When should you get an implant?

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When should you get an implant?

Postby Rawness1111 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:41 pm

I know and have talked to several females who tell me about guys with different forms of ed issues. I know guys who only have sex on their backs because if they get up they can't maintain their errection. Then there are others that can have sex but only for a short amount of time. Like 5 minutes tops. Lastly there are others who can have sex but usually do it in a certain routine to remain hard. All of these things seem OK to deal with as long as it works. But over the years it can become depressing. Especially for those who have done everything so that those things don't happen but they still do. So when is it time to call it quits and get the implant?
32 yrs old. Newly developed ed with divorce and searching for solutions.

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby Gt1956 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:10 pm

Most of us have had to struggle with that decision. I think the default answer runs along these lines. As each method of treatment fails & they will fail. Just go through the common steps. Position tricks are fine. Later you'll need pills, injections seem to be the last treatment
Once you've run out of effective treatments, you're at the end of the path. It comes down to an implant or being celibate, your choice. It sucks to say this but by reading FT you'll see lots of members that have reached that end.
The good news is most of the men with implants will say they should of went the implant route many years earlier. That the sex they are having wasn't available with previous treatments. Just wrapping your mind around that huge decision is difficult to do.
Rawness1111, I sure hope that you find your answer in my post.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby newbie443 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:15 pm

This is a decision that each of us make. No one can make this for us or decide when someone should or should not. Many things influence this. Cost, insurance, skill level of available doctors, relationships, and much more. But do your research. Ask questions and get as much information as you can to make your decision.

Good luck with this.
Injections failed. Implanted 3-21-18 AMS 700 LGX 21 + 1 RTE 100 cc reservoir 6.5" L 5" G Dr. Kramer.

Proximal Perforation Sling Repair 4/13/21 Dr. Broghammer

66 years young.

Will show and tell and talk with others.

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby LookingUp » Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:25 am

This board is the best source of information to move through the decision stages of any ED treatment. I agree with the "anything short of an Implant advise" as long as that method is functional for you.

Having taken the long route to a final solution, here are some waypoints to an Implant.

1. When the gyrations to complete whatever/whoever you're doing ((Multiple partners, cock ring, vibrator, VED, Pills ( Viagra, Stendra, Cialis, Levitra), MUSE (suppository) injections (single to Quad+ (Quad Mix+numbing agents to control pain) and all the above in combinations)) fails to provide satisfactory sexual relations. Only you and your partner can make that call.

2. When what it takes to orgasm causes more pain than pleasure.

3. When what you're doing disconnects you from your partner.

4. When he/she becomes only a mechanism of your orgasm.

5. When testing reveals elevated End Diastolic Velocity >5 cm/sec during pharmacopenile duplex ultrasonography (PPDU). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3936150/

The first 4 steps can take years of self-discovery. The last step is straight forward. When you can't maintain the internal penile pressure necessary to keep an erection, an Implant is indicated. I recommend Step 5 first. You'll avoid years of self-loathing, divorce, pain
and loss of your best sexual function years.

Best to you in your search.

ED 26 years. 1995->Pills->Shots->Implant penoscrotal Implanted Feb2021, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal, 100cc reservoir. Looking forward to revision with a better Doctor.

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby dg_moore » Wed Mar 24, 2021 3:11 pm

There is also such a thing as waiting too long. I needed an implant for at least 5 years before I finally bit the bullet. I had no way of knowing it, but my sex life was over by the time I had my surgery. If I'd gotten the implant when I first needed it I could have had several years of good sex before it all came crashing down; instead I now have an implant over twelve years old that was never used once. So if you need an implant, get one. Nothing good happens while you delay and dither.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:19 pm

Rawness1111 wrote:So when is it time to call it quits and get the implant?

For me it was when the answer to this question was, "No"

The question: "If the surgery was a complete failure and I was left with no erectile function at all, would I regret having done it?"

Put another way, "Is there anything penile left in my sex life?"

