*** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby Luther » Sat Sep 10, 2022 3:22 am

Craigohbig wrote:I think you’ll lose some girth…length won’t be an issue

Yes, I tend to think the same. Is there consensus to what girth a Titan P.I. can expand maximally (for a prothesis for a 22 cm - 8.7 inch - penis)? It would give me some peace of mind to know what size decline to expect.
26cm Titan (no RTE), Dr. van Renterghem (Belgium), October 2023.

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby stephen54 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:55 am

Luther wrote:
Craigohbig wrote:I think you’ll lose some girth…length won’t be an issue

Yes, I tend to think the same. Is there consensus to what girth a Titan P.I. can expand maximally (for a prothesis for a 22 cm - 8.7 inch - penis)? It would give me some peace of mind to know what size decline to expect.

There's an avalanche written on FT about the pre/post sizing. If you've been reading up here for some time you're probably aware that there is a discernibly recurring theme - some lose length and/or girth, many stay essentially the same, and a small subset make some modest gains. If it's "consensus" you seek though...honestly...I'd be dubious about "consensus". With respect, I think you're maybe asking the wrong question. Maybe the more pointed and revealing question to ask is to yourself, and really more gets to your preparedness to balance a size aesthetic against function:

"If I knew I'd lose 10% of my dick size in a direct trade for unquestioned, on-demand, unyielding function, and all the mental clarity which comes with that, am I frustrated enough with current state to make that trade?"

Only you can answer that.

I was essentially you. I can relate.

Pills ran their course and then injections worked absolutely amazing for a lot of years. At the 7-8 year mark injection potencies skyrocketed fairly rapidly and, even in the context of escalating, very aggressive dosing, I was not getting the results I wanted. But I could still have sex. Could still penetrate, get us both to orgasm, etc. But for me the issue was that there was now a very notable diminishment of the character of my erections. They were enough to achieve penetration but then there was a race underway to get to some sort of endpoint, because I could no longer trust my hardness nor could I trust the longevity of the erection. And I can only speak for me, but at that point, honestly, I did the math for myself and said fuck this...the sexual experience to which I am accustomed and to which I am so powerfully drawn...requires more function than this dick is able to deliver anymore. And in that sense, for me, the decision to implant was extremely easy to make. For me.

My wife was not fully understanding my logic and motivation at that time to implant. This is a much more involved thing to explain, but in short...she didn't live inside my head. She did not, could not, appreciate fully the frustration, worry, disappointment, and empty space in me from having steadily lost the very high functioning dick I previously enjoyed. She knew she was still frequently having sex with me, and coming, and having fun. What she didn't appreciate was the precipitous, slow slide in my dick's function. I did a hell of a lot to accommodate/conceal/compensate for my functional loss. It was of course always going to be screamingly obvious to me in a way that it could not be to her.

I'm describing a loss of function from lets say a 100% satisfactory, capable dick (with injections when dosing was optimal, before the drop off, this was superman dick) down to 75% of that, or something close. Hard, but not hard enough for me. Capable, but not capable enough for me. Duration, but not enough duration for me. Etc. So all I can share is that way of thinking that I personally came to: Over a lot of years I came to expect, and want, and need, one hell of a lot of function. I found myself, at some juncture, unwilling to accept less. Period. But your mileage may vary. It's obviously such an individual thing, what you want, what you need, what bargain you're willing to make to get there.

I will tell you that I have, to my knowledge, the largest available Titan. It's an absolutely fucking amazing device. It really is. We...love it. It is indescribably fun and capable and it has restored us to the really high level of experiences we both crave.

But it's not some unassailable panacea that anyone credible should say will give you the "peace of mind" you seem to seek regarding sizing. It's just not. My surgeon was not the issue. Far from it, he's (quietly) one of the best. He gave me everything current technology offers and I still lost some length and some girth both. My anatomy required a lot of my implant to be rooted in my pelvis.

