Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

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Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

Postby hal9202 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:25 pm

So I spoke with Dr Eid today on Zoom. All is positive and encouraging, except for his having a mixed response to this question that I posed in my first post to this forum last week:

--And, using the implant, inflated, might I still have the problem of not being able to finish inside? I gather I would stay hard no matter what, but would I be able to feel the increasingly pleasurable (natural) engorgement like I've had in the past that leads, drives, one on to an exciting, full finish? What I don't fully understand is- does the implant's expansion (when inflated) replace the natural engorgement process or supplement it, work in synergy with it? Related to this question, some of the interventions I have tried- pills, rings, and injections - were initially promising but then often made things worse, more difficult than using nothing. My worry is that the implant might have a similar effect- can an implant (inflated) possibly make things worse, more difficult to enjoy penetrative sex?

Dr Eid's response to this question was at first positive, that I would still feel a natural engorgement working in synergy with the inflated implant and that it would be easier to have orgasm inside with the implant, but then he added that sometimes the implant CAN make things worse and some guys have found it difficult to orgasm inside when inflated. I see many posts here of men feeling numb and having this problem. My question for you guys is, HOW common is this problem? Are most of you guys able to have orgasm inside while using the implant inflated? And did any of you can now succeed have a similar problem before getting the implant like I describe above?

I'm currently choosing to be optimistic and I'm still on track for getting the surgery, waiting for it to be scheduled. My hope is that Dr Eid's reservation about this issue and the many negative posts here are the exception rather than the rule, and that most likely I will have a positive, gratifying result from the implant. I would appreciate any thoughts, positive or negative, any of you can offer on this. Thanks again!!

Lost Sheep
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Re: Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:16 am

For a year after implant, I experienced intermittent anorgasmia. This resolved over time and now I orgasm inside my over's vagina almost every time. It is universally very satisfying.

The engorgement question you ask has two prongs to it because there are two mechanisms to a man's erection. The rigidity of the penis is normally provided by a blood suppiy (and ennervation by one set of nerves) and engorgement/tumescence of the glans and penis' shaft outside the tunica albuginea, namely the spongiosum tissues are provided by an independent blood supply and nerves not usually associated or affected by ED. So, the function of the corpus cavernosum inside the tunica is replaced by the implant and the function of the spongiosum of the shaft and glans remains intact as every bit as functional after the implant as it was before. The surgeon normally does not affect those structures.

I surmise that my difficulties achieving orgasm and ejaculation for that first year was due to the nerves being traumatized (and thus being made shy) by the surgery and taking some time for the nerves to regain THEIR confidence more than it took for ME to regain MY confidence. In short, I think you have nothing to worry about in the medium to long term, no matter how you feel immediately post-op.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

Postby SWorks17 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:57 am

When I got my implant, I wasn't so worried about being able to cum or orgasm inside my wife's vagina as I was about being able to have a rock hard dick that could allow great sex again and satisfy my wife and me also.

Yes, if you aren't sexually aroused and you pump up you'll have a partially floppy glans and that did concern me because I loved the fullness of my glans back in the day. After the surgery and waiting until the doctor said I could have sex it was awkward at the 8 week mark for me. I had pain in my shaft and glans from being inflated with numbness because the nerves weren't healed. So, the first time I had sex with my wife it wasn't the best but at least I could have sex again. I didn't orgasm the first time because of the numbness and pain but I did cum. It kept getting better over the weeks and months with PIV sex and I could cum and orgasm all the time. I'm at 2 years out now from surgery and everything feels natural, my glans gets engorged when I'm sexually aroused, but not to that full full tight shiny head that I use to get in my 20's but it does get full enough to not be floppy. Sometimes I can get a partial cubby and glans engorgement when I'm anticipating and excited about sex with my wife, without even pumping up.

Yes, it's not the same as it was in my 20's, 30's and 40's but it is great and I would do it again. No problems cumming or having an orgasm here inside my wife's vagina.

We're all different and heal different, so you'll get a lot of different answers.

Good Luck with your decision.

Age 66, Garden Ridge Texas, Progressive ED after Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18 w 3cm rear tips installed 5 Nov 2021 by Dr Shane Barney, Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Married 35 years

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Re: Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

Postby Rider1400 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:46 am

As others said, everybody is different so there’s no absolute answer for you. My experience is much like lost sheep. First several months was a hit and miss climaxing,with little engorgement of the shaft and glans. As time went around the 4 month time I started getting some engorgement and the feeling started getting better and climaxes became regular,and by 10 months the nerves were about as sensitive as pre implant. I feel that all the VED use possibly damaged some nerves as my sensation started going down the last couple months before implant as I was using it at least twice a day for at least 30 minutes ea time. I have noticed after the year mark when I stopped pumping daily, sensation seems to be reaching a new high. All these things happen at such a slow rate that you can’t actually say when it got better just that it does over time. Others have posted that they had very little to no change in sensation. I have absolutely no regrets being implanted and would do it again immediately if it ever fails.
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

Postby Floridaspeedo » Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:02 pm

I agree with the previous posts.

The first year was hit or miss. Even now 1.5 years post surgery I would say I can orgasm 95% of the time. A LOT has to due with psychological stimulus. Am I worried someone can tell it it is an implant, am I too hard, etc.

Once you just let it flow and be natural, I have no problems. In fact now I am trying to hold off having an orgasm so quickly.
ED survivor 5 years. Tried pills, Gainswave, PRP, Bi-Mix/Tri Mix (worked 50% but very painful for 24 hours after injection.) 55 Gay - Single Titan Coloplast implanted June 1st, 2022, scrotal in Miami by Dr Billy Cordone..,very happy. Zero regrets

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Re: Implant Questions and Concerns continued...

Postby Bushpig » Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:36 pm

Lost Sheep is spot on. I could not 'finish' for ages but it did improve with time. The numbness took at least a year to go but you just have to believe that things will improve - and they do.
55 yo Aussie. E.D all my life. Used Viagra for years but. Went on to Injections which worked well but very inconvenient and didnt work sometimes. Implanted Jan'18 with Titan one touch 20cm/ 1.5RTE by Pro Chung in Brisbane.

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