Single guy & discretionary practices

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Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby StillConsidering » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:18 pm

I am meeting for the second time with my Doc in a couple of weeks and now one year after my first consultation I've decided to go forward with an implant. As I tend to overthink everything I'm already trying to figure ways to be discreet with my first encounters with women. I am of the mind that if I do get into a committed relationship I will divulge but otherwise I'll probably keep it my little secret. So how to do? I think that if I believe there's any chance of sex that I'll find an opportune moment to go the bathroom and pump it up - get it ready. So if it goes to the next stage, terrific. If it does not, well then, I've had to live with a hard-on in my pants for a while. I'll try to conceal but if or when she sees it she'll be flattered. Anyone try this? Other strategies to conceal?

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby williamb » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:34 pm

StillConsidering , I am sending you a PM. I keep seeing these questions about not disclosing or hiding the fact that you have an implant and it makes me chuckle. When a woman is willing to engage in sexual relations with a man, I can not imagine her being scared off by an implant, anymore than a man being scared off by breast implants.
born 1949, Cancer 2014, 1st Implant AMS CX 18 + 3 RTE, Oct 2015 by a Houston Doctor. Left with loss of length, Floppy Glans and pain, a very poor job. Revision in Dec 2016 by Dr. Kramer, 21 + 3 1/2 RTEs, LGX, Regained length, Glans supported and no pain.

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby Fran4524 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:29 pm

williamb wrote:StillConsidering , I am sending you a PM. I keep seeing these questions about not disclosing or hiding the fact that you have an implant and it makes me chuckle. When a woman is willing to engage in sexual relations with a man, I can not imagine her being scared off by an implant, anymore than a man being scared off by breast implants.

Hi, friend. I understand this guy. I'm 27 years old and I think that a 40 yo woman would be more comprensive with an implant than a 20-30 yo woman... Young women don't know about implant (I asked about that to some woman friends)

So, I know that if I would have an implant, I wouldn't tell one night stand woman about my implant, and I would try to discover ways to inflate my implant secretly.
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby hopeful_future » Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:52 pm

Do straight people just not have foreplay or something? I don't think I'd have any chance of hiding my implant from any partner I've had, they're going to feel the pump while fondling my balls, they're going to note the tips when they're playing with my dick while it's still somewhat soft, they'll notice me pumping because we're paying attention to each other's bodies while we get warmed up.

I'm not saying to just blurt out "I HAVE AN IMPLANT" while in the middle of a date, but while you're getting intimate, discussing what turns you and them on, or having a discussion about safety (do you get tested for STIs? is she on the pill? do you both want to use a condom?) it's easy to say "So, I had a medical condition that affected my dick, and since they fixed it, I have a superpower. I have to pump my dick up, but once I do it'll stay that way as long as I...or you...want!"

If there's something from queer culture I wish would be normalized (whether it's gay culture or kink culture), it's actually talking to the people you fuck around with about sex.
39yo, ED since sexually active, moderate to severe. Bisexual. Pills helped a little, trimix and muse failed. Implanted 8/25/20 by Dr. Karpman, 22cm+1RTE Titan Touch.

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby mikestap » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:11 pm

Based on my own experience in the bed, I cannot see how a woman would not discern that there is something different. Your shaft will feel different to the touch. You will not deflate as a non-implant will. See Mr. Hopeful's comments above. If all you do is insert your penis into her vagina and then walk away, you're good. I've never had such an experience. Nor would I want to.
64 Years. RALP 2013. Received 22cm Titan Dec 20, 2017 by Dr Hakky. See results at download/file.php?id=5320 and download/file.php?id=4754
Revision 3-25-21 24 cm XL No RTE

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby smphead » Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:00 am

mikestap wrote:Based on my own experience in the bed, I cannot see how a woman would not discern that there is something different. Your shaft will feel different to the touch. You will not deflate as a non-implant will. See Mr. Hopeful's comments above. If all you do is insert your penis into her vagina and then walk away, you're good. I've never had such an experience. Nor would I want to.

I've spoke by pm and readed posts from single guys who had sexual encounters, even one within a relationship, without being discovered.

These kind of posts makes younger guys which only hope is an implant suïcidal.
Some older guys in a long term relationship seems not tot understand it's huminilating for younger guys if their whole Social networks knows about their implant.
1978, male Netherlands. ED due Propecia use. Currently using cialis.
Thinking about Penile Implant.

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby merrix » Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:56 am

Wow, this must be the dozen:th time I read a thread on this topic.
But nothing strange with that. I had the same concern before getting implanted.
I am married and I was married at the time I got the implant, but that doesn't mean I didn't have these worries.
Firstly, even married people can (and many do) have sex with other people than their partners, and not all marriages last forever.

Anyway, my results in terms of implant visibility are great I think. No visible tubing, pump perfectly placed behind the balls and cannot be seen.
But my take on this theme was always that with proper foreplay, it will be detected.
Once your partner touches your balls properly, she will feel something is in there.
But sure, if you pump your dick up in private, fuck her, pulls out the second your orgasm is over, deflate quickly while she doesn't see you - then yes, you can hide it.
What I have always said as well is that I think there is a fine line between not being discovered and having to give up too much of the good stuff.
I totally understand that some people, probably to a higher degree younger guys, want to do what they can to avoid people finding out.
I can just look back to my college days and sure, I would find it embarrassing if the word got out and spread. Which it would if it got out.

