Priapism 3 years ago

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Priapism 3 years ago

Postby BuffaloMaxx » Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:35 am

Toppicker9196 wrote:Thanks Buffalomaxx, to be fair I don't mind losing an inch, but I don't think I could handle losing more and ending up with a 3 inch member, that's my main worry

lol that was my fear. I didn’t want to drop under 5 TBH. So my length is the same and I really think it’s the doctor selecting the correct size. That’s why I would only go to a specialist if at possible. That said, my girth is unreal. I never measured pre-surgery, but I did this morning after a comment from my wife. I’m 6”. I’m officially a choad. Lol.
52 yr old Newly bionic on 8/6/21 (22cm Titan - Dr. Eid)
10 year progressive performance decline.
Venous leakage + Peyronies
TRT, pills, injections, Acoustic wave, voodoo - no results

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Re: Priapism 3 years ago

Postby aslanglobal » Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:10 am

If what you're saying is accurate (rhetorical usage here), then you're going to be in good shape if you get an implant reasonably soon. You're still able to get some sort of erection at all, which to me, seems like a small miracle. I read your post and I had to check it a few times because I could've written the damn thing myself. I was put on Trazadone when I was 29 for mainly insomnia issues, but the doc said "it helps with depression, so it can't hurt". I didn't notice that I would develop 6-7 hour long erections becaause I would be sleeping through most of it. I think that's where the physical ED really kicked in. Fast forward to 2021 and I inject caverject per doc's orders and I just get a boner that doesn't go down. I'm in agony by hour 4 and by hour 6, they've finally drained the dick of blood.

My new urologist (and soon surgeon) takes a look at the ultrasound and blood tests and says, "you're welcome to try all other methods I or other urologists have at their disposal before implant, I just don't think they're going to work." I had struggled with ED for 6 long years, lost important relationships and potential long-term girlfriends over this. I wouldn't say it was the ED itself that killed it, but the constant ED killed my confidence and looking back, it was amazing I was able to push my way through grad school while working all of the time. Constant time at the gym provided enough survival distraction. But all that was hidden beneath was deadly.

I'm 3 weeks post-op. Pre-op, Dr. Hakky had me use the VED every day to stretch that thing out for months waiting for the surgery date. I stretched a bit, from 16 cm to 18 cm, but never really went beyond that. I just held it there for weeks. The doc put 22 cm into me, 16 cm of which is expected to bloom to the world over the next 3 months apparently. I was 4 inches flaccid the first week and a half. I am now 5 inches flaccid (3 weeks post-op) . I haven't even started to cycle. I'm sure I will post in 3 months how everything turned out, but considering what I hear from my doc's patients, I trust things are going to turn out just fine. I'm going to use the VED gently and follow doc's orders on cycling, etc.

You need a high-volume doctor who knows how to stretch a dick out safely. I had a further complication in which I stupidly had a doc in another country inject me with silicone fillers years ago. There are safer, better ways to get girth. The silicone makes it really hard to stretch out by hand. It actually takes a full erection to see my length, not a stretching motion by hand, but injecting my dick another time was considered dangerous for infection. If a doc like mine managed to stretch tF outta my previously altered dick, such doctors can stretch yours out to its full potential. I understand what you're saying but you need to logically think about this...

You've heard it before but please hear it out one more time:
The average erect dick in the US is 5 inches long. Yes. 5 inches long. The most sensitive parts of the pussy are within the fist 4 inches (less in many of them). If you follow through with a quality, reputable surgeon, you're very likely going to end up with a dick that's over 6 inches long or just about, is now girthier (bigger deal I can attest to), and can fuck a woman until she passes out from cumming. Does that sound inferior to your dick's current status or any non-implant option for your dick known currently?

