Pain after Surgery

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Pain after Surgery

Postby Nycflugel » Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:25 pm


Had surgery today . Seems like in my abdomen crotch area is bothersome when moving. Any idea when that would subside. I. Am taking meds but still bothersome.

Any ideas for sleeping through the night


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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby whynotme » Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:07 am

i had my surgery on the 18th so nine days ago and my results so far;

cock sticks out and up most times / some times seems to relax and almost goes flaccid but mainly up and out which i think will stay that way until my next appointment?

my balls and cock are 90% black and extends outwards some what

i take one pain killer (apo celecoxib 200 mg) every morning at the first sign of pain and it worked up until day 7 when i was in severe pain all day starting when i tried to pull on my left sock :cry:

i find it i cup my balls up before i sit it helps

from what i have read it gets better after the first week.............. good luck
surgery done in london ontario jan 2024 at age 71 / titon

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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby whynotme » Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:13 am

Nycflugel wrote:Hi

Had surgery today . Seems like in my abdomen crotch area is bothersome when moving. Any idea when that would subside. I. Am taking meds but still bothersome.

Any ideas for sleeping through the night


i forgot about your sleep question
for me i am not getting much sleep as i have to sleep on my back to avoid getting sharp pains
i put a rolled up towel between my legs holding my scrotum up which seems to help some what
also when i do wake up i go to the bathroom which helps relax my hardon
surgery done in london ontario jan 2024 at age 71 / titon

Old Guy
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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby Old Guy » Sat Jan 27, 2024 10:29 am

You're going to be sore for a few days at least. Sleeping is tough. Try a small pillow between your knees to lay sideways. I also found satin boxers let me move around under the covers without getting tangled. Ice during the day may help soreness. Bags of frozen peas, dry beans in a baggie, anything to cool the area.
Welcome to bionic life!
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
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Midwest Guy 333
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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby Midwest Guy 333 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:05 pm

I am 12 days out from surgery. The first 10 days, I thought I was going to lose my mind. The pain was severe and never ending. I thought over and over, "What have I done???" Today is the first day that it has not been excruciating. It was much worse than I ever imagined it would be. No position was comfortable; sitting, lying down, standing. I used ice all the time with minimal relief. A couple nights, I took some tranquilizers to knock myself out so I could get at least 5 hours of sleep. The pain around my prostate area where the implant is seated was especially painful, not to mention my scrotum. Brushing up against it felt like the worst sunburn I've ever had. Yikes. Completely bruised... black, blue and purple all over my unit which didn't bother me. I expected that. I used to bruise up quite a bit from injections, so figured there would be extensive bruising. Lots of blood vessels in these things. lol

Definitely use a pillow between your legs when lying. That did help as did ice packs down there. I kind of used the pillow to press the ice packs up against my scrotum and hold it there which worked well. Shift, reposition, repeat. Pain pills helped a bit, not much in my case. When I am home, I wear no clothing and just let my unit hang. I sit on the edge of a chair so my scrotum can dangle and not get pressed into the seat as it normally would when sitting. My wife says, "That thing looks very angry." lol

The last four days, I had to return to work. It was a major challenge to hide and position my unit as every position hurt. (My Dr. leaves new implants 60% inflated for the first few weeks.) I rolled up wash clothes into tubes and put them on either side of my dick inside my underwear so there was not so much pressure on my dick. Then I wore the baggiest dress pants I had and a longer shirt untucked to go over the bulge. I was constantly having to stick my hand in my pants to shift positions. Friday, I needed to get my hair cut. After the gal put the cape on me, I just shoved my hands down my pants and pulled everything away from my dick for the duration. She was no wiser and it kept me from gritting my teeth through the whole hour. Having to wear clothing has ramped up the swelling and pain.

I'm hoping the worst is behind me. I keep thinking "tomorrow will be better" and one of these 'tomorrows' I suppose it will be. I hang my hat on the testimonies of other guys here who have gotten through this and keep saying it's worth it. I hope to be one of those guys soon, and I hope you will be, too! Hang in there.

Implanted 1/17/24 Dr. Clavell, Houston Medical Center Titan XL 24 cm, classic pump, no RTEs, 20 years ED, pills did nothing, injections for 10 years
Implanted 1/17/24 Dr. Clavell, Houston Medical Center Titan XL 24 cm, classic pump, 20 years ED, pills did nothing, injections for 10 years, 64, very fit, 8.2 x 6.2 pre-surgery ;)

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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby Crazy_Horse » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:41 pm

I was implanted Friday, 26 January 2024. Surgical notes reflect the doctor found a 23 cm corporum cavernosum on the left side and 24 cm on the right. The differential in length is due to scarring in the inner left corporo-cavernosal wall secondary to LT diabetes. This scarring led to the formation of fibrous tissue in the left corporum, which was progressively closing off my penis to blood and is the therapeutic reason for the ordeal.