All I can say in conclusion, really, is that the trade I described above worked for us. That's all. We are working this implant regularly, and hard, and it'll wear out when it wears out and I can't and won't try to moderate or control what I can't control. Life's too short. We're going to replace this thing someday, and god willing, hopefully live long enough to replace it a few times more. She and I are addicted to the ease and predictability and unwavering function of this thing, and so the size change in me is something we've both come to just openly acknowledge was a fair trade for our current awesome sex life. So yes, knowing what I know now, and if I had known what I know now back 3 years ago? Hell yes I'd make the same implant decision. It's not remotely even a blip of hesitation.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby robcb1 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:05 am

Wow, Stephen54. This is incredibly well said. We spend far too much time obsessing over things we simply cannot control, and that steals the joy of enjoying what we’ve been given to the absolute max. My implant has just been activated at roughly three weeks. I’m still healing, but my recovery has been very easy. Have had zero pain, just some mild discomfort and swelling of the scrotum. Really thankful for that. My length and girth haven’t changed a bit. But if they had, I would be okay with it. I had a great surgeon who trained under your surgeon, and he did a great job. And now, like you, I have 100% reliability anytime, every single time. What peace of mind that brings. What a huge weight off my shoulders.
Implanted 8/23/22. Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE’s, infrapubic. Married 40 years.

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby 2435tjklAS » Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:29 am

Luther wrote:Thus, I am not addressing the men here that basically had not other option than having the implant (e.g. those with ED after prostatectomy), but only those that had actually quite a lot to lose.

I didn’t need an implant. I got one because I was abusing Viagra. I was not sexually active for a long time, but two years ago got into a relationship and needed 100mg about 30 minutes/1 hour before sex to stay erect with a woman I was seeing who I wasn’t attracted to, and after that relationship ended I had zero standards and fucked several obese/morbidly-obese tinder women for fun. Started abusing Viagra to do so, taking 5-10 or even more to get super hard. Was stupid, and doctor described it as not “sustainable,” so an implant was the right choice for me. One of my main reasons was eliminating the need to plan for sex. If I'm spending time with someone I never want to think, "hmm we might have sex in ~45 minutes, better take my needed medicine. Zero regrets.

Luther wrote: - My dick is large (22cm length x 17 cm circumference; i.e. 8.7 x 6.7 inch). I take great pride in having a big dick (I completely agree, its not what is important for good sex. Actually, quite the contrary....) and P.I. likely will result in a loss of size. Specifically, concerning the girth as implants are available in different lengths but not with different circumferences.

Based on my fairly limited knowledge you’re correct about losing girth. 6.7” probably is too big for any implant to meet. I am down at about 5.5” now with AMS 700 LGX. However I do believe gaining length is possible. You’re likely to become a dude with a 9” dick, but that comes at a pretty big cost in girth loss if you’re losing maybe a full inch of it. I have heard of possible medical solutions, like tunica expansion procedure (TEP) and girth filters, but I don’t know details, just know you should look into them, especially because I understand a girth loss like that could be difficult to handle for anyone.

Luther wrote:- I am sexually active every day. This greatly increases the chances that the implant will have to be replaced after a relatively short period of time, and for mutiple times during my life.

I don’t know if the fact that you’re sexually active daily will make it necessary for you to have more replacements than most. I don’t know it doesn’t, I just don’t know that it does either.

Luther wrote:- I am not in a relationship. When dating or having a one night stand I would find it quite embarrassing to pump up in front of a women (even more than putting on a cock ring, as is the case right now).

I’ve got some strategies to prevent needing to pump in front of a woman. Tell her you’re going down on her, pump it up while doing so. I’m pretty sure in the bedroom most women just want to be told what to do anyway, so it should work pretty well.
Luther wrote:- I travel quite a lot and often accompanied by colleagues. I have read the stories of the 'red light' the implant sets off at airport securities controls. It would be so unfomfortable to face that situation every time I travel.

I doubt this happens very option, and my guess is that the stories you hear are just that, stories. But I don’t know.

Luther wrote:Of course there are a lot of other potential reasons not to take a P.I. (and a lot of reasons in favor of a P.I.), but the previous ones are the objections that most likely have the largest weight when I weigh the pros and cons and try to answer the question: should I take a P.I. yes or no?

Should you? Yes. For you and your sex life, the quality of your natural erections is decreasing and will continue to decrease as time goes on. You refusing an implant this year only pushes your implant back another year(s). An implant would not be a “loss,” because your ability to get and maintain an erection will be 100% effective and allow your sex life to continue, while your current non-satisfactory 75% erections that exclude some positions will drop until they become a complete loss of the ability to get hard enough for penetration.
39. AMS 700 LGX, 21+3. Nov. 2, 2021. Idiot who abused alcohol for brain injury, abused viagra for implant.

Goal to prove implants increase dick size

Pre-op dick size: 8.75" x 5.7"

Current: 9-9.5" x 5.5"

Goal: 10+" x 6+"

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby Alan67 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:22 pm

Oh to be clear, sex with an implant is not my ear as good as a natural erection.

