Implant considerations and concerns at 22

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby Gfnin1 » Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:59 pm


I have an appointment with Dr. Karpman on the 15th. Looking forward to it.

Neisseria stated, “The Erect length should be practically the same as your stretched length prior to the surgery. Grab your penis; stretch it and what you see is what you are going to get. The flaccid and erect length POST-OP will be close”

When I stretch my penis it goes to a certain length and then it suddenly stops… but for me, I can feel that there is something inside my penis that feels like a tendon or something similar on the left side and it keeps the penis from stretching any further. The right side is free of such tendon like thing and it feels like it has a lot more “give” I am thinking that this tendon like thing is a mild case of Peyronies or fibrosis, don’t know if they are one and the same thing or different things.

On the videos of the operation it sounds like the surgeon will “repair” a Peyronies condition. I have a mild curvature of the penis to the left. This happened after my Prostate surgery and after I started using trimix injectable drugs. It is also part of my dick getting smaller (I lost about 2 inches in length since this whole thing started)

Do you know if the surgery will break/release the tendon like thing free and permit my flaccid penis to stretch to it’s full potential? Or will the surgeon stop at whatever length my penis will be with the tendon in place. (BTW, I do plan on asking Dr. Karpman this on my initial visit.) Have you guys heard of anything like this before?

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby tryfied » Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:38 pm

I recently spoke to Dr. Eid and had his opinions on my situation. He was very calm and friendly and eager to respond any question I had. He seemed optimistic about my situation. Appearantly he had already talked to a couple of other guys, who were as unlucky as me with this jelqing thing. As I understood he also performed surgeries for some of them.

He gave me a prescription for 5mg daily Cialis for a given period. This was like some kind of "last stop" thing, in that he wanted me to try this prior to giving implant surgery. I already tried it a little more than a year ago, but will surely try it again. He also suggested me to try Caverject or Edex. He suggests me to try it with sex, which I fully understand. In this situation, I'm just not sure how to initiate anything with anyone. Everything would just have been easier, if I had a partner to go through and try all these things with.

The pros about the implant are still very appealing to me. I can't imagine, how relieving it must be to get fixed. The cons. Well, yeah. The biggest one I see, if I choose this surgeon, is definitely the price. I got an offer from the doctor, which was around $30K. I thought it would be around $20K at most, so I was surprised to see this. But this is just something, that has to be worked out.

Meanwhile I have been pushing my own doctor for the MRI, that he suggested me to get. I will keep doing that. Someone at another board suggested me to visit Dr. Mulhall in New York. Apperantly he is also a great doctor in this field. I have sent him some questions about, what he thinks he can do with my situation, which I'm also awaiting.

At this moment I feel like for each day I postpone the ordering of my surgery is a waste of what could have been good days. The keyword in my conversation with Dr. Eid was "normal". Eid claimed I will feel normal upon getting this, which is a feeling, that I have been harvesting for far too long.

Surely once I get this, there will still be lots of things to deal with psychologically. Things that have been out of reach during all this time in my bubble of ignorance, or whatever you call this. I'm not sure how much of a wreck this situation has made me. Hopefully the surgery is just what is needed to get the energy to actually like being.

Hopefully this year will be better than the last. I bellieve I'm on my way to making it better. :D

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby wolfpacker » Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:32 pm

I'm in the same boat as you man! Damaged my junk doing jelqing exercises, and I am early 20s. I actually made significant size gains with the exercises.... Until I got permanent ED :( I can still get decent erections masturbating, and can get a 10 if I squeeze my legal muscle, but it is not good enough for sex. Do you not have health insurance? I am surprised it would cost so much out of pocket for you. Did you get a cavernosagram done to test to make sure you have veinous leak?
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby tryfied » Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:27 am

It sounds much like the same injury indeed. What is a legal muscle? And what is an illegal muscle? ;-)
I'm not sure, if this is a veinous leak. A doppler they made showed, that it could be a veinous leak. I didn't get a clear answer about this. I'm not sure, what a cavernosagram is. I'm going to get an MR soon. I just received a letter from my hospital about this. :)

In my country we get free healthcare through our taxes. Doctors here don't do many surgeries, so I prefer to go to the United States to have someone experienced, like Dr. Eid, do it. I don't have a health insurance, that would pay for abroad treatment. So I have to pay from my own pocket unfurtunately.

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby venousleak1990born » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:04 am

doppler is failed to diagnos my venous leak. Cavernosagram has diagnosed a terrible leaking from my penis.
Implanted with Coloplast Genesis MALLEABLE on Jan 2024.
I have had venous leakage.
I didnt like the side effects of PDE5 inhibitors.
So far, I am very happy with the Coloplast Genesis.
I am from Türkiye.