The result of this differential in length between the corpora was that the surgeon had to let the left side limit the length of the cylinders. There being no 23 cm cylinder available in the Titan, the result was 22 cm cylinders, bilateral, with a 1 cm rear tip extender left and a 2 cm RTE on the right.

I removed the dressing 30 hours post op and discovered a scrotal sac the size of a softball. I commenced icing, with good relief. My doctor called 80 hours post op and advised that the larger the penis, the more swelling is an issue and that I will need to keep my balls elevated above my heart in the near term.

My pastor said that "Hydrocodone is a fickle friend. Use it if you must, but know that after a short time, it will eat your colon and your mind and in the end, it won't even relieve the pain."

I have drug addicts in my family tree back to the Mayflower, all of whom lived by the principle “You can’t tell me what to do.” This time I have chosen, as an experiment, to accept good advice one time in my tragic life; and so I have elected vodka over the hydrocodone tonight---although, I love the stuff and wish I could take it every day and I am just writing now to ask: "Why is everyone so upset? I feel fine."

Thank you, vodka.

Apparently I’m a genius, also. You know why? I’ll tell you: Everybody says I’m an intellectual with no practical use. Let me tell you what I did: Do you know those ugly belts guys were wearing 20 years ago that dangle off to the side? OK. I have one. I never wear it. But what I did tonight is: I tied it up as if I intended to [wear it], and used it to cinch up my balls. Meanwhile my entire family thinks my little brother has the mechanical mind. Ha!

Got home to the lady of the house— and, no, you don’t ask your girl to help you with this. She will keep score and you’ll never pay it back—and of course I had to police the kitchen and take out the trash, it being trash day tomorrow and if it’s to be it’s up to me. Right? Just telling it like it is—and so I did the household chores, hoisting my balls around like baby elephants headed for the ship to the zoo; holding the end of the belt in my teeth.

Life is good. Pain just means you’re still alive. Don’t be a bitch. There’s no time.

Edit: Reading this post the next morning, I can identify the point where the vodka kicked in. I have decided to leave it as a chronicle of the experience.

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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby alans4570 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:31 pm

Everyone does not heal the same. It is unfortunate but when guys have pain they are likely to write about it. If I was looking to have an implant procedure and read these, I would really have second thoughts and maybe even say “The hell with it”. I had a consult with a doctor locally who said he did most of the implants in the area. He said he did about 50 per year. His first comment was “you are going to lose size”. The second statement was “The glands will be wobbly making penetration difficult”. Needless to say, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I called Dr. Cavell’s office and scheduled a consult with him on December 8th. I told him I wanted it done ASAP and his wonderful staff got me scheduled on January 2, 2024. It was an 1800 mile drive but I had confidence in him due to his reputation and things I read here on Frank Talk. The surgery went very well. I was released the same day. I was going to leave the following day but he asked if we could stay one extra day so I did. After the bandage came off I could see I was quite swollen and I had some discomfort but nothing I would call pain. Because I was driving home I had limited time to ice. I only ice one evening during the 3 day trip. Once I got home I iced while watching TV. The swelling and discomfort was gone in 2 weeks. When the penis hung naturally no more discomfort. When I started tucking the penis facing up the discomfort returned. I think that’s because to hold it there it puts quite a bit of pressure on it. Now at 4 weeks all the discomfort is gone. This penis implant was a piece of cake compared to some of the surgeries I’ve been through. I am sure there are a lot of guys here who had experiences just like me. So don’t base you decision on all the posts from guys who have had serious pain. There are plenty here who were like me. Dr. Clavell left me inflated at 60% and all I can say is wow. I haven’t had an erection like that for over 15 years. I can hardly wait to start cycling and see what it’s like a 100%.
Age 74 Implanted 01/02/2024, Dr.Clavell AMS LGX, Ed for almost 20yrs. Cialis tried caused vision loss, Trimix also caused vision problems. Married 36 years.

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Re: Pain after Surgery

Postby Raycaba » Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:04 am

I have been implanted for three years now and getting ready to go in and get a new one. It’s amazing how I cannot remember how much pain I went through when I first had this done! I’m reading these posts because I’m trying to recollect my mind on what it actually felt like and how I said, I would never ever do this again. After the healing was done and I had confidence again and I was able to have sex spontaneously. It made the world of a difference now I’ve lost 40 pounds and I’m getting my reservoir put in deeper so the tubing does not show and I’m getting my pump moved back so it’s behind my balls and I’m going from a 20 cm Titan to a 22 cm . I hope this time maybe the pain won’t be as bad since I’ve had it done already and the cylinders just have to be removed and replaced, but I will also be posting about my pain level on this thread!

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