It was not that clear an answer as "yes or no". I could still get erections, but they were unusable for penetrative sex and largely only for show during fellatio, though I was able to orgasm and ejaculate. Losing those minimal sexual abilities for the chance to get erect again was worth the gamble.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
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Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby ImplantMan » Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:02 pm

Well I was 24 when I went limp from M.S., I spent years with vaccuum, natural remedies, just oral, urethral suppositories, pills, shots, meditation/hypnosis, when I got so sick of doing all this different stuff and stillonly having good sex a third of the time I did the implant, never looked back, hard as glass in seconds, feels as good if not better since, and I’m hard as long as I need it to be

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby rdnkbiker » Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:30 pm

When all else fails EVERYTHING
HBP since my 20s Full ED i was 55 when i received my implant January 17th 2017 sever scare tissue through corpora cavernosa clear to the glands (no blood flow) complete revision new equipment july 10th 2023 AMS CX 21cm very happy

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby barrylandon » Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:36 am

rdnbiker nailed it...when EVERYTHING else has FAILED!!!!!
Implanted 5/6/20 by Dr. Jesse Mills at UCLA; AMS 700 LGX 18 cm w/2 cm RTEs. I'm 76 & fit but had ED for 20 years. Pills/injections ultimately failed, including 3 ER trips for Priapism; Shockwave & embryonic stem cell therapies didn't help either.

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Re: When should you get an implant?

Postby merrix » Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:18 pm

Rawness1111 wrote:I know and have talked to several females who tell me about guys with different forms of ed issues. I know guys who only have sex on their backs because if they get up they can't maintain their errection. Then there are others that can have sex but only for a short amount of time. Like 5 minutes tops. Lastly there are others who can have sex but usually do it in a certain routine to remain hard. All of these things seem OK to deal with as long as it works. But over the years it can become depressing. Especially for those who have done everything so that those things don't happen but they still do. So when is it time to call it quits and get the implant?

Of course it is at a different stage for different people. Many factors play a role. How bad is your ED, how old are you, what other gear are you ok with using (pills, injections, pumps etc) and so on.

But my short answer would be:
When your life is substantially negatively affected.

For some that is as soon as they get some level of ED. For some, the threshold is much higher.
Why? Because of lots of things.
How important sex is. That is actually different for different people.
How mentally strong we are to handle shit in our lives. Some get depressed for a coffee stain on their new shirt and some can live through hell and still feel fine.
How much else in life we have that is important to us. Do you put your whole happiness down to your sexual performance or is it just a piece of a great puzzle.
And the list goes on.

But again, when you feel that your ED and your poor sex has just gotten to the point when it makes you feel miserable. When it starts to impact you and change you. And there is no way to get out of that place. You just know that until you get a working dick you will continue to be miserable.
That's when it's time to get an implant.
For some that happens already at a mild-moderate ED level. While at the other extreme, that point never comes for some no matter how bad their ED is.

In my case, with a life-long history of some level of ED, there were two incidents that kick-started my downward spiral.
Both of them kind of made me realise how bad my ED was and what I was missing.
One was that I did a surgery repairing veins in my dick. Which hade massive effect to start with. I was cured. But only for a couple of months. But those months... Holy shit. I wanted more.
The other was a true, open, cut the BS talk with my wife while in the process of discussing the implant with my wife.
I asked her, again, how my dick (and especially its erectional ability (or disability)) was compared to men she had previously been with.
As I said, I had some form of ED ever since puberty, so I never really knew what was normal. Even though I started to guess after the surgery mentioned above.
She always said she didn't want to compare me to other men she'd been with, and that what we had was good, and she loved me, etc, etc.
And maybe I was afraid of the answer and never pushed for it.
But as a part of the implant-or-not discussion, I asked again, And asked her to answer honestly.
This was an important input for my decision.
So she told me.
I don't know exactly how many guys she'd been with before me, but in the ballpark of 5. Maybe 3, maybe 8. But that ballpark. And we met when we were 24, so obviously, her previous boyfriends where all young.
But her answer: Nobody of them ever had any difficulty to either get it up or keep it up. Every bloody time it was just hard when needed and stayed that way till it was all done. All of them. Every time.

Baaam!. That hit me. From that moment, knowing how great it was with a lasting erection (while the vein surgery still had effect), and how useless my crap dick was compared to her previous lovers - things just went downhill.
Up till that point, sure it bothered me. It bothered me as hell. But it didn't suck every minute of my energy. I still had a great life. Basically everything in my life was great. This was not tipping me over the point.
But after that moment it did. I couldn't get it out of my head. Every time we had sex and my crap dick went down, I felt like shit. And it started to take up my energy day and night.

A week later I contacted Dr. Eid. Three months later I had a Titan in my dick.
And I never regretted anything.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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