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby stephen54 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:01 pm

robcb1 wrote:Wow, Stephen54. This is incredibly well said. We spend far too much time obsessing over things we simply cannot control, and that steals the joy of enjoying what we’ve been given to the absolute max. My implant has just been activated at roughly three weeks. I’m still healing, but my recovery has been very easy. Have had zero pain, just some mild discomfort and swelling of the scrotum. Really thankful for that. My length and girth haven’t changed a bit. But if they had, I would be okay with it. I had a great surgeon who trained under your surgeon, and he did a great job. And now, like you, I have 100% reliability anytime, every single time. What peace of mind that brings. What a huge weight off my shoulders.

LOVE IT. Just love hearing this. Good for you. May you wield your new sword well! Congrats.

Yes - agree - it's the obsessive attachment to a specific outcome which causes us anxiety and worry and discomfort. We are most often the root of our own anxiety and suffering. So, the Buddhist philosophy my wife brought to the table has served me/us well: "If a problem can be solved, then what's the point of worrying? And if a problem cannot be solved, again, what is the point of worrying? In the end, worrying serves no purpose whatever". Living fully in the present moment is the solution. It's not easy sometimes, but there's no better tonic I've found for the bullshit life throws you.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby HappyAgain » Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:38 pm

Luther wrote:As the title states, I would like to hear the experiences of those that were able to perform sexually, but just not in the way they wanted to perform, e.g. needed loads of Viagra/Cialis to stay erect, lost rigidity when not continually stimulated or in certain positions, had to wear a very tight cock ring, etc.

Thus, I am not addressing the men here that basically had not other option than having the implant (e.g. those with ED after prostatectomy), but only those that had actually quite a lot to lose.

As you may understand, I am in that position. I am scheduled for P.I. surgery in December (with European high volume specialist). Although I have been studying and deliberating the pros and cons for years, I still am in doubt if I should choose for a surgery or not.

A bit about me: in my forties, suffering from ED most of my adult life, in good health, tried every medical and mental approach (PDE5-i, injections, psychologist, sexologist, etc.), however, erections are only of (reasonable) good quality when combining high dosages of PDE5-i and a tight cock ring. Even then, the erection during penetrative sex often diminishes to 75% hardness, which is not very satisfactory for both parties, and some positions (specifically lying on back like in 'cow girl') are a definite no-go.

Despite of the limitations and frustrations, sex is a very important part of my life that I enjoy very much, and I am sexually active every day (either with a partner or solo sex). Thus, as I see it, I have "quite a lot to lose" if the P.I. surgery would prevent me from keep doing that (or would introduce even greater limitations).

My question to all men that have been (or still are) in a similar position: what made you decide to choose for P.I. surgery (y/n) and, most importantly (!), if you choose that route, would you make the same decision in hindsight?

What, in particular, are important issues for me that may make me decide NOT to opt for P.I. surgery in December are:

- My dick is large (22cm length x 17 cm circumference; i.e. 8.7 x 6.7 inch). I take great pride in having a big dick (I completely agree, its not what is important for good sex. Actually, quite the contrary....) and P.I. likely will result in a loss of size. Specifically, concerning the girth as implants are available in different lengths but not with different circumferences.

- I am sexually active every day. This greatly increases the chances that the implant will have to be replaced after a relatively short period of time, and for mutiple times during my life.

- I am not in a relationship. When dating or having a one night stand I would find it quite embarrassing to pump up in front of a women (even more than putting on a cock ring, as is the case right now).

- I travel quite a lot and often accompanied by colleagues. I have read the stories of the 'red light' the implant sets off at airport securities controls. It would be so unfomfortable to face that situation every time I travel.

Of course there are a lot of other potential reasons not to take a P.I. (and a lot of reasons in favor of a P.I.), but the previous ones are the objections that most likely have the largest weight when I weigh the pros and cons and try to answer the question: should I take a P.I. yes or no?

Let me answer some of your concerns,

I wish I’d have had my titan implant in my 40’s, you’ll be quite pleasing to any woman you sleep with I promise. No woman is going to not like being able to ride you all night.
2- you’ll be like a proud peacock with your implant because you’ll have a nice thick beefier than you do now cock. If I ever get stopped at the airport I can’t wait to see the look on the face of tsa when I plop my dick on the table, the females might faint instead of laughing.
The loss of length will be less if you address the issue sooner than later and please make sure you get a great surgeon.

