27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Lost Sheep
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Re: 27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Dec 10, 2023 6:56 pm

DEFINITELY get a vacuum erection device (VED) and use it to cycle your penis through erect/flaccid states. This will preserve what size you have left and may recover recently lost size. It also flushes blood through your penile tissues. You do not need to spend the money on a medical grade device. Your penis does not care how the vacuum is produced. A vacuum is a vacuum. Novelty/Sex Shop devices are just as good. Medical grade devices may last longer and have more conveniences, but as long as you can get a good seal and produce a vacuum, you are good. Do not bother with the constriction rings. Just cycle your penis erect and flaccid to emulate the nocturnal erections you are now (probably) not having.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: 27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:55 pm

To save money consider these steps.
Increase income. Better job or a part time job to supplement your main job.
Cut your living costs. No smoking, vaping or drinking. Drink water from the tap, no pop or fancy bottled water. No recreational drugs of any kind. Eat at home even if its a cheap frozen dinner.
If there isn't a compelling reason to live in NYC, move your ass out. Part of the reason Eid charges so much is cause NYC is an expensive city to do business in & to live in.
I'm sure others can think of other shit to give up in the pursuit of a working dick. Is it easy to do...NO. but it can be done.
Consider a top dr that is cheaper than Eid. I won't bad mouth the man. He is great but by the time you're ready he'll be retired or dead. You can knock $10K off of his price by shopping for a great dr in a cheaper market. Basically a 30% discount. If you're as broke as you say you are. You can't pass on a 30% savings.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: 27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

Postby gandalfasfhaf » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:15 am

You're not alone mate. Lost a bunch of length myself. I do have peyronies though so bit different but I need the implant, I think its a great option if nothing else is working.

I've had some sexual encounters where I cant do anything despite being somewhat hard because of how defored my dick is, at that point I was like it is time for an implant...

I also feel you on cost, if I had money I would go private get it done tomorrow, but im trying to get it done via NHS in UK...

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Re: 27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

Postby returntocenter » Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:04 pm

Anonymous1smile wrote:Whats up guys. Recently stumbled upon this community because of my current issue. Made a throwaway account for anonymity. Im a 27M who has a venous leak and it's ruining my life. I've become very depressed and have suicidal thoughts quite often. The only thing stopping me is that I'm not a selfish person and I realize the traumatic impact that would have on my family. Not here to look for pity or sympathy but hoping at least one person in here has experience with a similar situation.

I was very sexually active since my teens and had many partners, never had an issue with erections. Then around 25 I had multiple tragic events happen in my life and felt like I needed help. I spoke to a psychiatrist who got me on anti depressants. Like most people I experienced some sexual sides and difficulty maintaining an erection. I quit the anti depressants and got prescribed viagra which led me down a slippery slope. I'm not sure if I actually needed the viagra at a certain point or if i developed a mental dependency.

Anyway, I took viagra way more than I should for around a year and then it no longer worked. I saw multiple urologists and no solution. I tried everything, daily cialis and viagra. Overtime my erection strength kept dropping 70% -> 50% -> 25% until I could no longer maintain an erection. My urologist was convinced it was mostly mental but after me swearing up and down he had me do a doppler exam. Then came probably the worst day of my life, the doctor confirming I had a venous leak and that I would need a penile implant at just age 26!

My gf of 2 years ended up cheating on me (I'm guessing for sexual satisfaction) and I truly can't blame her but still had to break up with her. BTW I'm located in a big city known for modeling (NYC/LA) and a few months after my breakup I met a famous european super model. We hit it off and started dating but I could never get the job done. I even tried trimix injections. I used to be in my bathroom injecting my dick with a needle as I had naked supermodel in my bed. It got so bad I even said "fuck it" and doubled and tripled the recommended dose for the trimix to only get a 25% erection and fail after a few minutes. I had to break things off with the supermodel on my own because I could not keep going through the failures. Funny enough she begged me not to break up with her and somehow was convinced that I was not attracted to her. So yeah as if this hasn't been enough of a mind fuck, I'm now beginning to SHRINK. I was never large to begin with but now my life has become a joke.

Originally 6"x4.5". Now I'm about half the size of that. I never measured my dick flaccid because I was always more of a grower but my flaccid dick is a joke now, like 2.5" and a pencil. This is making me extremely depressed and I don't know what to do.