If it really bothers you 3-4 months post-op that you're not a perfect 6.5 again, you can always gently pump in the VED before sex, which will pump up the glans temporarily, or you can fork out a bit more cash to have the legal and safe Glans filler put in to add 2 cm to your glans and therefore, the extend appearance of your dick. It's pricey, and you probably don't want to do it, but it'lll be an option to ease your psyche. I want it done, but I'm not normal but even I have learned to prioritize.

I wish you all the luck in finding the best surgeon for your needs. We are all here to help and you can find yourself in a very different position if things are lined up right.

Toppicker9196 wrote:Thanks Buffalomaxx, to be fair I don't mind losing an inch, but I don't think I could handle losing more and ending up with a 3 inch member, that's my main worry
37, Implanted 8/10/21. 22 cm Titan, Dr. Tariq Hakky.

Posts: 239
Joined: Wed May 19, 2021 4:25 pm

Re: Priapism 3 years ago

Postby aslanglobal » Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:22 am

Mine's even worse currently in the chode department. :D I have yet to start cycling, so at the moment, my flaccid, now implanted dick is 5 inches long and 7.5 inches around at the thickest point. I stupidly had multiple rounds of silicone injected into it years ago, so my girth, unlike yours, is not natural (to anyone reading, please don't do this). That said, I am hoping to start cycling tomorrow so I can begin the worthy journey of one day no longer having one of the world's biggest chodes. :? :D Pray for me!

BUt.... I'll take a chode any day over long and thin. When my dick was 7 inches long and thinner, no woman every made an excited comment. When it was injected it lost some length, but gained girth. I quickly discovered a crucial element in how women could cum quite quickly from vaginal sex. I no longer had to angle for "the spot". I just put it in. In addition, even though my dick had lost about .5-.75 of an inch, I was now (exaggerated comments from ex girlfriends who have no sense of measurement) "big", "huge", "pornstar dick". All of that was due to girth, not length.

BuffaloMaxx wrote:
Toppicker9196 wrote:Thanks Buffalomaxx, to be fair I don't mind losing an inch, but I don't think I could handle losing more and ending up with a 3 inch member, that's my main worry

lol that was my fear. I didn’t want to drop under 5 TBH. So my length is the same and I really think it’s the doctor selecting the correct size. That’s why I would only go to a specialist if at possible. That said, my girth is unreal. I never measured pre-surgery, but I did this morning after a comment from my wife. I’m 6”. I’m officially a choad. Lol.
37, Implanted 8/10/21. 22 cm Titan, Dr. Tariq Hakky.

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Re: Priapism 3 years ago

Postby BuffaloMaxx » Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:37 am

aslanglobal wrote:Mine's even worse currently in the chode department. :D I have yet to start cycling, so at the moment, my flaccid, now implanted dick is 5 inches long and 7.5 inches around at the thickest point. I stupidly had multiple rounds of silicone injected into it years ago, so my girth, unlike yours, is not natural (to anyone reading, please don't do this). That said, I am hoping to start cycling tomorrow so I can begin the worthy journey of one day no longer having one of the world's biggest chodes. :? :D Pray for me!

BUt.... I'll take a chode any day over long and thin. When my dick was 7 inches long and thinner, no woman every made an excited comment. When it was injected it lost some length, but gained girth. I quickly discovered a crucial element in how women could cum quite quickly from vaginal sex. I no longer had to angle for "the spot". I just put it in. In addition, even though my dick had lost about .5-.75 of an inch, I was now (exaggerated comments from ex girlfriends who have no sense of measurement) "big", "huge", "pornstar dick". All of that was due to girth, not length.

BuffaloMaxx wrote:
Toppicker9196 wrote:Thanks Buffalomaxx, to be fair I don't mind losing an inch, but I don't think I could I handle losing more and ending up with a 3 inch member, that's my main worry

lol that was my fear. I didn’t want to drop under 5 TBH. So my length is the same and I really think it’s the doctor selecting the correct size. That’s why I would only go to a specialist if at possible. That said, my girth is unreal. I never measured pre-surgery, but I did this morning after a comment from my wife. I’m 6”. I’m officially a choad. Lol.

