20 Year old Male Considering implant

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby mikeock » Wed May 10, 2023 3:59 pm

Hello my name is Mike,

I’m 20 years old and I started to experience Ed last year. I initially had a high sex drive last year and had strong erections but I got a job from home all of 2022 and instead of master baiting conventionally, I was bending my erection between my thighs and forcing myself to cum. I would also sleep on my stomach a lot and my morning wood would bend hard and I wore really tight underwear going out bc I was really horny and got random boners and hated them. Now I regret it all, I developed Peyronies and SEVERE Ed in the span of 11 months and it’s crushing. I started a new job, fell for this girl who I think is extremely beautiful but I never slept with her bc when our situation started I had started to develop the ED and never initiated sex with her. Now she’s sleeping w another one of my coworkers and suffering with Ed when a girl I really care about is right in front of me is crushing for my masculinity. Suicide thought have came and went, but I’m trying to fight this bs and get through it even though Ik it’s my own damn fault for the wreck less behavior last year. I went to a urologist but they just kept perscribing me viagra and kicking me out the door. The viagra gives me weak injections and I feel my penis leak so I think the damage from my stupid lifestyle also is causing a venous leak, but I’m not so sure. The pills cause a weak erection that I can maintain but it’s not strong enough for penetration. And the curvature is starting to make me lose length which is awful bc I would consider myself way above average 7 inches to 6 inches sucks ass. I want to know if the injections will make Peyronies worse or should I really be gunning it for an implant. I don’t see the appeal of injecting my dick everytime to maintain an erection and I’m considering the implant to be a viable option even though I’m only 20 years old and I will need multiple revisions. The Ed only gets worse over time and I have to force myself to maintain an erection and my glass to stay hard it’s a miserable feeling. I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy and I feel my masculinity plunge. I’m woundering if the implant is really a viable option to change my life and I’m gunning for Dr. Yafi from UCI but I’m just super discouraged and depressed to have to deal with all this while all my friends and cowerekers are having sex and I’m here with a dead dick. I need some help and advice and just people to talk to that’s all. Thank you.

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Re: 20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby returntocenter » Wed May 10, 2023 6:03 pm

mikeock wrote:Hello my name is Mike,

I’m 20 years old and I started to experience Ed last year. I initially had a high sex drive last year and had strong erections but I got a job from home all of 2022 and instead of master baiting conventionally, I was bending my erection between my thighs and forcing myself to cum. I would also sleep on my stomach a lot and my morning wood would bend hard and I wore really tight underwear going out bc I was really horny and got random boners and hated them. Now I regret it all, I developed Peyronies and SEVERE Ed in the span of 11 months and it’s crushing. I started a new job, fell for this girl who I think is extremely beautiful but I never slept with her bc when our situation started I had started to develop the ED and never initiated sex with her. Now she’s sleeping w another one of my coworkers and suffering with Ed when a girl I really care about is right in front of me is crushing for my masculinity. Suicide thought have came and went, but I’m trying to fight this bs and get through it even though Ik it’s my own damn fault for the wreck less behavior last year. I went to a urologist but they just kept perscribing me viagra and kicking me out the door. The viagra gives me weak injections and I feel my penis leak so I think the damage from my stupid lifestyle also is causing a venous leak, but I’m not so sure. The pills cause a weak erection that I can maintain but it’s not strong enough for penetration. And the curvature is starting to make me lose length which is awful bc I would consider myself way above average 7 inches to 6 inches sucks ass. I want to know if the injections will make Peyronies worse or should I really be gunning it for an implant. I don’t see the appeal of injecting my dick everytime to maintain an erection and I’m considering the implant to be a viable option even though I’m only 20 years old and I will need multiple revisions. The Ed only gets worse over time and I have to force myself to maintain an erection and my glass to stay hard it’s a miserable feeling. I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy and I feel my masculinity plunge. I’m woundering if the implant is really a viable option to change my life and I’m gunning for Dr. Yafi from UCI but I’m just super discouraged and depressed to have to deal with all this while all my friends and cowerekers are having sex and I’m here with a dead dick. I need some help and advice and just people to talk to that’s all. Thank you.

Hey man. Being a young guy, I can relate to everything you said. Hang in there, we can get through this. The logical next step for you is to get a doppler study done. Go see a urologist about it and don't let them shoo you away because you're young. Confirm whether you have a venous leak or not. If you want to be extra confident in the diagnosis, get a CT cavernosometry done on top of the doppler with someone like Dr. Kably in Miami or Dr. Allaire in Paris (don't know where you're based). Kably can do both exams. (Sidenote: Kably offers a sclerotherapy/embolization procedure for venous leaks, but I can't vouch for it. Some FT members have had really bad experiences with sclerotherapy. Read gollam's story about that here viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7763&hilit=gollam%27s+story)

You've tried pills already, so try injections next. Also try VED pumps + cock rings (the Encore Deluxe penis pump is a good option). Try combining injections and cock rings. If any of that works, stick with that. If it doesn't, I would get an implant. This is the course of action I'm following. Sure, we'll have to get various revisions in our lifetime, but it's better than a life without sex, that's for sure.
26 y/o. Physiogenic ED.
Tried pills, injections, shockwave therapy, rings, healthy lifestyle, alternative meds.

