Questions for people with the AMS 700 LGX implant

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Questions for people with the AMS 700 LGX implant

Postby dopeyx » Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:24 am

I am thinking about getting a penile implant. I been suffering from weak erections since I was 12 years old and it happened overnight. One morning, when i woke up, i noticed my erection was weaker. Throughout the years, the rigidness of my erections got softer and softer. My erection used to point up, but now, at the age of 22, it points down when erected. Also, I have lost some length in my penis when erected. It is a very embarassing condition as most of you here may know. It affected my past relationships with my ex girlfriends. I been living with this condition most of my life and I am tired of it. I am thinking about getting a penile implant but i have a few questions.

1. This question is specifically for the AMS 700 LGX model. For people with this model, how hard does your penis get when inflated to the max? Is it as hard as a normal, healthy erection? Does this model, when inflated to the max, allow the penis to point upwards like in the diagrams? Can you satisfy women with this model?

2. How long does it take to inflate? (minutes)

3. Lets say you have this implant and you go out and have a one night stand. Would you tell the woman that you have an implant or try to hide it? If you try to hide it, how do you inflate it without letting her know?

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Re: Questions for people with the AMS 700 LGX implant

Postby ED2013 » Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:46 am

1. Max inflated is harder than a natural erection
2. Seconds to inflate
3. You can tell her or hide it it's up to you. You could use the restroom and pump up.

Think about this: the next time you meet a girl and she asks if you're good in bed you can say no. I'm not good I'm great. I get hard as a rock and go for hours and you'll be begging me to stop.

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Re: Questions for people with the AMS 700 LGX implant

Postby p1s8d2 » Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:06 am

You came to the right place... is a great place to ask these kind of questions as the guys here really seem to care. Your story is very familiar to the rest of us. I am 38 and have struggled for years. I was implanted two weeks ago today with an LGX. My Dr. does not inflate until week 6.

In deciding what your best path forward may be, or what options you may have, I would suggest going to a Dr. at a university hospital that has diagnostic equipment. For example, my original Uro only could take his analysis so far. I.E., we just talked about my symptoms and he gave me different drugs to try such as Muse, Viagra, Levitra, etc. Anyway, I wasn't getting any better, so I researched the best Dr's in the country and ended up at Johns Hopkins in Maryland. (There are lost of great Dr's and was comfortable here)

Anyway, they did multiple diagnostic tests that helped me to better understand what was happening to me. The most telling was a doppler test where they staff did a tri-mix injection and they conducted a series of ultrasounds to determine blood flow, response, amongst other things. These tests helped me to understand what my condition was and what my future expectations should be. I decided to implant for the following reasons...

1. There is NO need for pre planning sex. This was a major consideration for my wife and I. We are spontaneous people.

2. Shots hurt me. Some people it doesn't, but for me it was uncomfortable and took the joy out of intercourse.

3. I have two children, a pre teen and a 8 year old. I hated the idea of adding the stress of hiding the tri-mix or VED pump and what it would be like to have to explain those things should one of my kids stumbled across them. (Tri-Mix needs refrigeration if you didn't know.)

4. Erections with an implant are as satisfying if not more so vs. injections or a VED.

5. With an implant, you can go as long as you or your partner want. The erection will stay in place until you release it.

6. I liked the idea of added length when flaccid.

7. I have no other pending medical problems like prostate issues, peyronie's etc. so my Dr. advised I have an excellent prognosis.

8. Lastly, I had paid medical leave at my disposal so I could have the surgery and then take time off to recover.

Anyway, it sounds like you are in your fact finding stage so I thought I would take you through my process. I am in no way giving advice as everyone is different and you will do what is best for you. Feel free to private message me with any questions.

Good luck!
40 years old from the East Coast
ED since my 20's and have no idea what caused it
Implanted on 11/19/13 with the AMS 700 LGX via John Hopkins Urology

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