Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Stewy78 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:27 pm

Kalidestroyer wrote:Hi Stewy. I think it was a couple months ago that I confirmed that I would get surgery to when surgery happened. However they offered an earlier date but I couldnt do it until 9/29.
Im sorry to hear about your multiple surgeries in so short a time. I really hope this my only surgery for at least 10 years. I dont really understand why the implants fail. It seems like they should be able to construct an implant that wont leak or fail to work, etc.

Thanks for your reply. I really hope long life to your implant and also to my next one.

Can I ask you if you contacted his office (I think Ruby or Janice) by email or by phone? I already sent both of them an email but I remember that sometimes it took days to get a reply. Maybe calling the office is better.. the issue is that my English is not very good and by phone I always miss something or I'm unable to explain me in a good way.. but I'm in hurry to get this thing replaced asap!
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:03 pm

Yes, I communicated through Ruby, mostly by email. I think the office is very busy so she responds to emails irregularly but does respond especially once the surgery is scheduled. I think Dr Eid got sick this year/last year and took a few months off. In that time a backlog of prospective implantees built up. Id suggest just continuing to call and email the office. My followup appointment is tomorrow where the catheter will be taken out and he will assess the surgery and attempt to pump me (I think). We’ll see..

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Stewy78 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:48 pm

Kalidestroyer wrote:Yes, I communicated through Ruby, mostly by email. I think the office is very busy so she responds to emails irregularly but does respond especially once the surgery is scheduled. I think Dr Eid got sick this year/last year and took a few months off. In that time a backlog of prospective implantees built up. Id suggest just continuing to call and email the office. My followup appointment is tomorrow where the catheter will be taken out and he will assess the surgery and attempt to pump me (I think). We’ll see..

Thanks Kalidestroyer. I hope to receive a reply on Monday, otherwise I'll give them a call.
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Antonio1010 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:27 pm

Kalidestroyer wrote:Surgery is over. In lyft on my way back to hotel. Pain at hospital post-surgery mostly related to a powerful sensation that I have to urinate causing stomach pain. Eventually the catheter worked and I filled up 2 bags. I wonder why Eid keeps the catheter in for 3 days. I am anticipating scrotal pain and will be taking prescrip meds as soon as I get back hotel. Im in the hotel now.

I m scheduled with Dr. Clavell in Texas. He doesn't insert a catheter which is a place. Is there any other drainer aside the catheter to drain any fluid in the abdominal pelvic area?

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:50 pm

No, Eid doesnt use a drain, only a catheter (for 3 days). Ive actually gotten used to since it was inserted but I am happy to have it taken out tomorrow.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Bigdave » Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:31 am

Kalidestroyer wrote:No, Eid doesnt use a drain, only a catheter (for 3 days). Ive actually gotten used to since it was inserted but I am happy to have it taken out tomorrow.

I was sent home with a catheter, along with a syringe and instructions to remove it myself the next day.
It stings a bit coming out, but boy does it feel better afterwards. LOL
Age 59. AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 2cm RTE.
Peniscrotal, 2/23.
6.25" OEM with Cialis, about 5" post-op. (11/01: Length 6.75" and girth is up to 4.75" mid shaft.) Still growing, albeit slowly. :D
Cycling daily. Hoping to get to 7". ;)

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:58 pm

So just had my followup appointment with Dr Eid. I hadnt fully seen my penis since before the operation. There wasnt that much swelling and the incision looked fine (per Dr Eid and me). Dr. Eid pumped me to maybe 80% before the pain was too much. The pump made an audible squeaking noise which seemed to surprise Dr Eid. He did say that with time noise would go away. I really hope it does as Im single and didnt necessarily plan on telling partners Ive had an implant unless/until I decide that makes sense. If the noise is audible by a prospective partner, I assume she will know something is off and will inquire (this is in the event that I am able to inflate in the room with her while I am, for instance performing oral sex on her). If I make a well time tactical entrance to the bathroom before anticipated sex, the noise poses no issue I guess. Anyone have any experience with a loud pump? Will this sound go away with time?This issue wont arise at least for another 3-4 weeks, so back to the exam…

