
The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Postby rsmith4259 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:31 pm

Just out of a relationship. Haven't had sex yet...concerned about a potential partner finding out. I am gay. Any comments? Experiences? Thanks.

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Re: Dating

Postby Steven1111 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:08 pm


I'm gay too, tho I have a partner so he already knows of course. But we tend to play with a third party now and then and I have this same question about how I'll act when the time comes to get naked and do it. Knowing myself well I've found that being upfront is usually my best bet and I suspect that I'll just tell the guy that I have an implant and that I think he'll enjoy it. In your case you'll probably want to be honest if you have any desires to see the guy again and be more than just sex buddies, tho that's fine too of course. He'll find out eventually. I guess it depends on your personality and how comfortable you are in talking about the implant with others. Some guys here have said that their partners don't even know but I find that difficult to fathom. It's pretty obvious I'd think, and gay guys like to play with the balls a lot usually so it's likely that he'll find the pump anyway. Good luck to you and don't be too nervous about it. Just act like you've got a great thing to play with and be proud of it and I'll bet most guys will be in awe of it and really pleased with your studly ability. That's what I'm hoping for anyway... ;)

Good luck to you, have fun and just be yourself,
64 year old gay man. Brachytherapy Radiation for Prostate Cancer Oct. 2010. Permanent ED Nov. 2012. Failed pills, pumps and injections. Happily implanted with AMS CX May 9th, 2013. Sex Rocks again! Thanks to everyone for such caring support.

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Re: Dating

Postby rschweiger » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:50 pm

Hey rsmith,
You'll be fine.....its all up to you if its just sex you may be able to get away w/it
If you get freaky like myself your partner will find out I'm sure. I was w/a woman through my operation and then she took a break after we only got to use it once. So when I was dating again I was upfront I'm proud as hell of my implant and now I smile when I have the talk,for years I had to say I wanna ......but it may not work?those talks sucked and were very hard(unlike my but anyway the current girl is 30 I. Looked at her one day and said oh by the way I have an implant,she sid cool....then later that day I thought damn this poor girl prob don't even know what the hell I was talking about.but she had seen a show on them and she gave me credit for being proactive about ED and fixing it instead of just hiding from it. Now she just loves it and wants to thank my so you could be upfront,you could wait for the look of terror when they discover everything in there and wonder what the hell,or you can wait for someone to question why your hard for 3 days straight :)
Sorry I got long

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