Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:20 am

Of course I went dark again. Life just gets busy as it were.

My consult September 7th went well. It was clearly no longer working.
We talked about options just like noted in this thread.
Live with the broken implant, remove it and don't replace it, or replace it.

I got it replaced yesterday (1/2/2024)

I asked if we could NOT do a catheter & overnight stay so I get to remove my JP Drain tomorrow.

he was able to install cylinders that were 1.5cm bigger so that was nice to hear, I'll have a little more length.

Peeing is the most painful part, I just focus on something else best I can lol.
Pain isn't bad today, it will ebb and flow as I heal but hopefully it's like last time where it wasn't terrible.
I'm just taking some Tylenol for the pain, avoiding the oxy.

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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby nerdynerd » Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:49 am

Wishing you a speedy recovery. The extra length is a nice bonus. I'm sure you'll be taking advantage of it soon enough :).
Born 1956. Peyronies + venous leak. Implanted 12/12/23 Dr. Clavell penoscrotal. Proximal = 10cm, right distal = 12.5cm, left distal = 12cm due to Peyronies. 1 0.5cm RTE on the right. 125CC reservoir filled with 110ml saline. Titan OTR.

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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby Rider1400 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:35 am

So, why did you have to wait from first of September til January? Assuming it is nice to start a new year with meeting your insurance out of pocket but man!!! 4 months without sex!! That would be the worst situation I could imagine!! Hope all goes well. We all have that fear somewhere in our minds about failure of the implant. I’m just 21 months in but I’m sure some day it will fail and I’ll be facing what you are going thru. Only hope is I’ll get a bigger implant . Good luck, keep us up to date on how your progress goes. I’m anxious to hear if your dick actually measures bigger? I’ve always assumed when you get a bigger size it’s mostly because the original implant had just stretched out to its max size and also assume the new bigger one would not have to stretch as much to max out so maybe it will last longer than the original….
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:03 pm

Rider1400 wrote:So, why did you have to wait from first of September til January? Assuming it is nice to start a new year with meeting your insurance out of pocket but man!!! 4 months without sex!! That would be the worst situation I could imagine!! Hope all goes well. We all have that fear somewhere in our minds about failure of the implant. I’m just 21 months in but I’m sure some day it will fail and I’ll be facing what you are going thru. Only hope is I’ll get a bigger implant . Good luck, keep us up to date on how your progress goes. I’m anxious to hear if your dick actually measures bigger? I’ve always assumed when you get a bigger size it’s mostly because the original implant had just stretched out to its max size and also assume the new bigger one would not have to stretch as much to max out so maybe it will last longer than the original….

Thanks for the kind words Rider1400!

That was as soon as he could fit me in so I didn't have much choice lol. I can still get a little chub and my gf orgasms extremely easily lol so that helped me get through the last few months. BUT, I can already feel the depression around the failure lifting.

It's not an "if" but a "when" they aren't made to last forever. I was the unlucky 7% that have them fail in 5 years.

Yea as far as length gains, my surgeon noted it would be a little more noticeable length, but like you said most of it is just because the internal caverns are stretched plus he is cognizant of not wanting to oversize and risk puncture talk about OUCH.

My gf (and most women) aren't really size queens. The length and girth mostly matters to us dudes. The g-spot isn't that far in ya know ;)

Will do on the updates, I apologize in advance if they're slow and far apart.

Today is the day I remove the JP Drain, otherwise it's just remove bandages tomorrow & shower. continue antibiotics for 6 days and my follow up is in two weeks.
39yr old
Revision installed 1/2/2024
Coloplast w/ Genesis pump
PenoScrotal 20cm + 3cm RTE(right) & 2cm RTE(left)
Initial install: 2/6/2018
Coloplast Titan Touch
PenoScrotal 20cm + 1.5RTE
Failure: 9/2/2023
Dr. Bodie U of MN
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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby Ronn1708 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:31 pm

I’m glad you are on the way up. Mine failed 12/23… Merry Christmas….
I’d had numerous revisions. The longest implant lasses just under 4 years. The revisions seem to go much easier than my original. I had one failure just three months after a revision :(

Good luck !!!! And I know you can’t wait to get off.
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:26 pm

Ronn1708 wrote:I’m glad you are on the way up. Mine failed 12/23… Merry Christmas….
I’d had numerous revisions. The longest implant lasses just under 4 years. The revisions seem to go much easier than my original. I had one failure just three months after a revision :(

Good luck !!!! And I know you can’t wait to get off.

