The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

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The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby Mohamad » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:56 pm

Hello everyone,
I'm new here but I'd like to hear some feedback of you because I'm worried about how things are going. I'm 35 years old and I had the implant operation 17 February (a little bit more than 3 weeks ago) I have the Coloplast titan implant (3 pieces). The dokter made it look like it's a small operation and recovery would be fast. I should have not too much pain. But for now the pain is still unbearable, first in my belly (where the reservoir is), but now much more in my penis. Especially when I stand up or try to walk. I can nearly walk to the toilet. It feels like I have a lot of pressure in my penis. Also is my penis still a little inflated, I can not deflate it because of the pain. When the nurse tried to deflate it I screamed and pushed her away. She lookt Iike I didn't react normal., that it shouldn't be so painful. I'm on heavy painkillers (tramadol) but it's not working. Also when I pie I keep loosi g drops the next 10 minutes or more.
Can anyone tell me about their first weeks. Is it normal I have so much pain? Also I can not sit on a chair, only lay down in the sofa or bed.
Thanks a lot for your responses and experiences.

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby stmfttr » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:32 pm

You are not alone. For about 6 weeks post-op, I was black and blue from the naval down, Penis and balls were swollen.
Believe me, I seriously questioned my decision to implant.
Almost 3 years out and we have the BEST sex of our 53 years of marriage.
You'll get through this! Short term pain for a long-term gain. You'll look back on this first three weeks and say it was all worth it,

As always, PM me if you need to talk.
77 yo. Married 54years - Coloplast Titan, 22cm and no RTE's - Installed June 2019 Nebraska Medicine Dr. Deibert (urologist/surgeon)
ED started in 1994 Tried VED, Viagra and Cialis, and injections.

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby gjmjoe017 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:23 pm

First couple of weeks were very uncomfortable for me as I had a lot of swelling!It does get better!
71 yrs.old married,ED for 7 yrs.Pills for 3 yrs,TriMix for 21/2 yrs.6 1/2 inches flacid,71/4 inches erect,6 inches girth.Coloplast Titan put in 11/13/20,Dr.Bozeman,Arkansas Urology,Little Rock.22cm + 2 RTE.

artful todger
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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby artful todger » Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:32 pm

I'm 4 weeks post implant and still in pain but it definitely gets better. My Surgeon thought i'd be able to go to drum recording session i had booked 2 weeks after the opp yet i still haven't sat on a drumstool 4 weeks in. For me the first 2 weeks were hell, the 3rd things started improving slowly and that continues being the story. Just look for little improvements each day and hang in there.
Peyronies since december 2017. 80 degree curve and shrinkage. Tried every supplement, traction and VED.
implant surgery 11th feb 2022 london with prof ralph.
Titan 22cm with 1 cm rte

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby jimmi85 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:52 pm

Everyone will have a different experience but for most, the first two - three weeks are uncomfortable at best and painful at worst. It is rare for one to be in no pain and rare for one to be in excruciating pain during this time period.

I am four weeks tomorrow, when I lie down I am
In little to no pain and have been since day one.

I can walk around for 1-2 minutes and have no pain. Then it suddenly hits me. I can walk 5-10 minutes currently, mostly in pain, before I have to stop and sit or lie down.

I have yet to start cycling due to issues locating the release valve and subsequently drawing blood from my stitches so I am perhaps a week or two behind most.

I still can’t pee properly as my dick is at 2 o clock and I still have to sleep on my back.

I am still wearing XXL joggers and have to hold my dock when I drive.

Take from the above what you will, but hopefully you will realise what you are experiencing is very normal.
Implanted by Mike Fraser in feb 2022 due to a 80 degree dorsal curvature. 18cm Titan - way undersized. 8’ pre Peyronies, 6’ pre implant - currently 6’.

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby Pau1pau1 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:07 pm

Don’t worry I to finis h peeing then go lie down and couple of mins later utube drips out.
Hopefully this will stop soon.
I’m really bruised on buttocks for some reason.

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby Alex-Amigo » Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:16 pm

I had my operation on that same day with a Titan. I have felt any pain just mostly discomfort from my balls being the size of a grapefruit. However, I’ve felt minor pain from the new cylinders being bent since the doctor filled them up about 80%. I’m hearing it will get better especially as I soak in a tub.
54, over 30 years PE, tried antidepressants for years, then Viagra, Cialis, and Trimix shots. Diagnosed with Venous leak 12/2021 quickly went Bionic Feb 2022. Coloplast Titan 22 cm; 1.5 RTE Mayo Clinic Dr. Broderick- Jacksonville FL

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby Quincy » Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:17 pm

I didn't have much pain after about the first 2 weeks. If you're concerned about how you are doing compared to others, there are several journals here that talk about the process they went through and their recovery. My own journal is here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10295&hilit=bionic

I was sore for the first couple of weeks, but it got a little better each day. Activation at day 8 was painful, and the 12 hours drive home after activation was bad, but once I could rest more at home things got better fairly quickly. For those first weeks, I spent a lot of time fully reclined with ice bags either on my crotch or close at hand. The single biggest thing that helped was bathing in hot water, once I was cleared by my doctor. Make sure your doc is ok with it first, as all surgeries are different. Ice for swelling, hot water for relief. I ended up buying a hot tub both for the pain and pressure release and for the ease of inflation. I still often use it to inflate almost 4 years later.

Things will get better. I'm sorry you're having a tough recovery.

71, Boise area, Married
ED from type 2 diabetes and PCa radiation.
AMS LGX surgery 6/5/18 with Edward Karpman in Silicon Valley, 18cm+3RTE

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby JiminFL » Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:50 pm

For myself, I felt pretty good the first two days post-op. And then the next two weeks were absolute misery. The pain was off the charts. After that initial couple of weeks, each day got a little better. I really don't think I felt normal till about the 60 day mark. Hang in there, the end result is so worth it!
57yr old. In shape. Controlled hypertension. 20+ years of PDE5. TRT 4yrs. Trimix 2yrs. Titan 24cc implanted 8/25/20

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Re: The first weeks after the operation are much worse than expected

Postby Craigohbig » Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:42 am

This is a tough guy’s game for sure. I started cycling early so I could avoid staying pumped 100% of the time for six weeks. I went in pre op at 8 1/4 ish and after about 3-4 weeks of painful pumping (max pumping) I sat on the edge of my tub today with the same ruler I’ve always used and measured just under 8 1/2. This thing looks awesome, but you gotta be tougher than a $2 steak to get there
42 ED for 9 years vl after a fall. Pre implant 8 1/4 bp x 6 1/8 ish
Clavell titan 26+1 rte…post op very excited: 8 5/8” x 6 1/4” (7” base)
Starting to lose some length

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