1.5 years post-op, 29, and fucking happy

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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1.5 years post-op, 29, and fucking happy

Postby chuck123 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:01 am

Just wrote this to a 22 year old that messaged me December of 2018 (I misread it as 2019) and hope he is working towards a solution. Wanted to share as it can say something for my experience. I am 29 and very pleased with the implant and use it almost every day (mainly wanking, sometimes pounding)!

Hey man,

Sorry for the delay in response, I have not been on here in quite some time. I hope you catch this message and if you want to pick my brain feel free to contact me anytime at ********** as I don't frequent this forum. Please do not share my number and shoot me a text first as I am not great at answering unknown numbers. I would love to chat if you have questions, I know it helped me when I was considering surgery.

I went through quite the process leading up to the implant and definitely had some help from my father who was a doctor. With that being said I can vouch for some great reputable surgeons mainly in NC that are recognized nationally as leaders in the field.

To answer and elaborate on your questions:

Who was your implant surgeon?

Dr. Aaron Lentz with Duke University, I would recommend him. He is the guy that people go to to have botched surgeries fixed. He prefers to use the titan in most cases which I am grateful for. There is another surgeon at UNC that is very good, I can dig up his name if you would like. They both trained under the same guy and are innovators in the field and both seemed like great compassionate doctors in person. They also perform hundreds of surgeries a year. When considering a surgeon definitely look for one with a good track record that performs many a year.

Do you regret the decision? (I'm not a doc but I believe what I am saying is accurate)

Today, not at all. I honestly wish I pushed to have it done sooner. Urologists are really hesitant to work on young men because it is not something they see often. I was Lentz's second youngest patient. I will say I was concerned for the first 6 months or so after the surgery as the "form" of my penis was very abnormal. One day when cycling it popped and sounded like a compound bow releasing an arrow. Instantly corrected itself and has further improved to this day. There was clearly scar tissue which was apparent to myself before the surgery and found by Lentz during the surgery. My case seemed abnormal as it took him hours to scrape out tissue rather than the standard 45 minutes. Interestingly the tissue was still "soft" rather than hard like peyronies scarring. Intuitively I think it safe to say it would have been better to have the surgery done sooner for this reason.

Do you loose size with an implant?

Not in my case but this depends on the individual. I have actually gained size 1-1.5 inches in length and an unknown amount in girth. Good shit right? I do not know my size when the accident occurred at 17 because I did not track it but I definitely lost size over the years. i feel like this has regained itself. I am still not at 100% symmetry but notice it is still correcting itself and gaining size 1.5 years after the surgery. Breaking through scar tissue? I don't know.
Are you still able to flex erections like before? A cool thing I have noticed in my case is that I am able to functionally "customize" size if need be to a certain degree.

Are you able to flex erections like before?
I honestly can't say as I don't remember how my erections were at 17 and before. I want to say that you have the same flex as you would with a fucking raging boner. It does not seem to be an issue in my case.

If you are interested, my revascularization surgeon was Ricardo Munarriz at Boston University Medical Center. He seems like the guy to go to as he is ahead of his field and performs many of these a year. he also teaches this shit. I am hesitant about these docs that you find with independent practices that are marketing their services heavily, guys affiliated with good academic institutions are the way to go. What I would absolutely suggest and will likely be required before going under any knife is to have proper diagnostic screening to confirm trauma, venous leak, etc. The angiogram I had in Boston confirmed penile artery occlusion in my case. I would also suggest seeking care as soon as possible because time could theoretically impact a surgery outcome.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch and best of luck,
27 y/o. ED for 10 years following biking trauma. Penile revascularization 2in 014 without benefit. Implant scheduled in May 2018.

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Re: 1.5 years post-op, 29, and fucking happy

Postby cycling123 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:02 pm

Hi Chuck,

Thank you for posting. I'm happy that you're pleased with your implant - it's nice to hear success stories regarding ED and it must be a great feeling to have the problem resolved. I was hoping that you'd be able to answer some questions about your injury and treatments as it sounds like we have a similar etiology. I just sent you a private message. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated as I am currently considering my options.

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Re: 1.5 years post-op, 29, and fucking happy

Postby Fran4524 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:06 pm

Thank you for share your history.

I sent you a private message to ask any questions.

I am glad for hearing you telling a good implant experience.
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

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Re: 1.5 years post-op, 29, and fucking happy

Postby hope794 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:00 pm

Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 yo from Italy.Peyronie's disease probably since 2015.Since then,penis bends of about 20-25°. PD keeps progressing. Moderate ED since 4 years and things getting worse.From pornstar-like to depressed, but still fighting for a solution.

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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:51 am

Re: 1.5 years post-op, 29, and fucking happy

Postby smphead » Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:05 am

Thanx for posting!!
1978, male Netherlands. ED due Propecia use. Currently using cialis.
Thinking about Penile Implant.

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