Size gain

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Size gain

Postby misterecz » Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:37 pm

Why not use a VED and do traction while you wait for your implant? There have been studies that prove that doing traction and VED increases the size of the implant received.

I talk about it in this video:
Peyronie's From Rough Sex in 2020.
Developed Erectile Dysfunction, Dorsal, & Lateral Curvature.
Treated With Traction, VED, DMSO, & PGE1.
YouTube Channel:

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Re: Size gain

Postby SwedishDave » Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:49 am

LMCatman wrote:After 4 implants, I'm 4-7/8" long and 5" girth. I have A LOT of fun with my stiff little dick!!!

Good luck man!!!

How is it possible that the average implant life is 10 years but you already had 3 revisions in 10 years? This scares the shit out of me since id have to pay from my own pocket
30 YO,

Hourglass peyronies from stretching. Losing girth.
Several small circumferential fibrosises. Sex and masturbation makes it worse.

Before L: 6.8 G: 5.4
Current L: 6.3 G: 4.8

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Location: South Florida, USA

Re: Size gain

Postby LMCatman » Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:57 am

I'm either a "below average" or "above average" fellow...... As a prostate cancer survivor, my implants have all been (mostly) covered by insurance. I love my little "ever-ready" dick! Good luck man!
73 Years old. RP Oct 2010, No erections after, Botched Titan implant April, 2013, Successful Titan revision, April , 2014 by Dr. Paul Perito, Miami. Titan failure Feb 2017. Rev. by Dr Perito March 1st, 2017. Titan failure Nov 2020. New Titan January 2021

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Re: Size gain

Postby Gt1956 » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:31 pm

SwedishDave wrote:
LMCatman wrote:After 4 implants, I'm 4-7/8" long and 5" girth. I have A LOT of fun with my stiff little dick!!!
Good luck man!!!

How is it possible that the average implant life is 10 years but you already had 3 revisions in 10 years? This scares the shit out of me since id have to pay from my own pocket

Sadly all medical devices have failures & limited lifespans. Despite our feelings, medicine seldom comes up with a perfect solution.
Heart pacemakers need replacement, artificial joints wear out. Meds quit working, ie oral erectile meds. Even my high blood pressure & diabetes meds need adjusting as I age. Vision declines so those expensive titanium frames I bought are worthless.
So I guess I'll challenge you to name a few man made things that you've bought that will last your lifetime?
But to your question. His history says that 1 implant wasn't done very well. It might be wise to search his post history so you can learn about the second failure. You're amazed at 3 implants but that is actually only 2 failures. I've seen him post alot. I'm sure that he's been very open about his history i bet it'll be good reading.
As a side conversation. You are surprised at his revisions & the prospect that you'll be paying for several implants during your lifetime. Is this the fault of the implant makers, the USA medical system or the failure of whoever manages your state health system?
I've preached a lot here, sorry. But trying to put it all in perspective. Investigating your dr is likely the best thing you can do. Be carefull picking the "star dr of this year". Any past post reading will show that we've had to stars that fell hard.
My drs nurse is a great lady. She's been with Brant for around 11/12 years that I can tell. I casually asked her if he did revisions. Replied yes. Asked if they were his or someone elses work. Repiled that usually someone else but he has has a very few. This ladies memory is fantastic.
For what little it means. She told me that they implanted an 101 year old man, in great health. He was getting remarried & his 90 something bride was open to sex. Strange thing is at my 3 month checkup I heard an old man confirm his birthdate to the nurse, 1919. I wondered if it was him.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Size gain

Postby Alex258 » Fri Oct 13, 2023 5:35 pm

Stayingstrong wrote:
Alex258 wrote:Hey. Three years ED it was 2.5 inches. Post surgery maybe around 5 length. Today after 10 months i'm closing in on 6 length and girth growth has been really good. Make sure you do cycling and Perito exercises. I also started using the pump recently and I think its helping too.

Thank you for responding.
Am I reading this correctly in that you doubled your length right after the implant (2.5 pre-op to 5 post- op)?

Going through posts and wondering how you are doing. How was the surgery and how is your rehab going?

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Re: Size gain

Postby gandalfasfhaf » Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:54 pm

Some promising replies in here. Have lost at least 2" due to Peyronies so mine might be different but ED Also has affected it. Hoping I can regain some length with an implant!

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