Thanks my dude!

Wow 3 months!? May I ask what version you had installed each time?
And if it's not too much to ask, do you uh... have rigorous sex or something? (feel free to DM me as I understand these discussions get sensitive quickly)
That sounds awful to go through them so fast!

I hope this one lasts me at least 5 years.

My gf currently lives out of state so I'm not in a huge rush lol but I do enjoy getting off :lol:
39yr old
Revision installed 1/2/2024
Coloplast w/ Genesis pump
PenoScrotal 20cm + 3cm RTE(right) & 2cm RTE(left)
Initial install: 2/6/2018
Coloplast Titan Touch
PenoScrotal 20cm + 1.5RTE
Failure: 9/2/2023
Dr. Bodie U of MN
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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery **Updates on revision**

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:31 pm

oh also an update...

I did get the JP Drain out. I was worried it would hurt and waited to hear back from the nurse about what to "expect"
Like I can tolerate pain, I just wanted to know if it should hurt or if that's a bad sign or if I should expect resistance etc.

It was of course all worry over nothing. The suture was easy to snip off, I de-pressurized the drain bulb and slid the tubing out.
There was more tubing inside my scrotum than I expected lol and it did feel weird as it slid out. Like a slimy piece of spaghetti.

Not much blood/discharge came out, I applied a sterile square of absorbent pad.
Then I took an abdomen pad and sandwiched my balls and shaft in it like a hot dog, my underwear keeps it in place nicely.

Tomorrow I finally get to shower!

still a ways to go before there's pumping and sex but hey, one day at a time :D
39yr old
Revision installed 1/2/2024
Coloplast w/ Genesis pump
PenoScrotal 20cm + 3cm RTE(right) & 2cm RTE(left)
Initial install: 2/6/2018
Coloplast Titan Touch
PenoScrotal 20cm + 1.5RTE
Failure: 9/2/2023
Dr. Bodie U of MN
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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:08 pm

I skipped a day, but I did get to shower yesterday!

Felt good and I've seen very minimal bleeding from the scrotum incision or the drain hole.
I keep a square of gauze in my boxer briefs to catch any but it's hardly any at all.

Because I have the big incision on my scrote, I do a spritz of HOCL on my nuts after I use the toilet. Just to be sure things are disinfected down there.

Today 1/5/24 (3 days since surgery) things are less numb so the scrotum incision does itch and pinch a bit.
Nothing bad, just a sign it's healing.

The cylinders hurt quite a bit if I get a half chub (yes I can still get some occasional blood flow to my shaft) so I just lay with it standing up.
Bending it against my body with underwear hurts the most.

The pain of pissing is gone which is a great thing! I think that was a combination of the catheter + the new cylinders/sensitive tissue along the urethra
Yesterday was minimal pain and today peeing is pretty much back to normal power levels :lol:

The pain around the reservoir behind my abdomen is minimal as well. Hurts once in a while if I sit funny, stand up funny, or lay funny. I just try to be Ginger with it.
I'm not lifting anything over 15lbs for 4 weeks doctors orders.

I've been getting a feeling for the pump the last couple days too.
Not trying to rush anything and not actually pumping it, just making sure it's low and sort of in the front. It's basically where the original pump was.

Not much more to update on, I take a prescribed antibiotic at 10am and 10pm. 500mg tylenol if I feel more pain than less, usually 1 in the afternoon.
I've been getting tired mid afternoon so I'll nap around 1 or 3 pm.
They gave me a few oxycodone which have helped me sleep more soundly. I'm a light sleeper so little pain twinges wake me up.

