Tough decision to make

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Tough decision to make

Postby indeed » Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:22 am

Hey guys

Long story short i injured my suspensory ligament and have erection issues and wobbly base ever since.
I talked to Hakky, Eid, and Ralph. Eid and Hakky agreed implant would probably be best. Ralph wanted to do some more tests first (eventhough i have VL diagnosis).
I'm pretty sure i'll need the implant though. My dilemma:
Since my ligament is injured i lack stability at the base an my erection angle is fucked. According to Ralph the implant would take over for the ligament, Eid and Hakky were like "maybe". Eid advised against ligament repair surgery, Hakky offered to do it in the same procedure as the implant but said it's quite dangerous. He did it a few times before and said it went well each time, but there is a risk. If his surgery goes wrong you're basically fucked (dorsal nerve damage).

Very though decision to make. I'm worried if i don't do the ligament surgery, my angle will point down and my base will still be weak and prone to injury.
Does anyone have any input?

Thanks a lot
30 years old. Suspensory ligament repair with Dr. Ralph March 23.
20cm Titan OTR, no RTEs. Dr. Clavell - May 10, 23.

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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby gjmjoe017 » Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:28 am

My first thought is go with just the implant and see if that does the job and consider the other option later!Good luck!
71 yrs.old married,ED for 7 yrs.Pills for 3 yrs,TriMix for 21/2 yrs.6 1/2 inches flacid,71/4 inches erect,6 inches girth.Coloplast Titan put in 11/13/20,Dr.Bozeman,Arkansas Urology,Little Rock.22cm + 2 RTE.

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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby AmansinCali » Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:52 pm


I agree with Joe.

If it is that much of a risk I wouldn't do it now, get the implant and use it for a while then revisit this if you are not happy.

My implant sticks straight out when inflated, maybe just a little up, and it fucks perfectly. Yes, once in a while my wife or I have to reach down and aim my dick, but that was not unheard of when I was much younger. You get the implant in order to fuck, that's the primary reason, if you can after implant, I would say, mission accomplished. Then I would follow the adage, "If it aint broke, don't fix it!"
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

Old Guy
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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby Old Guy » Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:05 pm

I think the same thing, get the implant and see how it works. Certain positions make either me or the wife have to point the guy in the right direction occasionally, no big deal. Had to do that when my dick worked.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby principles » Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:10 pm

My angle is "below horizon" and quite frankly it's the least important thing of all penile related topics imho.
I have a loose suspensory ligament from before the implant and I too was concerned about wobleness. I ended up with 22+3cm of RTE's which in theory having a ridigity factor of 1-(3+5)/25 * 100 = 68% (eid's metric) and still I ended up having way more rigidity than my best natural erection. I understand your concerns but in my experience it wasn't an issue at all. You're likely overthinking this.
Get a Titan, least amount of RTE's possible, get healed, and you'll forget about ever having such a concern later on.
Healthy 31y
08/2020 Titan 22+3. Post op was rough. Best sex of my life. Tubing failed after 26 months.
11/2022 Titan 24+2. Infected from Revision.
01/2023 Tactra 23 13mm. Salvage.
08/2023 Titan 20+3. Infected (3 weeks in)
08/2023 Scheduled Tactra Salvage.

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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby nuance » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:01 pm

How does one know if suspensory ligament is torn or damaged?

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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby nuance » Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:41 pm

Can anyone comment on how one can figure out if the "wobbly" base is cause of weak erections versus damaged suspensory ligament?

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Re: Tough decision to make

Postby Nestor » Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:56 pm

If I may ask, how did you damage the ligament?
47; Considering an implant. ED for over a decade. Tested a decade ago for VL, negative. Not hormonal; may be dopamine reward dysfunction.

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