90 days post op and my observations

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90 days post op and my observations

Postby drilldr » Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:56 pm

Pre-op for me was using Trimix ... but increasing dosages and tired of bruising and scaring from injections. Knew eventually this was only going to last a little while longer. Decided to take leap of faith and go all in with Dr. Clavell in Houston. After talking with him and researching both systems the best I could (Coloplast vs AMS) I decided on Coloplast. It was recommended by him to go with the classic pump. What helped me decide was to actually have both systems in hand to look and feel. He provided this to me as well as reviewing their simularities and differences. He felt the classic would be a good choice as it is smaller and my scrotum is not that big. So I made these choices. I can say it was difficult because it was the unknown and I just had to trust.

The operation went really well and NO pain! Swelling and brusing only. My biggest problem is that I had some issues with dependable urination. I had to depend on a catheter for a while until the sweelling went down. This swelling was not tremendous, but enough to slow down urinary flow. My downfall through all this is that I failed to keep it clean and I gave myself a UTI! It was brutal. Was at the hospital back home and had to have IV antibiotics but it was my own fault. So the takeaway I would say is if you are using catheters be focused on keeping everything super clean. I ended up with a fixed catheter in place for one week and it was a little stessful. I had posted on the board that I was concerned about the position of the pump and it was like sitting on a rock. Boardies assured me this would go away. Just needed time and patience. One thing I did was order a cushion to sit on from this company: https://www.cmtmedical.com/product/ther ... size=round It comes in several versions which have a hole cut into it in the center. I got the one that's hole is round. It's a litte expensive but it honestly made a big difference in getting me thru the early days post op. To this day I still sit on it as it's comfortable.

Post op observations and some questions. So I daily inflate the implant to help train the surrounding tissues to not shrink down and hinder it. My length is about the same. Not any shorter. Girth is another matter (more about that later). I can say that I'm really happy with my choices on implant and pump. One concern i had about the Coloplast unit was "dogears". It's a non issue. Dr. Clavell told me it would be so and he was right. I can palpate this area but no one can see it and no pain. I was concerned about what I would experience when flacid. I almost went with the AMS as when it is deflated it has a completely noodle-like shape compared to the Coloplast which is like one of those balloons that are long and linear used by clowns to make kid's toys. Now that I have the Coloplast in me it feels like a slightly deflated garden hose (my best decription). As much as I try to chase out the remaining saline when I defalte it it is always in a semi hard state. This has led me to buy new underwear off Amazon that has a built in pouch becuse my junk is just bigger. Separatec is the brand I found. The classic pump makes on occaision a gurgling sound when you squeeze on it. I was originally worried about this thing being noisy. I can tell you it's a non issue and I actually like hearing it as it gives me some feedback that it's working. Sane for deflation. This pump requires you to bilaterally squeeze in the neck area to cause it to deflate. It has taken some time to get the hang of it but I have just about mastered it. I have tried to count the appoximate numbers of "squeezes" to get to full inflation and it seems to be about 15 to 2o. Maybe more. Does anyone have any method they use to master this? The pump becomes a slippery pumpkin seed up in your scrotum and I have learned how to try and support it from behind with my other hand. Any insights into this would be greatly appreciated.

So after 90 days on this journey it's clear to me that this technology is genius. Couple that with skilled clinicians like Dr. Clavell and I would urge anyone contemplating going forward to just do it. The whole process was not that bad and I mostly brought it upon myslef with the UTI stuff. Regarding the functionality for sex it's simply amazing. Yes the implant gives me an errection. But more than anything is that the angst of wondering about the meds I was using and if they were going to work or for how long and do I need more? Are they wearing off is gone! It just kept becoming a nightmare for me. The removal of being dependant on some kind of pharamcology is more than I can say. I'm more confident having sex and can actually enjoy it like I was when younger. What I will say is one of the more unexpected changes that I have had to understand is this girth situation. Is it just me? The Coloplast is super rigid. I swear that Dr. Clavell installed a device in my junk that came straight off of the power tool isle from Home Depot. I'm not joking. The new girth is so much so that I need to be careful not to hurt the wife when I use this thing and not kill her. I wasn't ready for this and I had never read up on anything like this. Maybe it's just what happened to me?