Its gotten so bad that I finally gave in and considered going forward with the surgery but I can't find any reputable surgeons that take my insurance. All reputable surgeons are private or only take blue cross blue shield (which I don't have)

I'm very tight on money and going through some difficult financial times right now so I need to know where to best allocate my funds.


I recently got laid off and lost my insurance through my employer

I'm located in NYC. Which "unemploment" health insurance should I apply for?

What should I do? Purchase a vacuum/bathmate type thing? Will PE help?

Has anyone here tried shockwave therapy for blood flow? PRP?

I don't want to lose anymore size before I find a surgeon so Id appreciate any insight you could provide as possible shockwave therapy, vacuums, or PE exercises

Much appreciated

Hang in there man, there is a way out.
26 y/o. Physiogenic ED.
Tried pills, injections, shockwave therapy, rings, healthy lifestyle, alternative meds.

Implant T-Shirts: https://www.bionicbrothers.store
ED Discord: https://discord.gg/tdtu7WTa4a
Pump: https://tinyurl.com/57buc55e

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Re: 27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

Postby Drhite » Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:34 pm

In CA, medi-cal will cover the implant... generally because medicare deems it medically necessary. I'm sure even NY would as well.

I went thru my work insurance because it covered it 100%... was planning on going to Perito, but after a conversation with A doc who does TEP, I decided to wait for the time to do that and just get an implant now. My kaiser doc is a dipshit, but I still dont regret getting it done despite not being the one of the Fabulous Five docs.

Get a VED and traction. I have my RestoreRX if you want it, cant use it with the implant. But it all helps.. was 6.5" pre ED... 5" on a day Inj/meds worked. Was 5.5" on my first LGX before it failed...

Regardless, there are things you can do now that won't take that much money. Plan on getting an implant thru your state.insurance. You can save up for the next 5 years and get it redone with Eid, etc.

Implants are awesome and not doom and gloom. My gf LOVES mine.. shes used to 6-7" but none had the endurance to make her cum. 7" cock for 30 min is a waste! Going 2+ hrs and shes beggin me to stop after squirting everywhere is fuckin amazing!

Hang in there bro
45yo , AMS LGX 700 18.5cm 6/28 by Kaiser Dr. Moheydar - Baldwin Park, do not recommend. 12 wks LT cyl failure and bulge. Rev to Titan Genesis 11/6. Consulting 2nd doc for issues not corrected 1/11/24

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Re: 27M. Do I need an implant? Feeling defeated

Postby Sakabato » Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:22 pm

Ill try to keep it short.

First of all get your mental and emotional health in order, stop with the suicidal crap, you are in no place to be making life changing decisions or improvements with that mentality, because you will kneel down and give up at the first failure you encounter. Its time for you to man up and stop feeling sorry for yourself, and instead, start helping yourself out.

Dont go to a cheap surgeon, no matter what you do, dont go to a cheap surgeon. You are 27 year old, im assuming good looking, with all your life ahead, you are exactly the type of person that HAS to go with the best surgeon you can possibly find regardles of what it costs or what you have to do. You are young and if you go the implant route, you cant afford to have revisions due to stupid mistakes or malfunctionings, getting an implant is a risk, always, but you can reduce that risk practically to zero if you do things right. Id give you an option between 2-3 names and thats that. Since you live in NY, i think its obvious who SHOULD 100% do your implant.

So, dont rush it. You are 27, you are barely entering your prime as a man. You have all of your 30's to enjoy a rock hard on demand cock to bang all those crazy supermodels, so dont rush it, no need for it.

Instead, play it smart, make a plan, stop trying to fix everything in one go and hope for the best, no my man, take your time, start working more and start saving, cut all the time and money wasting things/people from your life and focus on your goal. you start saving and being smart about it and who knows, maybe you can gift yourself a brand new bionic cock for your 30th birthday. Maybe 29th, who knows, thats up to you.

Just dont be stupid and dont rush things, as more likely than not, you are just going to make things worse. Be patient, be smart, get your head in order, get your finances in order, and enjoy the journey. You are at a crossroad now, a very important one. Choose your route wisely as they will take you to completely different destinations.

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