trying to decide which way to go

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Re: trying to decide which way to go

Postby jryancey44 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:28 pm

I had an implant Dec 5th, my doctor at Duke Hospital who does 125-150 a year prefers the scrotum approach as do most of your top doctors. He feels it destroys less tissue that way. It does take a while to heal I am on my 14th day and it is still a little tender when I sit.


Gfnin1 wrote:So, my uro tells me I am an excellent candidate for an implant and I spent over six months thinking about weather or not I was ready to give up on the idea that my dick may eventually come out of its coma. But the reality of my situation is that it’s been three years since my surgery and three years since I had sex last and I think it is as good as it’s going to get.

My research has led me to a three part implant and a choice of a doctor that will implant me from underneath by dissecting my penis and installing the AMS700 implant of a doctor that will open a one inch slit from above the penis and implant the same AMS700. To me it, looking at the videos of the operation it seems like the incision above the penis method is less invasive than the incision below the penis where they remove a section of scrotum and open (dissect) the penis to install the implant.

Also the doctor that performs the traditional below the penis implant does about one a month for a lifetime total of 120 +/- implants. The doctor who does the above the penis implant … has done many more implants in his clinic. ... plant.html

I’m thinking that the above the penis surgery is the one for me but was wondering if there are any people in this frank’s talk that have experienced the surgery.

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Re: trying to decide which way to go

Postby tankerman777 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:56 pm

I had my Implant done by a Doc who has only done 100 implants in ten years and I couldn't be happier with the results.
I am 49 years old have suffered from ED all my life. I have used pills and injections, I have had enough of all of that. I went and got an implant AMS700CX 9/4/13 so far I have no regrets. I LOVE THIS THING IT IS GREAT NO MORE ED WHOOHOO!!!!!.

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Re: trying to decide which way to go

Postby Gfnin1 » Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:44 pm

I made an appointment for Jan 15 for Dr. Karpman’s initial evaluation. I’m going to use him for the procedure if he decides to take me on as a patient.

My situation is similar to billylee’s post above where I live in a rather rural place. My local uro is competent but he only does about one of these procedures per month for an overall career total of about 120. Think I'm more comfortable with a more experienced DR uro. This surgery may be minor but I don’t think of it as routine. First time I was the videos it shocked me that I would even consider having it done to me. I’m more used to it now.

I’ll keep you guys posted.

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Re: trying to decide which way to go

Postby LGX_Man » Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:35 pm

I am now on my second implant. I have the AMS LGX (again). The first surgery was done infra-pubic (above the penis) and the doctor never did get the pump put into the correct position, leaving me with a pump directly below my penis and above the scrotum that literally stuck straight out. He kept telling me to pull it down but try as I might, it never did move. We later figured out that I had a pocket in that location and he had pushed the pump into the pocket without really checking position or "caring" before closing me up. On top of this he did not consider where the release valve would be in relation to my balls and consequently the valve DUG IN to one of my balls. Because of the strange position caused with the infra-pubic procedure, he also missed when dilating the penis and one corpora canal was dug out a bit crooked. So one of the new LGX rods went in slightly crooked and did not reach the GLANS (head of the shaft). This left one rod placed correctly and the other one a bit crooked. This caused my penis to hang at a sharp angle in the direction of the short LGX rod. I was not a happy guy at all. My opinion is that because of having to operate at an odd angle when using an infrapubic approach, the doctor has a higher chance of missing the mark, so to speak. Eventually through a series of health issues, I ended up getting an infection and had the stupid poorly placed implant removed.

My NEW AMS LGX is also a 21 cm. with 5 cm of RTE (real tip extenders). It sits perfectly and both rods sit slightly inside of the GLANS as they are meant to do. The doctor re-dilated and fixed the canal that was dug crookedly last time. Everything is now straight and perfect. PLUS, he operated from BELOW my penis at the top of the scrotum. It seems that this angle was easier to work with and he put the pump exactly where it should be (behind the balls, in the back and in the middle with the release valve pointing to the front there my fingers would naturally fall)

Through having one put in then taken out and then another put in "correctly", I am ALL FOR the below the penis, scrotal approach! This time I had no pain whatsoever, NONE! I had a slight bit of irritability as the sore closed and scabbed but that was the extent of any uncomfortable feelings. Everything is healing perfectly and I will get activated on Jan. 7th, exactly 7 weeks after my operation. The first doctor activated me at 10 days and now I see how wrong that was as I was barely even starting to heal at that point. This one is fully healed, and I feel very confident that my activation and subsequent use will be trouble free. Just one more man's opinion, take it or leave it but having one done poorly and the other done correctly has sure taught me a lesson.
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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