Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby medhatg » Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:09 am

Gt1956 wrote:
medhatg wrote:I had my revision done at the highest of the pandemic last May. I traveled to San Jose from Canada the moment Dr. Karpman had the green light to preform surgeries. I do not want to make a political statement here, but up until now, I'd love to get someone to explain to me the current hysteria. I'm not and will not be scared off. If you want to hide under your bed, it is your choice, but hearing my lady moan of pleasure enjoying my renewed cock outweighs anything else.

I share some of your feelings. If you are not in any of the susceptible groups. The risk, I feel, is not so bad. True, as a group, we do have vulnerable groups in our population that need special precautions.
My wife has a vulnerable friend. Scared to death of catching Corona. In the very next breath she'll swear up & down that she won't get the vaccination. Duh, WTH?
It is going to be a long time before we get back to normal.

I apologize if I hurt someone's feelings, but unfortunately the media caused most of the mania. They just released new stats here in Canada. During the peak of Covid lock-down, death, in my province, was about 600 above average. Out of the 600 excess death, 149 died of Covid. They did not disclose or determined how the other "extra" 450 died. A wild guess would be social isolation, suicide, unattended illness due to cancellation of hospital surgeries and all kind of "unintended consequences" of the lock down. I personally suffered severe anxiety and almost went into depression when my implant failed and all hospitals in North America were not allowed to perform any "elective surgeries" with no end in sight.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby GoodWood » Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:35 am

In NYC COVID deaths weren’t “mania” caused by the press. They were very real.

The hospitals were slammed with patients. We had refrigerator trucks to hold corpses outside of several because the morgues were full. ICUs filled to capacity, expanded into other wings of hospitals, and filled again.

I work in one of those hospitals and March and April were a nightmare. May was awful too. I was being paged to the emergency room frequently. The typical patients there were men that could easily be FrankTalk members. Guys in their late 50s,60s,70s and 80s. A few extra pounds. High blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory issues. They were ashen gray, looking exhausted and panicked, unable to catch their breath. I’d explain that their lungs were failing and we were going to send them off to sleep, intubate them, and let them rest on a ventilator so we could help them get better. The vast majority of them died. SO MANY of them died that my hospital made a celebratory video of the guy who made it off the ventilator and made it home. It was that bad. Their lungs were destroyed by the virus before they ever got to the emergency room. It would take a few weeks to figure that out. By April into May we had a better idea of how the virus worked.

It’s bad.

However anxious and depressed you think you are because you can’t get a hardon, count your blessings that you haven’t been killed by COVID.

So call Eid’s office, talk with them about the mechanics/procedures of getting from where you are to NYC to get your Implant and getting back home again. Then think about whether it’s worth the risk. But don’t just think about whether it’s worth the risk for you, think about if it’s worth the risk to every person you will come into contact with on your way. Is it worth putting them at risk as well?

If the answer is yes, then book the procedure and get it done. If not, wait a bit and decide again. NYC is in MUCH better shape than it was in March, April, and May. But much of the rest of the country is a mess. You’ll cross paths (and share the air) with people from all over on your way to and from NYC. The US has inadequate testing and contact tracing. Many of the people who are contagious with COVID don’t know it. And mask wearing is not universal here.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby LookingUp » Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:24 pm


Thank you for restating what has been forgotten.

I'm a 2X cancer survivor. no other known issues. Fighter Pilot have a turism, "Never push a bad position." Disengage and live to fight another day.

I've decided to keep my Dr Kata (Orlando) appointment Sept 1 for a second opinion of which implant, AMS or Titon.... Get a feel for him and his staff. Then, wait. I can't get a Dr. Eid required local Cardiologist medical clearance until Oct 8th. EKG/Med report good for 90 days. That puts me early January for Dr. Eid. Maybe something Positive will happen, regards Covid19 Vacs or ???

Current Plan: AMTRAK round trip Orlando/NYC Penn Station private Sleeper room with bathroom early January approx $1100. About the cost of RT First class airfare with someone seated next to me. Takes much longer but I'm retired and I'll be horizontal and able to ice down Mr. Happy on the way back.

Thanks to all for input.

ED 26 years. 1995->Pills->Shots->Implant penoscrotal Implanted Feb2021, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal, 100cc reservoir. Looking forward to revision with a better Doctor.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby Stewy78 » Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:41 am

I contacted Dr. Eid office and I was told to check with a travel agency if I require a Visa to travel for the surgery.

