I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby TB0711 » Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:02 pm

I been doing more research and it seems everything is caused by a scrotal hematoma. I noticed that I had a hard spot in my scrotum so I put a heating pad on it and as it loosened up the spot, blood rushed out of the hole. The pump is very close to the scrotal hematoma, if not touching it. Could be a damaged blood vessel? This seem fixable over time. I hope it is. I meet with my DR. in a week I wonder what he’ll have to say about this. Again don’t seem like an infection at all, but with heat I leak.
Last edited by TB0711 on Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
30yr, Implanted 04/05/22 w/ Titan by Dr.Taj. ED caused by week-long priapism in 2019.

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby Wiggles123 » Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:16 pm

See another surgeon for a second opinion.
AMS700 CX 21cm with 3 RTE 4-2019 by Dr Natale - failed 5-2021. Revision 6-2021 with issue (scrotal hematoma and infection). Dr. Ryan Terlecki revision 3-28-2022 (AMS700 CX 21cm with 1.5cm RTE). Cylinder failure at 18 months. 24cm AMS700 CX 11-29-2023.

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby Minnesota » Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:58 am

I do believe something isn't right. 2x implants of experience and none of those symptoms happened to me. If you leak, you can get an infection (isn't that true for any wound or injury?)

A few things that stand out (NOT a doctor, please consult, this is based on my experience)
- I don't believe you should be pumping at all if you still have an incision that's healing. Let your wound heal properly, that goes for all guys. My stitches didn't dissolve until 3-4 weeks out. I would be very concerned with grabbing or pulling at a wound that's trying to heal.

- some of you commented on painful first time pumping. I did experience that as the tissue is all so sensitive, healing, and getting used to the implant.
Diagnosed with ED at age of 19, Implanted with Coloplast Titan at age 20. Now 34 (2023)
Titan failed 09/2020, replaced on 10/2/2020 by Kolher @ Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby Flounder » Tue Apr 26, 2022 5:39 pm

TB0711 wrote:Here are a few more things that make me believe something isn't quite right:

1.I’ve noticed that when I pee sometimes my penis have an urge to stop in a twitch like motion and I have to try to pee again.

2. My pee seems to be a bit darker these last couple of days.

3, When I pump up my penis and deflate it within a half an hour to a few hours more liquid comes out of the stitch hole like there's a leak or something.

This whole recovery process has been a mess"…………..

1. Keep in mind, two stiff Titan tubes just moved in next to your urethra. The new tubes plus trauma and swelling from surgery are likely putting temporary pressure points on the urethra which should resolve in time as the tubes soften and everything settles into place. A number of FT members have reported difficulties urinating during the first few weeks of recovery. Time will be the doctor.

2. Can also be caused by Tylenol, antibiotics, other drugs & vitamins, or dehydration which easily happens when one is inactive and doesn’t sense the need for water. Have you tried increasing (forcing) water intake for a few days?

3. As previously mentioned, I don’t think it’s wise that you started cycling before the incision healed properly. When you pump up the skin on your dick stretches and that can create a pulling tension at the base of your penis right next to the infrapubic incision. Seems logical you could be tearing open the tender wound again when you pump up. I’m not a doctor so I suggest you call Taj and ask him directly if it’s okay to cycle while the wound is still oozing.
A-69, M-44, Battling ED since partial NS-Prostatectomy 2012 plus SRT for PCa return 2016
Pills & injections ran their course. Implant 11/11/22 by Dr. Eid.
Titan Classic 22cm, LH cylinder trimmed, Ectopic reservoir placement.

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby Cyclops » Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:29 pm

TB0711 wrote:I got the implant done on the 5th. My surgeon/urologist took my staples out on the 12th. Ever since last Tuesday, I’ve been bleeding dark watery blood in one of the staple spots that refuse to completely heal. The liquid came from one hole where my staples were that didn't properly heal I guess. To this day, I still have to dress this area multiple times daily as it get messy. It was to the point I went to the ER and they called my urologist and he told them a single staple should stop the bleeding. It didn’t though, it just slowed the bleeding if anything. That same day the ER I decided to talk a test for infection. I can't remember the name of the process but they used warm IV fluids and a machine to and determined if it was an infection. It can out negative of no infection or (no standing liquid..)

A couple days ago, I woke up in a pool of this red watery, scentless liquid. Look likeninpee on myself, but my soaking gauze assured me I didn't. I was concerned and visited his office and he told me it’s old blood that’s leaving the body and nothing to be worried about.

Here are a few more things that make me believe something isn't quite right:

1.I’ve noticed that when I pee sometimes my penis have an urge to stop in a twitch like motion and I have to try to pee again.

2. My pee seems to be a bit darker these last couple of days.

3, When I pump up my penis and deflate it within a half an hour to a few hours more liquid comes out of the stitch hole like there's a leak or something.

This whole recovery process has been a mess because I had to always clean up my womb area. The only thing that gives me hope is my surgeon/urologist telling me that I’m okay and this is part of the healing process, but it just seems more and more unlikely.