But starting with the sex act itself, I just want to clarify that if looking at each sex act alone, I think it is very possible to hide it if that is important. I have done it myself more than once.
Easiest way is just to pump up a semi, about as much as can be bent in to jeans, when you know things will start to happen. That way, if she touches you while being dressed, she will feel that you are hard.
Next step will be to not get undressed together. Just excuse yourself to the WC. Pump up and wash up.
During the sex act itself, you will have to avoid her sucking or thoroughly touching your balls. If you have easily palpable tubing at the base of your dick, you probably should avoid her jerking or blowing you off all in all.
Then fuck her. She shouldn't be able to tell from that, if so, I think your doc did a shitty job with the tubing or the pump.
Next issue will be deflation. If you just keep going after orgasm, that might be suspicious. Pulling out on time and then quickly deflating while she can't see is the way to go. Taking her from behind is one way to get a chance.
I often deflate with one hand while still inside, that is probably a good way to mimic the natural process, but requires some skills.
Then you have the issue of she wants to go again. She might start to play with your dick again, expecting it to go hard again. But that won't happen as we know.
The "Just a second, I need to go take a piss first" excuse might work, but then you come out with a full hardon again after your piss, which may or may not be suspicious according to her.

The above works well for a one night stand. But as soon as you start dating it will be problematic.
Every bloody time she wants sex you must go take a piss?
What if she steps in to the shower while you are there and starts to play with your dick? Go take a piss again? What if the shower has glass doors and the WC is just outside?
Go take a glass of water? But every time?
What if she wants to give you a blow job in the car? Go outside and take a piss again? What if you just did take a piss?
What is she starts playing with your dick while you watch TV? The second she touches it you must go take a piss?
She will probably call for an appointment at the local Uro to check your prostate.

My point is that in the long run it won't work without too much suspicious behaviour.
It might work if that is your ultimate goal. But is it? Should it be?
Not to mention that you will reduce your sex life.
All the spontaneity you dreamed off, you won't be able to live it.
The quick pull-up-her-skirt-and-fuck-her-against-the-wall thing. You will tell her to stand there by the wall while you go take a piss first?
Or you will just pull your pants down, inflate your dick in 60 seconds while you kiss and then do it while the moment is still there?

I also think that as with most things, getting found out is more embarrassing when you try to hide it.
Being upfront with it, not being embarrassed in the first place, owning the situation, is less embarrassing.

If I was in college with an implant, I wish I would handle it like I wrote here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16246&start=40#p146046
That's easier said than done of course, but if someone would, I am sure he'd have a lot more pleasure and joy from his implant than they guy who was spending as much time coming up with coverage strategies and getting-found-out-anxiety as actually fucking with it.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby Stewy78 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:23 am

I'm young and i have a girlfriend. I installed my first implant 1 year ago and I had bad luck in fact I already had 2 revisions. Anyway i didn't tell my girlfriend about the implant I just told her that i had a nerve surgery down there with various complications.
She didn't know about an implant anyway she didn't grab my scrotum because she know it's sensible because the surgeries. She just touched it and she didn't noticed, my pump is well placed behind my balls. During sex it's impossible for her to feel anything different than a normal dick.
I think that when I will be completely healed (i may need another surgery to fix a too long cylinder) and we'll start again to have good sex in different contexts she may find out something but remember that it's not necessary to say that it's a penile implant. Women don't know anything about that. I know lot of guys who told about testicle accident, venous bypass and other bullshit especially with casual sex. Only issue is inflating and deflating but with practise it can be done without being noticed is most situations.
I had sex with other girls after my first implant, two noticed nothing, one told me "do you have 3 balls??". She loved to play with balls. I just replied that i had an accident and doctors had to put it a thing to fix the nerve pain. No more questions were asked.
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby ViaSwiss » Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:30 am

Good post Steve 87.

I think you can date without the lady noticing. My plan would be to partially inflate before you try to initiate sex. Then you can inflate more when you are beginning foreplay like kissing her body or going down on her, or you can excuse yourself to the restroom to put on a condom and inflate as you are putting on the condom. Should be able to deflate while still inside her after coming as Merrix said, or do it under the covers, or go for a post sex piss or to grab a towel afterwards. Or you know what, just leave it hard afterwards and if she asks say "yah I guess I have a superpower". Just say that your balls are sensitive since your vasectomy or something and you don't like your balls played with.

Now after a while, as Merrix pointed out, those routines might get weird. If you are still having sex regularly with her to that point, you are possibly getting more serious. If she is someone you are deciding you want longterm, then at that point I would have a more vulnerable convo. I'd probably say I had a mountainbiking accident with caused nerve damage and I had to have some surgery to fix things, so I have a pump in my ball sack that helps keep me hard. I 100% understand the fear of a chick that you do not know well running to tell friends. Living in a smaller city, many friends groups can intersect and the last thing you want going around is that you have a penile implant. IF it does come to that though, you better just embrace it and be open about it.
Age 37. Venous Leakage & Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) since age 18.
Original Implant | June 25, 2021 | 20cm Titan w 1.5cm & 1cm RTEs
Revision | November 16, 2021 | 26cm | Dr. Hakky

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Re: Single guy & discretionary practices

Postby Gt1956 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:22 am

At any age. If other treatments have failed? It all comes down to an implant or not. It's a pretty black & white choice. Sex or no sex FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. I would think that a man faced with 40-50 years of no sex has a lot more at stake than a 60 year old.
From a different perspective. If you've EVER had a good sex life. You know what you're missing & you want it back asap. Yes, there is a bias in that that comes with age.
So for those that are afraid their implant will be discovered. How well did it turn out the last time that you attempted sex & failed? Did you like that feeling? If so, keep at it because it is highly unlikely to change for the better. Did that little incident get spread around?
Even nasty rumors can be fought. If a girl has wagged her tongue about your implant. You can always tell the group that she is vindictive that you dropped her. That this is her revenge on you.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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