Here's how to reduce discomfort/pain scrotal during first inflate/deflate cycles

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Here's how to reduce discomfort/pain scrotal during first inflate/deflate cycles

Postby pilot74 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 1:52 am

I found a lot of very useful info on this forum that helped me on my journey. So I wanted to give back to this community.

Implanted in December 2020 by Dr. Eid, I had a fair bit of scrotal swelling and pain which made inflation/deflation very challenging for the first few weeks.

Here's what helped reduce sensitivity and make things go a LOT smoother: topical lidocaine cream. I got 5% Dr. Numb, but any cream that numbs should do. I just put a little bit of it on the scrotum where my pump + deflate valve is, and wait a few minutes. This reduces sensitivity and pain like 5x-10x for me so I can push much harder with very little discomfort.

I know some people put lidocaine onto the penis to reduce sensitivity but I have not tried this so cannot vouch for this. I only put it on scrotum.

Now, one important disclaimer is that I am not a doctor and I have not confirmed with any doctor that this is acceptable in any way. But wanted to share what helped me personally to start cycling asap.
46 yr o, always had PE until late 30s (it somehow resolved by itself). ED started late 20s (unknown origin). Pills stopped working mid-30s. Due for implant in Dec 2020 with Dr. Eid

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Re: Here's how to reduce discomfort/pain scrotal during first inflate/deflate cycles

Postby LookingUp » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:22 am

Thanks for the Tip. Every idea of what helped builds the Data Base of how to make it through this journey.

ED 26 years. 1995->Pills->Shots->Implant penoscrotal Implanted Feb2021, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal, 100cc reservoir. Looking forward to revision with a better Doctor.

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