*UPDATE - Situation Worsening* Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby AST2123 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:42 am

You are suffering from ED but not (severe), as you are still able to get erections enough for sex with pills. However, due to the lack of self-esteem, you got the PE, which I believe is worse than the ED itself.
ED will not improve overtime, but if you can get rid of the depression with the support of your wife, you can see improvements with PE. If you find that is not likely to happen, then go ahead and get your implant. By the time you get your babies, you will be ready to enjoy your implant. During pregnancy, may be your wife is not paying a lot of attention to sex life, but after delivery things may become more complicated, especially if there is post-delivery depression that happens to many moms. Also, next year, with newborn babies, it is difficult to have the surgery, while taking care of them during your recovery period.
Finally Bionic
52y old. RP Oct. 2017. Pills didn't work. Trimix failed after a couple of times. Have inguinal hernia repair on both sides. Implanted AMS CX, 21 cm+1 cm RTE, by Dr. Kai Li at KP, VA, Jan. 2021. New username FinallyBionic

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby RoboCock69 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:48 am

Physiological ED almost never gets better. It only gets worse. If your ED has a psychogenic cause, you might be able to improve it somewhat with therapy, but even that is rare, and your function will probably never be optimal. During my decade of progressive ED and Peyronie's, I participated in a number of forums and Reddit groups, and I never once heard of a guy suffering from ED for any reason for more than a few months and then later performing like a stud bull. If your ED has persisted for a year or longer, you can safely assume that what you have now is as good as it's going to get. If you're not happy with it — or, worse, it constantly pervades your thoughts to a level that it's affecting your relationships and your job — then it's time for an implant. Sure, you can hold off and pray for a miracle cure to be invented that restores your natural function with no side-effects or surgery, but men with ED have been praying for that cure since the dawn of time and it hasn't arrived yet. What makes you think it will in the next few years, as your sexual prime fades into the rear view mirror? Get an implant.
Born 1982. Implanted with Coloplast Titan 22cm in August 2021 by the great Dr. Perito in Miami. 6.125" BPEL, 5.25" EG. "It's the girth that gets her off."

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby slipnslider » Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:29 pm

I'd try injections for a year. Or at least a couple months.

They saved my sex life and my sanity. I'd be depressed too if I hadn't found injections.

They could easily solve your problem for a while until you're totally sure you're ready for an implant.

And yes, new technology could be on the horizon that you'll miss out on if you get implanted now.

There's a new surgical device that may give on-demand erections without the need to replace your penis parts with plastic ones. I think it works by pinching closed the veins that let blood out of the penis. If that comes to market in a couple years, you might wish you waited for it.
44, ED problems began around age 28 when I was on finasteride for hair loss, and also got circumcised so I lost a lot of sensation. Pills gave me bad headaches and other side effects. Now using trimix 30/1/20. So far so good.

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby JP1977 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:44 pm

I had exactly the same concern before and right up to sitting on the table in the operating room…..worried that I didn’t give it enough time. What IF I got better, what if?
I seriously was so out of it when sitting on the table when everyone was getting ready around me…an assisting doctor who was there to observe (she was a resident) was trying to talk to me, right next to me and I didn’t hear or acknowledge her. I was in my own head. Then they gave me something that popped me back to normal and dropped the nerves right before they gave me the epidural. I even remember right before going out thinking “ok this is it. Live with whatever happens”

Here I am 3 1/2 weeks later. Still have dull and achy pain but it’s manageable with ibuprofen. Just had my wife really explore my robocock this morning for the first time. Said wow, that is hard!
Then I had sex with her for the first time since I got it….whoa! She said wow, that feels amazing! And it felt amazing to me too because I’m back to being really thick and hard so it makes it all tighter!

I am not concerned with performance anymore and wow, if I had known this before, I wouldn’t have beat myself up all December wondering! This thing is gonna be amazing once the pain goes away and some of the shaft sensitivity comes back (it’s still sensitive enough but I know it’ll only get better as I continue to heal)

I could still kind of get erections before, they weren’t as hard or as full or reliable….sometimes it just wasn’t going to work.

The only advice I would give you us if you do have SOME function, only go to one of the top docs like I did. I had a different urologist who was going to do my implant before I found out about Dr Eid. I said, sorry but I gotta go with the best….

One last thing, women don’t even blink when they decide to run off and get their boobs done. This is similar. It’s an enhancement to YOU. Go get em!
47 year old swinger. Had 36+ hour priapism that landed me in ER twice over 48 hours. Scarring in my penis makes it to where I’m at risk of severe priapism at any time. Erections inconsistent. Implanted by Dr. Eid on December 21st 2021, Coloplast Titan OTR

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby ScrewedbyDoctors » Sat Jan 15, 2022 4:15 pm

Trimix injections caused me a deformity, due the deformity my ED became severe, do not do the injections because if get side effects can be devastating.
I had a trauma 2 years ago, caused me narrowing, dent and shortening. PRP injections three months ago=worse narrowing, and worse ED. Now I only have two choices: impotent or implant. Born in 1975, in a relationship with girlfriend fir 4 years

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby JP1977 » Sat Jan 15, 2022 10:23 pm

Trimix is what fucked me up…..
47 year old swinger. Had 36+ hour priapism that landed me in ER twice over 48 hours. Scarring in my penis makes it to where I’m at risk of severe priapism at any time. Erections inconsistent. Implanted by Dr. Eid on December 21st 2021, Coloplast Titan OTR

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby ImproveD » Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:33 pm

Do it today if possible, it’s the best man made thing and the only that matters
32, Venogenic ED all my life. Tried Viagra, Cialis and Cock Rings with minimum to no effect.
Implanted 09/01/2021 AMS LGX 18cm with 1cm RTE.
Regained the original length back. Currently at 6inch usable penis (2 years after implant)

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby Flounder » Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:22 pm

IMO, based on your comments;
1) Damn the torpedoes and get the implant ASAP.
and don’t look back!
A-69, M-44, Battling ED since partial NS-Prostatectomy 2012 plus SRT for PCa return 2016
Pills & injections ran their course. Implant 11/11/22 by Dr. Eid.
Titan Classic 22cm, LH cylinder trimmed, Ectopic reservoir placement.

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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby Craigdwill » Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:06 am

Get the implant now. If you cannot get hard on a regular basis, your penis will atrophy, and you could develop Peyronie's, (scar tissue). This can happen quickly. It happened to me while I was procrastinating about getting an implant. I went from 6 inches to 3.5 inches. With the implant, I'm a rock-hard 3.5" but if I hadn't waited, I could be a rock-hard 6" Don't wait. If pills aren't doing it anymore, get the implant asap.
AMS 700 LGX MS Series, implanted Dec. 9, 2021. I’m 59 years old, married, diabetic.

Old Guy
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Re: Do I go for the implant now, or give it another year?

Postby Old Guy » Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:52 am

Think I agree with many here, get the implant. ED never gets better, it only gets worse.
I went through the pills until they began to fail. They gave me terrible migraines and no erection after a couple years. Then I started on the injections. What a pain to have to get up after warming up to go inject. Injections worked for a couple years, then had to keep upping my dose to work. The dose got so high my penis would ache the next day. They moved me to a stronger injectable, that worked for only a couple months.
I held off getting my implant for a year hoping for some cure. When more pills and injections continued to fail I knew it was time. 2+ years now and all I can say is wish I had done it before doing any of the pills and sticking needles in me.
Good Luck!
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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