I have a passport by obtaining a Visa is a long process. I'd really like to have some tips from people from Europe that went to US to perform the surgery.

Anyway at Dr. Eid office they told me that right now they're booking just US patients for surgery, so I think I will have to wait and hope covid situation will improve.
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby Stewy78 » Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:37 pm

I'm scheduled for the surgery with Dr.Eid on November 20th. This is my second revision this year and I hope to finally fix the issues that I have with my current implant. I managed to get an exemption from US consulate to do the travel for medical reason. I will have to do a covid19 test at not sooner than 5 days before the surgery. I also will be considered in quarantine for 14 upon my arrival in NY but I will be able to go outside for anything related to my procedure.
This is my first travel to US and I'm a bit worried. My english is also not very good and I hope to be able to communicate and understand well.
Any european that had surgery with Dr.Eid can provide me tips or experiences?
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby GoodWood » Thu Nov 05, 2020 12:17 pm

I don’t have an implant so I can not help you with any advice there.

But I live in NYC and would be happy to help you in any way. I’ll send you my phone number in a private message. If you need anything during your time in NYC give me a call or send a text and I’ll try to help out if I can.

55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby Gt1956 » Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:14 pm

Steve87. New York City is a diverse city. You might find a few people that speak a little of French, German, Polish or even Italian. Plus your English might not be the best. But most Americans are willing to overlook less than perfect English. I think you'll do ok on the language. You might have to use 2 languages in a conversation though.
A little suggestion. Write a few addresses that you might need to go to in a small notepad. It's easier to just show someone a written address than to speak the numbers. I do know that the order that numbers are spoken in English is different than how they are spoken in the Netherlands.
Don't worry about European names of food. In America, food names do not mean that the food is from that region of Europe.
I truly hope all goes well for you.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby Stewy78 » Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:02 pm

Thanks for your help friends!
Right now I'm struggling with a couple of thing.

First one is finding a way to pay Dr.Eid fee and Coloplast sending a wire transfer to US. I have received bank details from Dr.Eid staff but the bank does not have a bic/swift code so I'm unable to send wire transfers from my bank since bic/swift is required for international transfers. Also my credit cards plafond cannot cover the entire amount. Do you have any suggestion?

Second worry is that I also have to do a covid pcr test 5 days before the surgery (not sooner). Dr.Eid staff suggested me two sites to get tested just waking-in. I asked about times to get results and they said 3-5 days. Since I will arrive in NY the fifth day before the surgery in the afternoon, i will probably be able to do the test the following day and I hope results will be ready in time before the day of the procedure.

Last thing is about prescriptions. I was suggested to try to have them filled in my country but medicines here are different and have other names. So I will probably have to fill them in NY. I have printed the pdf with Dr.Eid prescriptions papers , do you know if it is enough to get the medicines in NY?
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby warrenw » Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:03 pm

Steve87 wrote:Last thing is about prescriptions. I was suggested to try to have them filled in my country but medicines here are different and have other names. So I will probably have to fill them in NY. I have printed the pdf with Dr.Eid prescriptions papers , do you know if it is enough to get the medicines in NY?

Dr Eid's office can phone the prescriptions into a nearby pharmacy for you to pickup. I had to do that and it worked out fine.
Tell Dr Eid's staff in advance that you need to fill the prescriptions when you arrive.
Implant - Dr Eid 12/2017, Titan Touch 20/21cm no RTE, 125cc reservoir

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Re: Recent Implant with Dr. Eid, travel/Covid Q's

Postby Gt1956 » Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:31 pm

Money transfers can be a problem. Would it bypass some rules to make 2 smaller transfers? Sometimes a large one looks like money laundering. Like drug money. An International check might be possible also.
As for the different names. On newer drugs the original maker owns the drug for a few years. Once that time is over, you can buy it with a "generic" name. Normally a lot cheaper than when the drug was owned by someone. Perhaps you might understand how Viagra was sold. Now it is available as a generic using a different name.
If his staff will give you the name. I'm sure that your local pharmacist will recognize the name. If not, he should have a cross reference book. If not, ask us. I'm sure that we can find several different name. He shold reconize one of them.
I was in the Netherlands many years ago. I caight a simple cold. I was able to buy my normal over the counter drug at the local pharmacy. It took a few minutes but all went well.
Keep asking questions. That is what we are here for. Good luck.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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