May 16, 2024 4:40 pm

With my LGX and MS pump I did have some auto fill. What happens is the pump does not fully move into the deflate mode. Mine does now and when fully in the deflate mode it blocks any fluid from going back into the cylinders. Mine will now continue to deflate throughout the time between inflations. As I move fluid will force into the reservoir and my flaccid will get smaller. But early on it did not and worked just the reverse with movement forcing fluid back in the cylinders. To stop that I would do a quick fast pump or 2 to get the pop that signaled the pump was in inflate mode. This will also block fluid only in both directions. Then only way to move fluid in inflate mode is to squeeze the pump bulb. That is not going to happen unless you do that.

As you use the device, and it wears a bit it should start to work properly. To me it is the wait to activate that make the pump stick a bit sometimes. Just use it and it will self-lubricate and work a lot easier.
Injections failed. Implanted 3-21-18 AMS 700 LGX 21 + 1 RTE 100 cc reservoir 6.5" L 5" G Dr. Kramer.

Proximal Perforation Sling Repair 4/13/21 Dr. Broghammer

66 years young.

Will show and tell and talk with others.

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Re: Mysterious Re-inflation of AMS LGX 700

Postby DeadlineDave » Sat May 18, 2024 11:05 am

newbie443 wrote:
As you use the device, and it wears a bit it should start to work properly. To me it is the wait to activate that make the pump stick a bit sometimes. Just use it and it will self-lubricate and work a lot easier.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I now know that these things change over time. I'm only on my 8th week of cycling....started late due to swelling. I'll be patient and let it all settle in.
71 years old. Implanted 1/2/2024 with AMS LGX, 18cm with 4cm rear extenders by Dr. Bryan Kansas in Austin, TX.

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