I work a remote desk job so I plan on being back in the saddle next week pending any surprises.
My follow-up is in 2 weeks. I may pump it earlier than that just cuz this is not my first rodeo, but again I'm not in a rush.

Any questions feel free to ask in thread or DM me
39yr old
Revision installed 1/2/2024
Coloplast w/ Genesis pump
PenoScrotal 20cm + 3cm RTE(right) & 2cm RTE(left)
Initial install: 2/6/2018
Coloplast Titan Touch
PenoScrotal 20cm + 1.5RTE
Failure: 9/2/2023
Dr. Bodie U of MN
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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:25 am

4th day post surgery update... These are boring I know, I just like chronicling this for anyone curious and for my own journaling. (Hi welcome to my brain lol)

Today was the first day I took my prescribed Adderall.
I have ADD and take it mostly during work hours. If I want to get things done and stay focused I'll take it.

This helped with the lethargy I have had around 1-3pm each day since surgery.
I also looked up the antibiotic I'm on and realized that a side-effect of it is... you guessed it... drowsiness.

I have to take the antibiotic through Monday so I may not work a full day Monday (work is super cool about partial days thankfully) or I'll take an addy, OR I'll just take a nap at lunch or something.

Other than that, my stomach was also a bit angry today, I think it didn't like the miralax I took(that they gave me) but otherwise the pain is still minimal.
I also laid on quite a bit of protein intake so that probably wasn't the best lol.
I still spray HOCL on the scrotum incision if I go Number 2 just cuz there's so much bacteria nearby. (HOCL is great for face cleaning, cuts, burns, bug bites, disinfecting fruit and counters, seriously it's a miracle liquid, Google it)

Cycling Implant
I'm going to wait til the end of next week to inflate. Yes, I have a 2 week follow-up where the doctor is going to check it, but this is not my first rodeo... I know how the pain works, I know how the pump works, I'll be ready to cycle by then. I have given the pump a few little partial squeezes just to see if it's hard and it is not.
I do not want to sound dismissive and I know that everyone heals differently and I'm pretty young... But I really can't believe the worry and horrors I've seen around recovery.
Like being in a hospital for a month!? That is craaaazy to me.
I mean, I was sent home 4 hours after the surgery and was able to pull my scrotum drain tube out by myself. Maybe I'm not as squeamish as most people? Pulling a wet 7" piece of spaghetti out of my nutsack is certainly a feeling that will stick with me for a while, but it didn't hurt at all.
The pain, to me, in the cylinders during cycling is more of an ache(I have no reason to believe when I cycle now it will be any different than the first time).
If you've played any sport or worked out too hard, you know how muscles can feel the next day. It's pretty much like that. Tissue that's repairing after being torn and messed with a bunch.
Uh what else, took Tylenol once this afternoon, took my prescribed oxy a few minutes ago.
Last night I slept in 3 hour chunks. 12am-3am then 4-7 then like 7:30 to 10am. I made a turkey sandwich at 4am (protein!)
Today's meals were a Huel protein shake, 1 chicken breast diced with cream of mushroom type sauce, and a turkey cheddar sandwich.
39yr old
Revision installed 1/2/2024
Coloplast w/ Genesis pump
PenoScrotal 20cm + 3cm RTE(right) & 2cm RTE(left)
Initial install: 2/6/2018
Coloplast Titan Touch
PenoScrotal 20cm + 1.5RTE
Failure: 9/2/2023
Dr. Bodie U of MN
ED for 20+ years

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Re: Back with sad news (sudden pump failure) questions about replacement surgery

Postby Ronn1708 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:25 pm


No rough sex ever. In fact only use it probably once or twice a week for sex with the wife. I did cycle it every day but after the first month I usually just pumped to like 80-90 percent. Kept the pump active.
I’ve had a lot of failures. The longest an implant has lasted is 3 yrs 10 months.

Call me “lucky”.
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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