The journey of a young Frenchy into ED and insanity

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The journey of a young Frenchy into ED and insanity

Postby TheyCallMeDave » Sun Jul 30, 2023 8:23 pm

Here is my story,

Before the pandemic, I was an occasional user of recreational drugs (mostly stimulants, some psychedelics). Lock-downs in France were long and hard (no pun intended) and I started to work way too much, in an apartment too small and dark, with virtually no “life retribution” (i.e. concerts, movie, hiking…). What was occasional became weekly: I abused stimulants, group sex, masturbated chronically and probably hurt myself this way.

[2021] hits, I quit stimulants, slightly disgusted by them and noticed something strange: some kind of narrowing, distal flaccidity with some length loss. I did not consult for this: I stopped smoking, started to run on a weekly basis, hopping for things to resolve by themselves. By the end of this year, I clearly could feel the scar and sex became uncomfortable. I must have masturbated 10 times this year, twice for sperm conservation.

[2022] I finally see a doc, start using a VED daily, had PRP shots but could not feel any improvement. Depending on the quality of my erections, either I did not feel much or sex was simply painful. Masturbation was tricky but easier with the VED. I felt that it was a bit too late for the conservative treatments so I started to conceive implant as my salvation. In the meantime, I broke up with my girlfriend after 7 years and my uncle died.

I met several European surgeons who labeled me as psychogenic and, because I was complaining about a length loss while being still fairly long, as a C.U.R.S.E.D. Those m**her-f**kers, when I think about it. Osmonov was the worst: I went all the way to Kiel to be told that I should consult a sexologist because an injection of Edex worked; as if it was that simple. When I mentioned what I thought to be the origin of my ED, it was even worst: I was labeled as some kind of psychotic. This was reinforced by the fact that I do give a non-standard impression: I am inked, shave my head like a lot of metalheads who loose their hair and I am slightly on the autistic spectrum. The only one who took me seriously was Salvatore Sansalone who works with Djinovic in Belgrade but I had some red flags about this clinic. Guys, don’t look for an external validation and trust yourselves: I lost time, length and sanity points looking for a competent doctor. Here is the list of whom I do not recommend:

    Jonas Wilisch, Lyon France
    Jean-Etienne Terrier, Lyon France, The great PRP Inquisitor
    David Ralph, London UK: he was really nice but, since he could not feel the scar, considered me as psychogenic
    Daniar Osmonov, Kiel Germany: I just don’t understand why I received such hostility from him. We are both asian looking educated men with names from eastern Europe. I came all the way to see him, tried to explain what the problem was and was treated like some kind of junky

[2023] After several attempts with injections and worsening of my condition (if you have a distal hourglass, a restorex is not a very good idea), increasing dents,crushed, I finally found my surgeon. Fuck France, fuck Europe, I went to Atlanta GA. Hakky could cut the scar, managed to put a Titan 24 and warned me that this aggressive sizing would involve a lot of work and pain. With time and cycling, I may recover some of what I lost with the hourglass. Hope the Titan breaks it like it broke me. Right now, it does not look good but I haven't start cycling yet. I’ll keep you posted.
34 years old. PD. Shrinked for 3 years.
My story:
Titan 24 Hakky 27/07/2023

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Re: The journey of a young Frenchy into ED and insanity

Postby returntocenter » Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:36 pm

Thanks for sharing your story Dave. May you have a speedy recovery and please do keep us updated on your progress.

What comments did Hakky have about the scar by the way? Did he mention anything about its size or how it was likely to have developed based on your history? Where on your penis was the scar, exactly?
26 y/o. Physiogenic ED.
Tried pills, injections, shockwave therapy, rings, healthy lifestyle, alternative meds.

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Re: The journey of a young Frenchy into ED and insanity

Postby frwmw1 » Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:33 am

Huh? Did they do an ultrasound? Reads like classic peyronies to me.
45yo, venous leak. Pills increased tinnitus (very rare). Using bimix+atropine, 0.2 of:
Atropine Sulfate: 52MCG/ML, Phentolamine MES: 0.9MG/ML, Papaverine HCL: 26MG/ML

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Location: Lyon, France

Re: The journey of a young Frenchy into ED and insanity

Postby TheyCallMeDave » Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:34 am

Hello brothers,

I would like to share the evolution with you at month 6.

[Shape evolution]

I am slightly longer than preop (~18 cm) and way larger. I do not know how long I was pre peyronie but what I currently have is really good. The titan pushed the scars outside. I can still see some indentations but, when engorged, it is OK. I might go for fillers at one point but no rush.

[cycling regimen]
between 30 to 45 minutes, once or twice a day. The last month, I was way more aggressive because of the 6 months deadline but I regret it (see bellow)

Damned, I missed the cow girl. Sex is amazing: no pain from bending when hard. I experienced no rejections from women. I haven't tried the stealth mode yet

[current status]
painful tips, cant inflate more than 80% since 2 weeks. I feel that my last aggressive sessions plus a bad habit I had to remain partially implanted created an inflammation. I also noticed a small bruise on the left side of the glans which worried me a lot. I'll show it to my local surgeon if things do not improve. Many thanks to frank66665 and AverageBloke for their reassuring messages. I wanted to push the scars outside as mush a possible but it is now clear that I overdid it.

treatment: complete deflation, VED tadalafil. Hopefully, it should improve in the next few weeks but I learned a lesson. It reminds me of an old French tale about a frog who wanted to be as big as a cow :D :
Last edited by TheyCallMeDave on Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:15 am, edited 6 times in total.
34 years old. PD. Shrinked for 3 years.
My story:
Titan 24 Hakky 27/07/2023

Posts: 33
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:58 pm
Location: Lyon, France

Re: The journey of a young Frenchy into ED and insanity

Postby TheyCallMeDave » Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:38 am

Damned. Where do you guys host images to post ? Google drive in public mode does not seem to work
34 years old. PD. Shrinked for 3 years.
My story:
Titan 24 Hakky 27/07/2023

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