25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

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25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

Postby curvydalek » Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:11 pm

Hello everyone!

Warning: A longer post

I have been lurking around the site for a few months and finally decided to bite the bullet and post here in search for advice. It's been almost a year since all of this started happening, a lot of doctors visits (Four different MD's) which led to nowhere until I was properly diagnosed by a Doctor who is specialized in ED and Peyronie's.

So, to start off with the cause of Peyronie's. It was the PE exercises that caused it. I wasn't aware of potential dangers, hell, i was shocked to find out that something like this could be so dangerous. Even the urologist were adamant that I didn't suffer any damage to my penis as a result of doing them. Well, unfortunately... They were wrong. As a result of these exercises I:
- Lost almost all of my sensitivity in the shaft, in fact so much of it that i need to look sometimes at my dick to see how hard i am
- A lot of sensitivity was lost in the glans in the beginning (it has improved since then, thank God), difficulty obtaining and maintaining an erection (need constant stimulation and 5 minutes is the best case scenario)
- I got Peyronies as a cherry on top

Insane how much damage this has caused for what was essentially a 10min dick playing experiment. Maybe i'm to sensitive, i don't know...

The first Doc didn't take me seriously. He did a prostate ultrasound (Perfect result), gave me antibiotics and sent me home. Suffice to say, they did nothing

The second doctor came with the approach that the 99% of young people have psychological ED, and that it was probably the case with me. He gave me meds to relax the pelvic floor, circulation meds, creams for the knots i felt under my penis (which he said i was imagining)and ordered a bunch of tests for STD's and fertility that didn't have the slightest correlation with my condition. Every monthly visit, he assured me that i will regain my sensitivity and erection back to normal in 30-40 days. Yeah... It didn't happen. Some meds even worsened my condition, such as the pelvic muscle relaxants.

The third doctor was really dismissive, he thought that at my age, i was making all of it up, i had a range of horrible symptoms that are linked to nerve damage like numbness, pins and needles, burning feeling etc, which he said again, that i was imagining. When i brought up the knots i was feeling, he asked me if my penis curves to the sides and if not, i'm okay (it's on the dorsal side). He just told me to stop going to the doctors, that people at my age just get over it and that i should to. He even suggested Cialis, which i can't use because of my pre-existing conditions, the side effects are too strong.

All of these doctors examined me and didn't find the knots or anything suspicious. Which was really weird since my dick was pointing up at 30-40 degrees when erect. But, nobody cared when i brought it up, and no one asked for a test to see do i really have Peyronie's. Or even asked for a picture.
I became really sick and tired of all of them telling me i have a psychological issue. I knew that it wasn't a mental problem, but it's really discouraging you know, for everyone to be so dismissive. All of you probably came across this problem and it just sucks. At one moment, i even entertained the idea that i was imagining it all, but it didn't last.

As a last ditch effort, i emailed the doctor who specializes in Peyronies, ED and does a lot of surgeries. Lo and behold, he asked for a picture with my erect penis and of course.. There's an obvious curve and he tells me that i have the PD and to come for an exam. He found the plaque in like 5 seconds, i shit you not. How could the previous 3 Docs miss it is beyond me. He validated my symptoms and explained how i gotten PD and the nerve damage. He also proposed a therapy plan, which doesn't really promise a lot.

This is the reason i am looking for advice from you people who fought ED, went through a lot of different options and treatments. Even though i am young, i think my best option is an implant.

The Doc proposed this as a plan - LiSW + P-shots (6 treatments) + VED (3 times a day). In case of PD progressing, Corporplasty with LiSW + P- shots following the surgery, without the implant of course (because of my age). But here's a catch. When i asked if this is a long-term solution or is it something that has to be done intermittently, his answer was "I don't know, can't promise you anything". When i researched on the Internet, including FrankTalk, i found out that the solution is temporary at best. Two years was the best outcome, 50-60% people report benefits only up to a year. For a treatment this expensive, it feels like wasting money for a 50/50, year long solution. Repeating it every year is too expensive, even if the success rate was higher. Also, it's really time consuming and non-practical. I will use VED for rehab, that thing is great.

So, here's the deal then. Can't use pills because of side effects, PD makes my dick hurt after a few min of getting an erection, Injections go out the window as well because of scarring and pain, my dick is numb so maintaining an erection is really though, proposed treatment from Doc doesn't sound promising.. Sounds great so far, i know. I am warming up to the idea of having an implant, it seems to me to be the best course of action so far since it will solve the PD and ED. I would really value your opinions and advice on this matter. My only concern is that the doctor won't agree to the transplant, although.. if i am paying for it, it shouldn't really be an issue.. I just want this problem to be solved.
What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance for taking out the time to read and reply. Also, i am a non-native English speaker, so bare with me if i have mistakes :D

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Re: 25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

Postby Fran4524 » Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:32 pm

I would go to the implant if I could pay it... I wouldn't want to lose money without a long term solution... is that can I say. I think I injuried my penis with PE like you and I feel that I will need an implant in the future. what explication give to you your doctor to your peyroines?
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

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Re: 25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

Postby JustAnotherYouth » Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:25 pm

Hey welcome to the forum!

An implant certainly is an appealing option although it won't be cheap either.

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Re: 25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

Postby GRKinPDX » Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:22 pm

Sorry you’re dealing with this, especially at your age. I got severe PD when I was 39. It fucking sucked. At 42 I had a plication surgery to fix the curve, but a new PD plaque showed up a few months later and a new curve developed. I spent the next 7 years with a curved dick and worsening ED. At 48 I finally accepted that it was time for the final treatment option. I’m now one year with an implant and my only regret is that I didn't do this ten years ago. My advice is not to spend 10 years obsessed with your condition.
49 years old. Have had Peyronies since 39. Plication surgery 2014, but was not successful. Pills for increasing ED. Titan implanted October 2020.

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Re: 25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

Postby LuisFernandez » Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:28 am

i got Peyronie's about 2 years ago from having rough anal sex. immediately i developed acute ED.
i waited like 3 months for things to get better and they never did. my doctors prescribed me cialis.
at 3 months i started traction. i ignored all this 'inflammation' and got over the pain. started with restorex then added totalman rod extender. in total i would do like 8 hours of traction a day.

i also started using VED every day. it took me over a year for my penis to finally get better. i had lost a lot of girth and was still having ED.
i went to see dr. eid and he prescribed me injections. i said fuck it, don't be scared and started injecting. it has been amazing. in order to off-set scaring i still do traction and VED. i got used to the pain of PGE-1 and injections are amazing.

however their efficacy is going down and i know i will need an implant soon. so in the mean time i'm just doing traction, dating with injections, and generally getting ready for an implant.

the injections have made my penis much thicker than even before. my penis is now over an inch longer than it was before Peyronie's.

i highly recommend you get over your fears of cialis, traction, ved, and injections. 6-8 hours a day to fix a curve is key.
Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
See my story: viewtopic.php?t=15016

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Re: 25y old with Peyronie's, my journey so far and looking for advice

Postby LuisFernandez » Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:53 pm

Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
See my story: viewtopic.php?t=15016

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