A 25 YR Old's Story

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby ChillOut2k » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:36 pm

Thanks guys, I'm trying to get a new insurance now, I am also looking over a plan at my job. This is a expensive procedure hopefully I can find a insurance to fund this. From some of the bionic stories I read, half of you guys can become porn stars. Question, How do your wives feel about the implant? Also how does the sizing work? Do you just stretch your penis out when it is flaccid and estimate that will be your size? I am little confused on this. But to take away the emotional stress of sitting at the bar knowing your penis is going to fail you no matter what is a big relief.

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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby rschweiger » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:42 pm

Hey chill,
As far as sizing,yeah stretch out your penis and press a ruler to the pubic bone and measure(I never did this before my implant) my dr just looked @ me and said you should be around the same size you are now,that was good enough for me,I was preoccupied with just haveing a working penis again.I'm probably not gonna be a porn star although I don't have any problems showing it to anybody anymore(not the biggest but I'm still happy with it.....lol)and I have had a few sessions that lasted a good 1 1/2 hrs plus.(the beauty of you haveing to let it down)
As for my partners have not had a complaint since I've gotten implant my partners all know I have an implant,so no awkward looks if they feel something,no bathroom trip to pump and then return with a boner..........but I do still remember looks of disappointment on a lovers face when it wasn't working(and those killed me)
But those days are behind me(for now till my implant will eventually fail)hopefully not for a very long time.

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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby ChillOut2k » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:04 pm

So after it fails do you have to do the healing process all over, has anybody had a replacement done?

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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby ChillOut2k » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:35 pm

Can anyone chime in on their sexual experiences with the implant? Any limitations? Can you achieve orgasms and how is the sensitivity? If your not comfortable here you can pm me.

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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby rschweiger » Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:00 pm

Hey chill,
The one thing my dr said he would guarantee is that eventually it will fail(hopefully not for a long time ) but I am only 42 so hopefully I'll be around and healthy enough to see a replacement after many years of service on this one?
As far as experiences,I have not had any complaints, I've used it every which way I could think of w/o any problems......and a whole lota smiles.
If I can't have a natural erection this is the next best thing of course with an advantage.......it stays up till I say so( ok until my partner say so......lol and that cld be a while.)

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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby fnrldir07 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:57 pm

You can private message me I had the implant about 2 months ago and i am 28 years old.

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Re: A 25 YR Old's Story

Postby KMeister » Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:58 pm

ChillOut2k wrote:Thanks guys It is difficult to deal with sometimes I sit there day dreaming, other times I can feel like crap as if some one snatched away my manhood. I discovered this site by looking online searching for options. The stories on here are encouraging. Only problem is what kind of insurance can I find to pay for a procedure like that. Most plans don't cover erectile dysfunction especially for my age bracket. I am surrounded by beautiful women and my penis is like a dead fish floating on a lake ouch.

Chill are you saying you currently don't have medical insurance or the medical insurance you have won't cover the procedure? Some insurance plans will cover the procedure but a physician has to deem it "medically necessary." Some insurance companies require that the patient undergo less expensive therapy first (pills, injections, vacuum pump, etc.).

I know how you feel ("ouch"). Before I had my implant I was depressed and distressed about my ED. Fortunately, my bride (going on 18 years now) assured me of her undying love. Still, my confidence and disposition stiffened up significantly after the surgery (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun). It's been nearly two years now and I still enjoy staring at my soft and hard penis in the mirror.

As far as you age goes, you'll have 40 to 50 years to enjoy it. Finding true love, well, that's another story...


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