Implant T-Shirts: https://www.bionicbrothers.store
ED Discord: https://discord.gg/tdtu7WTa4a
Pump: https://tinyurl.com/57buc55e

Lost Sheep
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Re: 20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed May 10, 2023 6:17 pm

mikeock wrote:Hello my name is Mike,

I’m 20 years old and I started to experience Ed last year. I initially had a high sex drive last year and had strong erections but I got a job from home all of 2022 and instead of master baiting conventionally, I was bending my erection between my thighs and forcing myself to cum. I would also sleep on my stomach a lot and my morning wood would bend hard and I wore really tight underwear going out bc I was really horny and got random boners and hated them. Now I regret it all, I developed Peyronies and SEVERE Ed in the span of 11 months and it’s crushing. I started a new job, fell for this girl who I think is extremely beautiful but I never slept with her bc when our situation started I had started to develop the ED and never initiated sex with her. Now she’s sleeping w another one of my coworkers and suffering with Ed when a girl I really care about is right in front of me is crushing for my masculinity. Suicide thought have came and went, but I’m trying to fight this bs and get through it even though Ik it’s my own damn fault for the wreck less behavior last year. I went to a urologist but they just kept perscribing me viagra and kicking me out the door. The viagra gives me weak injections and I feel my penis leak so I think the damage from my stupid lifestyle also is causing a venous leak, but I’m not so sure. The pills cause a weak erection that I can maintain but it’s not strong enough for penetration. And the curvature is starting to make me lose length which is awful bc I would consider myself way above average 7 inches to 6 inches sucks ass. I want to know if the injections will make Peyronies worse or should I really be gunning it for an implant. I don’t see the appeal of injecting my dick everytime to maintain an erection and I’m considering the implant to be a viable option even though I’m only 20 years old and I will need multiple revisions. The Ed only gets worse over time and I have to force myself to maintain an erection and my glass to stay hard it’s a miserable feeling. I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy and I feel my masculinity plunge. I’m woundering if the implant is really a viable option to change my life and I’m gunning for Dr. Yafi from UCI but I’m just super discouraged and depressed to have to deal with all this while all my friends and cowerekers are having sex and I’m here with a dead dick. I need some help and advice and just people to talk to that’s all. Thank you.

mikeock, welcome to the forum (though I recognize that "welcome" is not a sentiment uppermost in your mind).

I believe I may have done a similar damage to my erectile abilities (though there is no way to prove it) in my adolescence. I am fortunate not to have induced Peryonie's Disease. But I struggled with mild ED (I could have penetrative sex, but it was always a race against leakage to finish before collapse, which usually was too soon for my partners). Eventually, oral medications worked for many years and ultimately lost effectiveness, so I skipped injections and got an implant in my late 60's.

In your case, I HIGHLY recommend getting a vacuum erection device (VED) to ensure you do not lose any size. Size loss is a risk if you do not have nocturnal and daily erections which flush blood through your tissues and your tissues flexible and elastic. There are protocols of therapeutic use of a VED (not for sex and not using the constriction rings) to maintain penile health and size.

On the idea of going for an implant before exploring less destructive, invasive, risky and expensive treatments (as an implannt is), I highly recommend exploring those alternatives. Oral medications can go a long way toward restoring your function and preserving your self-esteem (lack of erectile ability can become a self-sustaining cycle of failure-reinforcement in your mind).

I took a long time to reveal my ED to my primary medical provider because I was embarrassed to admit to it. Shame is a destructive emotion and gets in the way of healing and cures and many other things. So, if that is a concern, put aside your embarrassment and seek out medical advice. A reference to a urologist who specializes in men's sexual health is well worth whatever sacrifices you may have to make.

Lost Sheep - lost no more....well, at least finding my way. Daniel Boone is reported to have claimed to have never been lost in the woods. He admitted to being confused for several days, but never LOST.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: 20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby drayan123 » Thu May 11, 2023 8:19 am

Hey bro do u have Insta or Snapchat I can talk to u on? I’m 20 as well I fucked up my whole life touching drugs for my hair which I should’nt have and I’m on the same boat as u and it’s a misery living like this everyday but drop me ur socials brother I’ll have a chat with u and keep ur head up remember ur not alone we in this together ❤️

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Re: 20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby mikeock » Sat May 13, 2023 3:12 am

drayan123 wrote:Hey bro do u have Insta or Snapchat I can talk to u on? I’m 20 as well I fucked up my whole life touching drugs for my hair which I should’nt have and I’m on the same boat as u and it’s a misery living like this everyday but drop me ur socials brother I’ll have a chat with u and keep ur head up remember ur not alone we in this together ❤️

Aye homie I appreciate you man, I deleted snap and insta at the moment bc I’m pretty depressed about everything but I have Reddit if your interested in messaging on there or a number lol.

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Re: 20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby 19cmbonepressed » Wed May 17, 2023 3:07 pm

get it.

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Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:43 pm

Re: 20 Year old Male Considering implant

Postby Witheringhog » Wed May 17, 2023 3:49 pm

I would recommend the above, see a doc, confirm your fd, but I would also recommend an all day stretcher, traction has been proven to help improve curves in some patients, work up to 8-12 hours a day. If that doesn't sound appealing, spend a few days reading all posts on FT and see if the 5%ish?+ negative issues is worth it for you, my recovery has been a dream thank goodness and I would recommend it highly even at my 16 days post op. Thing is, I had it easy, you might not. Another FT user had the same doc, surgery the same day, and he is going to the ER thinking he might have to get it removed.

Odds are high if you went with an implant you would be happy, and in 10 years it seems plausible there might even be a bluetooth option. If you want some random dudes thoughts, get it, don't waist your 20s/ best sexual years of your life on a dick that doesn't work.
49 - Coloplast Titan 22 implanted 5-2 Dr. Clavell in Houston

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