Having an impressive size as you do, but have it not working is a no brainer if you want a reliable working dick and from what I’ve read the titan is very durable and thick which is why I’m not sure it would fail for you. I have sex everyday as well and I’m only 58, if it needs replaced when I’m 78 then god bless me. My revision was 11 days ago and I’m completely healed up from that surgery.

Biggest concern for me was my male ego was crushed that I couldn’t perform in the bedroom, I mean crushed and causing mental health issues. Post implant I’m not afraid to talk to guys about it and because I do I found out that a friend suffers from Ed and he’s going to see my Dr. It’s a game changer in my opinion for guts with any form of ED

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Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby Luther » Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:56 am

stephen54 wrote:
Luther wrote:
Craigohbig wrote:I think you’ll lose some girth…length won’t be an issue

Yes, I tend to think the same. Is there consensus to what girth a Titan P.I. can expand maximally (for a prothesis for a 22 cm - 8.7 inch - penis)? It would give me some peace of mind to know what size decline to expect.

There's an avalanche written on FT about the pre/post sizing. If you've been reading up here for some time you're probably aware that there is a discernibly recurring theme - some lose length and/or girth, many stay essentially the same, and a small subset make some modest gains. If it's "consensus" you seek though...honestly...I'd be dubious about "consensus". With respect, I think you're maybe asking the wrong question. Maybe the more pointed and revealing question to ask is to yourself, and really more gets to your preparedness to balance a size aesthetic against function:

"If I knew I'd lose 10% of my dick size in a direct trade for unquestioned, on-demand, unyielding function, and all the mental clarity which comes with that, am I frustrated enough with current state to make that trade?"

Thank you for sharing your ideas stephen54, much appreciated! I indeed have read numerous threads dedicated to penile girth after a P.I. Much of these discussions are, however, contaminated by the fact that men with very different penis sizes respond (i.e. comparing apples and pears). If there is some consensus in these theads, it is that if your penis' girth is below average a (Titan) implant will increase the girth, and if you penis is far above average in girth you will lose girth with a P.I. (even with a Titan). For that reason, I specified the measurements of my penis to address men with a similar penis size and to hear their experience regarding this topic: it would be valuable to me to hear their stories

With regard to the "trade off": I am prepared to trade off some size for functionality. That is not a dilemma for me. What is causing doubt is that "functionality" after a P.I. is not guaranteed. The worst case scenario (in my personal case) would be to have a penis after P.I. that does NOT have better functionality than I have now, or even malfunctions (e.g. causes discomfort, has decreased sensitivity, etc.), AND also have a smaller penis, that may cause feeling of embaressment when meeting new partners or when scanned at airports and, on top of that, requires surgery every few years.

stephen54 wrote: Only you can answer that.

I was essentially you. I can relate.

Pills ran their course and then injections worked absolutely amazing for a lot of years. At the 7-8 year mark injection potencies skyrocketed fairly rapidly and, even in the context of escalating, very aggressive dosing, I was not getting the results I wanted. But I could still have sex. Could still penetrate, get us both to orgasm, etc. But for me the issue was that there was now a very notable diminishment of the character of my erections. They were enough to achieve penetration but then there was a race underway to get to some sort of endpoint, because I could no longer trust my hardness nor could I trust the longevity of the erection. And I can only speak for me, but at that point, honestly, I did the math for myself and said fuck this...the sexual experience to which I am accustomed and to which I am so powerfully drawn...requires more function than this dick is able to deliver anymore. And in that sense, for me, the decision to implant was extremely easy to make. For me.

My wife was not fully understanding my logic and motivation at that time to implant. This is a much more involved thing to explain, but in short...she didn't live inside my head. She did not, could not, appreciate fully the frustration, worry, disappointment, and empty space in me from having steadily lost the very high functioning dick I previously enjoyed. She knew she was still frequently having sex with me, and coming, and having fun. What she didn't appreciate was the precipitous, slow slide in my dick's function. I did a hell of a lot to accommodate/conceal/compensate for my functional loss. It was of course always going to be screamingly obvious to me in a way that it could not be to her.

I'm describing a loss of function from lets say a 100% satisfactory, capable dick (with injections when dosing was optimal, before the drop off, this was superman dick) down to 75% of that, or something close. Hard, but not hard enough for me. Capable, but not capable enough for me. Duration, but not enough duration for me. Etc. So all I can share is that way of thinking that I personally came to: Over a lot of years I came to expect, and want, and need, one hell of a lot of function. I found myself, at some juncture, unwilling to accept less. Period. But your mileage may vary. It's obviously such an individual thing, what you want, what you need, what bargain you're willing to make to get there.