Wow, 7.5. Natural looking or not, that’s impressive. Totally agree, guys get hung up on length and some woman definitely likes length, but my experience is girth is the defining measurement.
52 yr old Newly bionic on 8/6/21 (22cm Titan - Dr. Eid)
10 year progressive performance decline.
Venous leakage + Peyronies
TRT, pills, injections, Acoustic wave, voodoo - no results

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Re: Priapism 3 years ago

Postby aslanglobal » Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:04 am

Feels a bit stupid to brag about it when it was done in a shoddy "office" in Tijuana nearly half a decade ago. At least the stuff was medical grade and hasn't killed me yet like a lot of these guys who try to do it in their basements. Thank god there are other filler options for other men like me who could be a bit more prudent. I'm lucky I found a doc who wasn't remotely deterred by it and this seems to have worked out thus far. The previous 6 urologists all gave me sort of "wtf" look once they saw my junk, and you know that's bad. Current do: unchanged facial expression, "oh yeah, I've dealt with this all the time. A post-op guy with it was in here right before you with it, I should've introduced ya'll! OK, what i will do to avoid infection is.....".

But yes, girth over length, once you've gotten over a minimal length level, it seems is reasonably popular. Cheers to that.

BuffaloMaxx wrote:
aslanglobal wrote:Mine's even worse currently in the chode department. :D I have yet to start cycling, so at the moment, my flaccid, now implanted dick is 5 inches long and 7.5 inches around at the thickest point. I stupidly had multiple rounds of silicone injected into it years ago, so my girth, unlike yours, is not natural (to anyone reading, please don't do this). That said, I am hoping to start cycling tomorrow so I can begin the worthy journey of one day no longer having one of the world's biggest chodes. :? :D Pray for me!

BUt.... I'll take a chode any day over long and thin. When my dick was 7 inches long and thinner, no woman every made an excited comment. When it was injected it lost some length, but gained girth. I quickly discovered a crucial element in how women could cum quite quickly from vaginal sex. I no longer had to angle for "the spot". I just put it in. In addition, even though my dick had lost about .5-.75 of an inch, I was now (exaggerated comments from ex girlfriends who have no sense of measurement) "big", "huge", "pornstar dick". All of that was due to girth, not length.

BuffaloMaxx wrote: lol that was my fear. I didn’t want to drop under 5 TBH. So my length is the same and I really think it’s the doctor selecting the correct size. That’s why I would only go to a specialist if at possible. That said, my girth is unreal. I never measured pre-surgery, but I did this morning after a comment from my wife. I’m 6”. I’m officially a choad. Lol.

Wow, 7.5. Natural looking or not, that’s impressive. Totally agree, guys get hung up on length and some woman definitely likes length, but my experience is girth is the defining measurement.
37, Implanted 8/10/21. 22 cm Titan, Dr. Tariq Hakky.

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:27 pm

Re: Priapism 3 years ago

Postby Toppicker9196 » Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:18 pm

Some promising comments, I thank you all, so I saw a urologist on Monday and he was happy that I can still get errect (I even showed him a picture) he asked me whether I could still have sex to which I said I haven't been with anyone for year's (I know I couldn't though because as soon as I stop stimulation it goes floppy) so he's putting me on viagra 1st, then if that fairs injection then a pump until the last option which would be implantation, since he's one of only two who do these operations where I live I doubt he's done many, he deals with a lot of poor souls who have cancer, see we have the national health service so we can't really shop around for surgeons we have to take what we are given, but he scoffed at me when I said I was worried about going from 6.5 to 2.5, his words where "Only a knife can do that" which put me at ease. However, he said when there's scar tissue due to priapism he said it's like chiselling through concrete, as I say I don't mind losing the odd ince or inch ½ but God no more please, I don't want to meet someone in the future, get naked only for her to blow a raspberry at me. I will post updates on my progress, in the meantime ill say thanks again to everyone for their encouraging words

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