Sorry long post and I hope my small story helps people in thinking about what to do. I say go for it. Lastly, any insights into the classic pump and how to be better using it would great and just any further insights.

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Re: 90 days post op and my observations

Postby Ronn1708 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:32 pm

Thanks for the update and congratulations!!! The girth of the titan is wonderful!!!
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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Re: 90 days post op and my observations

Postby Old Guy » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:57 am

Yes, this technology is amazing isn't it? Using the drugs was a hassle for me. Wondering if they would work this time, wondering what they were doing to my system and if there would be any long term side effects.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
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Re: 90 days post op and my observations

Postby Witheringhog » Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:19 am

Congratulations Drill!!!!!

Glad you got more girth, girth seems all over the map and I can really tell why. You got more, I stayed the same ( though its always my previous max girth) and others report a loss of girth.

Pumping is tuff, I started doing half pumps, in my mind it will increase the longevity of the pump, could be fake news there. I like to use two hands once pumped up to 3/4s and beyond. I am right handed, i put my left hand on the pump, kinda near the top of the bulb with my index finger, then middle finger touching my index. I then take my right hand over the top of the left, i keep my mind focused on the left hand gently squeezing and gently pulling down, then i mash it with my right but still focusing on my left in my mind. I had a heck of a time with it slipping in the beginning, bow with the technique above slipping is very rare.

I think we all do it a bit different, you will find a method that works for you. I think a guy with a strong grip could use one hand but i need two.
49 - Coloplast Titan 22 implanted 5-2 Dr. Clavell in Houston

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Re: 90 days post op and my observations

Postby passionatedoer » Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:37 pm

drilldr wrote:The new girth is so much so that I need to be careful not to hurt the wife when I use this thing and not kill her. I wasn't ready for this and I had never read up on anything like this. Maybe it's just what happened to me?

How much girth did you gain?

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Re: 90 days post op and my observations

Postby drilldr » Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:16 pm

Thanks Witheringhog for your pump insights. I think you make a really good point about the use of the pump. I think one has to be thoughtful in how exertional you can be with this device. Materials have limits don't they and eventually they fail. I think going easy on the stroke and volume of the pump is a great idea and to take it easy on it to get max lifetime out of the materials. I do find that there is a temptation to keep sqeezing it thinking I need just one more to get max inflation but most of the time I have reached it anyway and there is no point. I'm just beating up the pump and the tissue in my scrotum and for no real results. Thanks for the insights!

Passionatedoer ... Iwith regards to girth I have no exact measurement to give you with regard to incease in girth. Here is what I can tell you. My girth has increased fairly dramatically as it's traced back from the glans to the base of my penis. Whereby at the base I could easily wrap my thumb and index finger around it now I cannot. Not even close. Which will lead me to tell you that if one intends to go "balls deep" with your partner you have to go slow with her. I use Astroglide silicone lube. I have to use my penis like a tool to slowly loosen things up. Often times it's painful for the partner. And they suffer a little later on. It's almost too girthy. Like a baby's forearm trying to fit in a small box? I find myself wishing it wasn't this way as it does slow down the act and makes you have to be careful not to hurt someone. I know this sounds crazy but I think other guys have this problem? Just don't read about it too much about it.

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Re: 90 days post op and my observations

Postby passionatedoer » Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:51 pm

drilldr wrote:I know this sounds crazy but I think other guys have this problem? Just don't read about it too much about it.

Thank for replying. I have read about other people here who reported a girth increase. I’m sorry it’s uncomfortable for you but since I’m an 4.5 inches in girth I’d love to have a thicker penis.

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