I will tell you that I have, to my knowledge, the largest available Titan. It's an absolutely fucking amazing device. It really is. We...love it. It is indescribably fun and capable and it has restored us to the really high level of experiences we both crave.

But it's not some unassailable panacea that anyone credible should say will give you the "peace of mind" you seem to seek regarding sizing. It's just not. My surgeon was not the issue. Far from it, he's (quietly) one of the best. He gave me everything current technology offers and I still lost some length and some girth both. My anatomy required a lot of my implant to be rooted in my pelvis.

All I can say in conclusion, really, is that the trade I described above worked for us. That's all. We are working this implant regularly, and hard, and it'll wear out when it wears out and I can't and won't try to moderate or control what I can't control. Life's too short. We're going to replace this thing someday, and god willing, hopefully live long enough to replace it a few times more. She and I are addicted to the ease and predictability and unwavering function of this thing, and so the size change in me is something we've both come to just openly acknowledge was a fair trade for our current awesome sex life. So yes, knowing what I know now, and if I had known what I know now back 3 years ago? Hell yes I'd make the same implant decision. It's not remotely even a blip of hesitation.

Thanks for sharing this personal story. I can relate to many of the things you say. As stated above, what makes this decision hard is that an improvement in funtionality is not guaranteed. In particular, because my funtionality is not in the 0 - 4 range (on a 10-point scale), as it is for some, but more in the 5 - 6 (or 7?) range: thus, as a logical consequence, the margin for possible improvement is also smaller.
26cm Titan (no RTE), Dr. van Renterghem (Belgium), October 2023.

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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 8:50 am

Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby Luther » Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:01 pm

robcb1 wrote:Wow, Stephen54. This is incredibly well said. We spend far too much time obsessing over things we simply cannot control, and that steals the joy of enjoying what we’ve been given to the absolute max. My implant has just been activated at roughly three weeks. I’m still healing, but my recovery has been very easy. Have had zero pain, just some mild discomfort and swelling of the scrotum. Really thankful for that. My length and girth haven’t changed a bit. But if they had, I would be okay with it. I had a great surgeon who trained under your surgeon, and he did a great job. And now, like you, I have 100% reliability anytime, every single time. What peace of mind that brings. What a huge weight off my shoulders.

Thanks for sharing. Well phrased: I can imagine the relieve it may bring.
26cm Titan (no RTE), Dr. van Renterghem (Belgium), October 2023.

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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 8:50 am

Re: *** For all those that were able to perform pre-implant, just not optimally ***

Postby Luther » Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:21 pm

2435tjklAS wrote: One of my main reasons was eliminating the need to plan for sex. If I'm spending time with someone I never want to think, "hmm we might have sex in ~45 minutes, better take my needed medicine. Zero regrets.

Yes, I know that feeling. the absence of spontaneity definitely is one the largest disadvantages of this condition.

2435tjklAS wrote: I have heard of possible medical solutions, like tunica expansion procedure (TEP) and girth filters, but I don’t know details, just know you should look into them, especially because I understand a girth loss like that could be difficult to handle for anyone.

Thanks. If have indeed read some posts on this topic. If the loss of girth would be substantial it may be something I would investigate, although I have no desire to make an odyssey through the medical circuit.

2435tjklAS wrote: I’ve got some strategies to prevent needing to pump in front of a woman. Tell her you’re going down on her, pump it up while doing so. I’m pretty sure in the bedroom most women just want to be told what to do anyway, so it should work pretty well.

Wouldn't you need both hands to inflate the last part of the implant (which makes it hard to engage in any other activity)?

2435tjklAS wrote: Should you? Yes. For you and your sex life, the quality of your natural erections is decreasing and will continue to decrease as time goes on. You refusing an implant this year only pushes your implant back another year(s). An implant would not be a “loss,” because your ability to get and maintain an erection will be 100% effective and allow your sex life to continue, while your current non-satisfactory 75% erections that exclude some positions will drop until they become a complete loss of the ability to get hard enough for penetration.

In my particular case, the quality of the erections has not decreased over time. As I am very sexually active, a decrease in size (caused by inactivity) has not occured either. So time is not a factor. However, the question is: do I reconcile myself with the present condition, or do I dive into the unknown, which may improve my (sex) life for the next 40 (?) years, but also comes with the risk that I may lose what I have now.
26cm Titan (no RTE), Dr. van Renterghem (Belgium), October 2023.

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