My only option is an implant and im only 23

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My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby soulforged » Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:53 am

SO,my story is very stupid and tragic and extremely long,but in a nuteshell : i had an extremely "non classic" penile fracture which was misdiagnosed and resulted in a huge curvature abnd size(on top of the minor curvature i was born with) and almost total loss of erection
i did a dopler study which showed weak blood flow and a venous leak(he said the venous leak is very minor though)
i cant have sex because my penis looks like a banana(the curvature is about 50-60 degrees) and masturbation is uncomfortable to say the least because of the curvature and the erection is very weak
with the injection which was done in the dopler study the erection was very hard though
i talked to the doctor and he said that only fixing the curvature will not solve my weak blood flow and venous leak,he also said that doing the surgery and than relying on injections/viagra is an option but he said that an implant will make correcting the curvature easier and is generaly the treatment for patient with erection problems and a curve as big as mine
im a total loss,im only 23 years old and i lost my will to get out of bed in the morning,i dropped out of school(was studing pharmocology) and basically pass my time infront of the computer trying to think if i should just off myself
but after a few sessions with the doc(who is pretty much the only "expert" on implants in my country) he arrenged for me to talk to some guys who have the implant and they told me its not nearly as bad im saying it is,that it actually feels almost like a natural erection and that i shouldnt turn my basically only option down,one guy even said that in some aspects its better because you can have the erection for as long as you like do whatever the hell you want because its not based on blood flow obviously
what id like you guys to tell me is the hard truth,becuase i was feeling like the guys ive talked with just tried to encourage me and were sugar coating things for me
how does sex feel with the implant? how hard was the recovery for you? did u have problems with the device?
i would be especially interested to talk to anyone my age(if there are any) because the guys that the doc arrenged for me to talk with were in their 40-60s

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby colonelangus » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:38 am

First of all, I'm not in your age range, but I feel like I am. A few years ago I was in the best shape of my life. I was working out hard and had an awesome body to show for it. I had women checking me out and the best job in the world for me being a fireman. Then I had a very serious accident that included a spinal cord injury. I hit rock bottom. Thought it was all over. I can no longer feel my penis. It constantly feels like it's been injected with Novacaine. NUMB. To top it off, I could no longer get rock hard like I used to. I've been struggling with this for 3 years and last week I took the plunge and got an implant. My wife is SUPER excited about it and we are counting down the days til we can try it out. It's like I have a brand new dick! I REALLY think you will enjoy having an implant. You can go as long as you like and women LOVE that shit! You can tell them if you want, or not. They won't know. You think you have it bad, it took me a year to re-learn to walk. It's still not easy but damnit I'm alive and there is a LOT of cool shit to see out there. If surgery will fix your issue (and from what I've read I think it will), then do it. I know it's a VERY tough pill to swallow. It took everything I had to go see a urologist. I was scared shitless right up until they put the mask on me and I felt the drugs kicking in. I'm still a little bruised and swollen, and sometimes it hurts like hell, but I've got a dick that will get rock hard again and soon I'm going to put that sucker to use! Don't beat yourself up over this. Get that thing fixed and get back on the saddle!! Good luck!
40 year old that had an aircraft accident 3 years ago (Aug 11, 2010). I had a spinal cord injury at L-1 that left me with partial paralysis. I'm able to walk some with effort. I have bowel/bladder/ED issues from the injury. Titan implant on Aug 12, 2013

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby Dave92014 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:57 am

You are not alone in your situation. There are numerous guys in their 20's and early 30's who have posted here on FT. One that I think you will find answers a lot of questions from the perspective of someone your age who has an implant is a guy from Minnesota. He uses "Minnesota" in his user name. He has a video blog. The link to it is in the "members" section. You can find that by clicking on "Discussion Forums" and then on "Members". Look around here through the earlier posts and you will find others your age.

On your question of whether the impants work, my own experience, and that of most of the people who I have read here on FT, is that they work very well. You do have to go through some pain in the healing period, which varies by person. The major part of the pain clears up after about 4 to 8 weeks. But the pain is worth it to get a tool that gives you a normal sex life. Just keep focused on the fact that the surgery will give you a normal sex life soon and you will get through the post-surgery okay.

Best wishes,
Implant surgery by Dr. John Greisman 10/31/2012 - Installed AMS CX700

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby soulforged » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:47 am

thanks for the support guys
however u didnt adress my main questions which are if u can enjoy sex just like before and if the ejaculation is as fun as it used to be?
what annoys me the most is that my case is retardedly complex,even if i was born organicly impotent it wouldve been much easier
but because of the curvature he might have to do a fix AND an implantion,but first he has to try the implantation and see if the curvature will be "mild enough" and if it wont be enough he will have to correct it
oh and to top it all of he says im in risk for developing more scar tissue after surgery due to the penile fracture that i had
he says he wants to do some more tests which ive never heard of(angiogram of the penis? wtf?) and than decide if he is going for the "fixing",for the implant or both
still would love to hear from younger guys with implants
Last edited by soulforged on Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby soulforged » Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:30 pm

thanks for the support guys
however u didnt adress my main questions which are if u can enjoy sex just like before and if the ejaculation is as fun as it used to be?
what annoys me the most is that my case is retardedly complex,even if i was born organicly impotent it wouldve been much easier
but because of the curvature he might have to do a fix AND an implantion,but first he has to try the implantation and see if the curvature will be "mild enough" and if it wont be enough he will have to correct it
oh and to top it all of he says im in risk for developing more scar tissue after surgery due to the penile fracture that i had
he says he wants to do some more tests which ive never heard of(angiogram of the penis? wtf?) and than decide if he is going for the "fixing",for the implant or both
still would love to hear from younger guys with implants

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby Dave92014 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:26 pm

soulforged wrote:thanks for the support guys
however u didnt adress my main questions which are if u can enjoy sex just like before and if the ejaculation is as fun as it used to be?

Yes, the enjoyment, feeling and ejaculation are just the same as it was 15 or more years ago before ED started. In fact much better than it was when using ED pills or injections because it is available 7/24 on command with about 30 seconds of pumping and it works 100% of the time. Knowing it will work for sure and I can last as long as I want gives me a lot of freedom for more enjoyment for both myself and my wife.

Implant surgery by Dr. John Greisman 10/31/2012 - Installed AMS CX700

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby tankerman » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:17 pm

Hi Dave 92014 its Nathan,,, reading your reply to this post just gave me so much of a boost of confidence that I feel like I should of made an app for an implant ten years ago,, thank you. Nathan
I am 48 years old have had ED since I was 16, I can get an erection but I can not maintain it, tried pills I dont like the side effects, tried Trimix it has been hit and miss, I think I should get an implant.

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Re: My only option is an implant and im only 23

Postby ChillOut2k » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:39 am

Like you I am in a similar boat. You can read my 25 yr old story. Like you I am working on getting a implant. There is nothing like going out and meeting women knowing you can not perform. It's a living nightmare but there is hope.

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