Chiropractor and implants

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Chiropractor and implants

Postby andrew1959nj » Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:57 pm

Between COVID, MS, and working from home my leg strength and hip/spine flexibility have deteriorated a lot. I just started going to a good chiropractor who not only manipulates my spine and neck but he is also performing physical therapy exercises and stretching. On the side where my reservoir is, it is particularly sore when I stand it is sore until it stretches out and warms up. I think that it is a muscle strain, but could the treatments cause any issues with the plumbing? My implant was over two years ago and had no complications.

60 years old. MS and Severe ED 10+ years. Pills and injections never worked well. Implanted 5/16/2019 by Dr. Sadeghi. Titan 20cm + 2cm RTE.

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