How close to a real Erection?

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Re: How close to a real Erection?

Postby Skier123 » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:30 pm

These are good questions, and you are right to weigh all of the pros and cons of such a big decision.

Does it feel like a real erection? Short answer - pretty darn close.

Let's say you bought a 1969 Camaro when you turned 16. You loved driving the damn thing so much that you never sold it or traded it in. You kept up on the maintenance, kept it in the garage every night, and washed it every weekend. Your girlfriend loved riding in it.

Then one day - through no fault of your own - it got wrecked in an accident.

Despite his best efforts over many years, your mechanic just couldn't get your baby running again. After several years taking the bus (which your ex-girlfriend did not appreciate one bit) - you finally made the decision to invest in a brand new Camaro.

It took some getting used to - but once you got the hang of driving this new model, you realized new technology has some serious advantages. The engine always starts, it never quits while you are on the road, and it feels great while you are driving it. Maybe the best part - it also has unlimited gas mileage! Your girlfriend never has to wait around while you stop at the gas station to refill the tank.

And while driving your new Camaro doesn't feel exactly the same as your first one did - it is 1000% better than having to take the bus by yourself. ;)
54 yr old single guy
Severe ED for over10 years; diagnosed with peyrones and venous leak
Implanted 12/23/19, Dr. Laurence Levine
Coloplast Titan w/ Genesis pump

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