Anyways, once he inflated, there was pain but not unbearable pain. I was then asked to try to deflate. This was harder than I thought it would be and he had to help to fully deflate. I was then told to cycle 2 times per day and continue as much as possible. Sex could begin in 3 weeks if pain permitted. Even when penis is “fully deflated” the penis is still semi erect. He explained that because my penis naturally points upward when erect, with the implant my penis would appear semi erect even when “deflated”. Does anyone have any insight on this? I was hoping the deflated penis would go down fully but it appears I will be a “perma-shower”? Im cautiously optimistic. The size of the penis is good and he said with cycling girth will be enhanced as tissue expands (and possibly some length). I got a 22cm titan.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Mon Oct 02, 2023 10:22 pm

Fyi, Dr Eid confirmed, I got the older version of the coloplast pump which makes a louder sound but which he firmly believes lasts longer than the new coloplast (which makes no noise). He is currently advising younger patients to strongly consider the older version to avoid a revision in less than 10 years although the sound may not be worth it for many. My main concerns with the implant were, in order of importance: 1. Infection 2. Duranility (time to until revision surgery) 3. Size 4. Pain. Time will tell but so far think Dr Eid may have achieved all the goals. Btw my healing appears to be accelerating at a exponential rate now that the catheter is out and I am cycling. As I said, penile surgery is like shoulder or knee surgery, movement and blood as soon as possible after surgery is key which accelerates healing. Too much immobility and over-icing are old concepts in surgery, delay healing, and may cause irreversible limitation in movement of joint or penis. Cycle soon and cycle often is Eid’s philosophy. Btw, he didnt always advocate this and says that he used to advise waiting 4 weeks to cycle. Now he advises to cycle on day 3, as Im doing. He also is adamantly opposed to partial inflation during day. Its either 100% erection for cycling or sex or full deflation.

I really do hope more studies are done on this and the physical therapy community is brought in to assist implantees. Why have formal physical therapy for the hand, arm, shoulder, hip, knee, heart, brain, etc - but not for the penis? Many men value their penis more than these other organs but little study has been done on this. We need to know exactly what science supports as far optimal time post surgery to start cycling, how often, for how long, and what techniques (randomized placebo controlled studies).

Funding for men’s health is a terrible shame. End of rant

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Stayingstrong » Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:11 am

Hoping you'll keep us all informed as you progress through your recovery.
Like me, I am sure there are many Dr. Eid patients currently having received or who will be receiving an implant on this forum
Age 70
Pills didn't work well. Trimix worked good for 3 years, then only fair for following 3 years but need a cock ring in conjunction.
Implant 12/6/2023 Dr. Eid
Coloplast Titan 20 cm with right side trimmed to 19 cm. No RTE. Classic pump.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Sun Oct 08, 2023 3:12 pm

I am 9 days post-surgery and wanted to give an update. Pain and swelling have substantially been reduced, especially pain in the reservoir area. I have been cycling twice daily for 20 minutes as ordered by Dr Eid since day 3. Cycling is painful when at the highest level of erection. It hurts in the middle area of penis. I believe there was fibrosis in this area pre surgery so when I have a implant induced/forced erection, I feeling tension/resistance against this fibrotic plaque (I think/speculate). The cycling hopefully will stretch this and the developing capsule that will form so that I will have as large an erect penis as possible. I feel that the penis is slightly thinner and shorter than pre-surgery and slightly longer/thicker when not erect. Ive been told that cycling will get me back to pre-surgery length and girth. I have a followup appointment with Dr on 10/13 to remove sutures and to make sure everything is fine. I was given option of having another local doctor remove the sutures but Id prefer to spend money to travel to NY to get Dr Eid to take another look at this point. Ive not exercised at all since surgery (only walking) and this has been difficult for me mentally and physically as I was a daily exerciser (weightlifting and intense cardio) and exercise was my mood booster. I will be conservative and wait 6 weeks before weightlifting. There is a possibility that excessive straining, if undertaken too soon after surgery, could dislodge the reservoir. I will update after next appointment unless something else arises.

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