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby Neisseria » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:09 am

a doppler with injection can be useful to diagnose the leak, but the cavernosogram has more sensibility in the diagnose, but is also a more complicate study.
28 years Old. Had been suffering most of my life because of venous leak. Got it worse by an injection that scarred my left corpora.
Implanted with a ColoPlast Titan 31/1/18

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby tryfied » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:32 pm

I hadn't heard of Cavernosograms before. I will look into the possibility of having one of these done. If I do have a venous leak, do you think stripping veins would be beneficial? Yesterday I was researching about this and found some Chinese doctor, who has his own technique used for stripping veins. His name is Hsu. He has this website.

The idea of getting a normal naturally functioning penis again is appealing. But I see this surgery as a big risk of losing penile sensation and other complications. Possibly it's just a fear of the Eastern doctors capabilities. There is a thread about his technique at another board:

What do you think? As I see it, I would rather take the risks of complications with the penile implant surgery done by Dr. Eid (or someone else), than those that come with an Eastern "alternative" doctor and his unknown motives for treating patients.

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby tryfied » Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:36 pm

I have some practical concerns about getting an implant. When should I post-surgery be able to go back to work? Do I have to be "away" for more than three weeks in total? How long will I have pain? If I go to New York to have Eid do the surgery, will I be able to have the surgery, rest a few days and then go out sightseeing? I plan to stay there at least three weeks in total, should complications have. I have a pretty decent job, that I don't want to let go of. I imagine, that this could just be a "vacation" from work. My nearest family know about my situation. I guess I could explain it as a vacation for the rest too. Is this doable? What did you tell your bosses, friends and relatives?

Are there other practical things, that I should consider about the surgery?

This feels so empty. I can't wait to have some joy injected into my life. I hope the implant will do just that. I have nightmares at night. Wake up in the middle of the night being unable to sleep again fearing that the nightmare will proceed. This thing has just done so much harm to my psyche. Each day I wonder how 3x 10 minutes of naivity was enough to remove all life quality and the motivation for doing anything at all. I guess I will never have the answer. But I'm sure you all know, how that is.

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby Neisseria » Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:13 pm

Forget about venous stripping. It is a procedure that is no longer done practically. It can work only if you have 1accesible leak and it works like 50% and as time passES ED comeback because shunts between veins are generated.
There have been lots of improvements in implants sincethey appeared. And also a lot of improvement in the procedure itself.
I will go for this option soon. I have a lot of hope.
28 years Old. Had been suffering most of my life because of venous leak. Got it worse by an injection that scarred my left corpora.
Implanted with a ColoPlast Titan 31/1/18

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Re: Implant considerations and concerns at 22

Postby chandlerman4649 » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:21 pm

concerns at 22,

I will add thoughts on two areas you and others above have mentioned.

- INFECTION...infection rate is low but it rare to find a surgeon with 1%....more like 2-3%. I had a AMS 700MS LGX on July 9, 2013. For three weeks after surgery my healing was slow and seemed to reverse itself. On my three week exam, the urologist who did the first surgery ordered me to go directly to the hospital as a "direct admit". He made arrangements while I was heading to the hospital and as soon as I mentioned my name, someone grabbed a wheelchair, pushed me into the elevator and took me to my room without any paperwork. As soon as I got undressed and in bed, an infectious disease specialist doctor came in, introduced himself and immediately connected me to IV antibiotics. On August 6, one day after being admitted, I had a second surgery by the same urologist. The most unusual thing I remember about the surgery is when they wheeled me into the surgery suite, the nurses stopped at the door, removed all of the blankets I was covered with as well as my gown and then carried me naked over to the operating table. They didn't want to take ANY chances that bacteria from my gown or the blankets was anywhere near the operating table. The urologist came in and explained everything to me. They would remove the total implant (tubes, pump and reservoir), flush the three locations (penis, scrotum and abdominal cavity for reservoir) with 5 different antibiotic solutions, the last being a very strong mixture of saline and vancomiasin (sp?). Then the entire surgical team left the room, re-scrubbed and changed gowns and came back in and implanted a complete new LGX prosthesis. I also had to have 4 weeks of home care with infusion therapy of vancomiasin through a PICC line from above my elbow directly into my heart. Now at five months I am completely healed and my LGX implant is AWESOME!

- SIZE...I went into the operation with a stretch length of 4-1/2" and at five months with the LGX, my urologist examined me last Friday after inflating me as much as he could and I measured 6-1/8" length X 5-1/2" girth. I inflate daily as much as I can and then while standing in a hot shower, can continue to inflate a bit more than before. My uro expects me to be about 6-1/2" length x 5-3/4" girth at my next exam at 10 months posts surgery. By the way, a 15 cm cylinder + 4 cm RTE was implanted on each side. I am guessing that I am pushing the limits of the expansion of my size cylinders of the LGX but I will keep trying. The urologist says I won't damage the unit by continuing to stretch my size.

Just my thoughts.

64 years old. Struggling with ED for 15 years. Had AMS MS 700LGX implanted Tuesday, 07/09/13. New prosthesis implanted on Tuesday, 08/05/13 due to infection. Both implant surgeries done by Dr. Desiderio Avila Jr., Ironwood Urology, Phoenix, AZ.

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