Hey, I'm having the same issue as I type this message, and also had the same Doctor as well. He performed the infra pubic approach, underwent surgery 9/12/22, he stapled my incision, came back two weeks later to remove the staples and I was still slightly bleeding from one corner of the incision. He then stitched that corner up and I was told to come back in two weeks. Came back and the Dr. removed the stitches and there was still some leakage from the wound but not a whole lot initially. So I went home and then all of sudden, a pool of blood, almost enough to fill a cup for a certain vampire. I went to the ER, a wonderful doctor applied some Dermabond since the wound wasn't bleeding excessively and the Dermabond stopped the bleeding for a few days. After the Dermabond wore off, small drainage occurs but not a lot, I went to the CVS and got some Liquid Bandaid to replicate the Dermabond effect. Now, at this current moment, I"m not leaking as much, I believe my body is trying to heal but I'm still concerned about infections and getting this implant removed and re-implanted and the costs. Since I paid for this out of pocket with no insurance help at all. During these weeks I went through a lot of emotions and stress, sometimes yelling Dr. XXX SUCKS!! going on a rant for about ten minutes. Yea so that's where I'm at.
40 years old, married for 6 years, ED for 3 yrs.Pills for 3 yrs,TriMix for 2 months. Coloplast Titan put in 09-12-22,Dr.Tajkarimi, Leesburg, VA. 22cm + 1cm RTE.

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby Anfornee » Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:28 pm

You know, one thing I noticed, is that for such a low infection rate we certainly have plenty of guys here who have had infection. I was also initially infrapubic. I noticed that the drain filled up twice completely the first night after the surgery and even though I told them that It filled up twice with extremely red fluid, mostly blood, they still removed the drain which I believe was a mistake. the following two weeks, the pubic area stayed inflamed, after the initial activation of the pump in two weeks, I developed a hematoma. It was like a hard disc for lack of a better explanation, and the doctor said it would go away overtime, but it did not. Within three weeks my right testicle started to get very inflamed and I was concerned. The doctor said it was just a hematoma and that would fade, but it continued getting worse day by day after week four of dealing with an extremely large, right testicle I start developing fevers and night sweats. No I’m not a doctor, but I know what’s right and what’s wrong . Doctor finally said that the implant would have to come out because I was infected and since that time I’ve been taking Bactrim every day for two weeks. When the doctor took out the titan, he replaced it with a genesis malleable unit which I’m trying out right now and I won’t know if I’m keeping it until I’m cleared for sex and then I’ll make a decision.

I wish I would’ve got a second opinion prior to letting it turn into an emergency where I was in horrific pain for about 14 hours. Now that I have the malleable I have to wait 2 to 3 months before I can go back to having a titan implanted again.

I understand my doctor wanting the issue to resolve itself, so I didn’t have to go through surgery once or twice more but I also should’ve listen to my body and seen another doctor to get another opinion. I hope your issue works out better than it did for me!
Titan 24XL implanted by Dr Hakky on 6/13/23

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby Agfa13 » Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:52 pm

Hmmm...my Dr.s, all 3 of them, used dissolving stitches. Not sure why staples would be used.
The stitches would dissolve and come out in my clothes (went commando most of the time), the shower, and in bed.
Aside from the infection, all has gone well, except for a smaller dick :x
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby TB0711 » Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:22 pm

TB0711 wrote:I got the implant done on the 5th. My surgeon/urologist took my staples out on the 12th. Ever since last Tuesday, I’ve been bleeding dark watery blood in one of the staple spots that refuse to completely heal. The liquid came from one hole where my staples were that didn't properly heal I guess. To this day, I still have to dress this area multiple times daily as it get messy. It was to the point I went to the ER and they called my urologist and he told them a single staple should stop the bleeding. It didn’t though, it just slowed the bleeding if anything. That same day the ER I decided to talk a test for infection. I can't remember the name of the process but they used warm IV fluids and a machine to and determined if it was an infection. It can out negative of no infection or (no standing liquid..)

A couple days ago, I woke up in a pool of this red watery, scentless liquid. Look likeninpee on myself, but my soaking gauze assured me I didn't. I was concerned and visited his office and he told me it’s old blood that’s leaving the body and nothing to be worried about.

Here are a few more things that make me believe something isn't quite right:

1.I’ve noticed that when I pee sometimes my penis have an urge to stop in a twitch like motion and I have to try to pee again.

2. My pee seems to be a bit darker these last couple of days.

3, When I pump up my penis and deflate it within a half an hour to a few hours more liquid comes out of the stitch hole like there's a leak or something.

This whole recovery process has been a mess because I had to always clean up my womb area. The only thing that gives me hope is my surgeon/urologist telling me that I’m okay and this is part of the healing process, but it just seems more and more unlikely.

EDIT: A few stitches fixed the issue.

30yr, Implanted 04/05/22 w/ Titan by Dr.Taj. ED caused by week-long priapism in 2019.

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Re: I think I have an infection. Your thoughts?

Postby España1980 » Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:58 pm

How are you friend?

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