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The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Question answered

Postby merrix » Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:20 pm

OK, got this one and thought it might be interesting for a few readers perhaps.

Hello merrix, I hope you are doing well.
I would love it if you could answer a question of mine if you have the available time.
I am 20yo and been suffering mostly from the inability to maintain an erection since around 16. It sometimes takes longer to have an erection, but I can have one , but my biggest trouble is maintaining it. To keep my penis erect I need to stimulate it physically all the time, most of the time as soon as I stop stimulating it physically it will start to go flaccid again.
My question is, if you were my age, and pills work sometimes but other times not so well, would you consider getting an implant?
I wish you all the best,
Salute .

You are basically describing my situation which I had already from the age you mention. Maybe even earlier. Whether my condition was as bad as yours, or worse or better, I don't know. But in reality it doesn't matter if it is crap or bad, and doesn't matter if it is ok or great.
What matters is whether the current level of ED and level of sexual (well rather erectional) performance on pills is acceptable.
If it is - then don't get an implant.
If it isn't - then it is probably the best option.

I took the decision 5 years ago in my very early forties. And it has been a great decision for me which has given me the sexual performance I always wanted.

So if I ask myself, if I know what I know now and the option of an implant was available and known to me at age of 20, would I have gone for it?
Tough question. The smart answer is yes. Because being able to have good sex is such an important aspect of life. But there are issues with an implant as well, which I would say are bigger the younger you are.
When I was 20, I was playing football - i.e. being naked in the showers of the dressing room with my team mates 4 times per week. I was in college, having sex with girls in the same small click of people.
What I am saying is that the potentially awkward situations were far greater than they are when you're older and living another life. Of couse, the married-with-children status is deleting the risk of being worried of having every girl you fuck thinking you are a freak.
But even if one is 30-35 years old, single and dating, the possibility of ending up in awkward and embarassing situations are far less. At that age one does not have the same strong social bonds to a small group of people, boys and girls included. The risk of you fucking a girl in college who then talks to her friend about the implanted dick of they guy she had sex with last weekend, and then that friend tells someoene else, and then all of a sudden all your friends and half of everybody else know. And that is perhaps not what you want when you're 20-22 years old.
Same with the locker room. I think there is a fair risk that at some point someone would notice something unnatural about your dick. Since at that age, in a football dressing room, the jargon will always be rough in that environment...
None of these two situations won't happen when you're 33 as ones social life works a bit different at that age.

Anyway, one always have to weigh pros vs cons.
In the case of the ED 20 year old, it is good sex vs bad sex.
Risk of having the word spread of your implanted dick among buddies and extended social networks and risk of having word spread about you having ED and not being able to get it up.
Worrying about someone finding out you're implanted or worrying about your crap dick going down when having sex.
Worrying about a few revisions down the line or worrying about a life without good sex.

At the end, my answer is I am not sure actually. I could have sex, just not the quality of sex I should have been able to have if my dick worked normally. And there were times when I couldn't perform at all, normally when there was too much alcohol involved. But the alcohol could be used as an excuse and making the poor performance less embarassing.

I also think it is different with always having had ED compared to being fully functional up till some point and then getting hit by ED. The latter would make it more difficult to handle I think.

So I am not going to give you and recommendation.
It depends on you. How you value the pros and cons of each option and how bad your ED is, how good the pills work. Have you tried the 5mg daily Cialis btw? They could even be used as "base" and then topping up with e.g. 50 mg Viagra before sex.

All I can say is that if you choose the implant - and you find a good doc who will give you good results - then the implant for sure is a solid option when it comes to the technical part of this discussion. It will 100% reliably give you a super hard erection every time you need it for as long as you need it. The feeling of having sex will be same as or very similar to the natural feeling.
Your partners will not feel your implant when having sex with you, i.e. when your dick is in their vagina they will not feel anything artificial about it. If they find out it is because of other reasons. Touching, sucking your balls for example. Or seeing you pump it up...

This advice is easier said than done when being 20 years old, but I think it is a good one. If you would be totally confident with an implant, not always spending your energy on worrying if someone finds out, just being totally confident, then it would be a whole lot easier. Not that you have to tell people, but if someone finds out, then instead of being embarassed just stand up straight and say "Yes, tough shit, isn't it? I had a downhill skiing accident (or whatever) and one of the sticks poked my crotch and damaged a vein. Had to get it mechanically fixed. But it works like a fucking charm. I can outfuck anybody on this planet including you Mr. tough guy. Watch out or I will show your GF what good sex for two hours feels like, hahaha..." or something similar. That is as said easier said than done, but I think that the young guy who would take that approach would almost get the best of two worlds.

Good luck, keep us updated.

So good luck with your d
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:43 pm

Re: My Journal

Postby ScipioAlbanus » Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:28 am

Merrix thanks for the reply.
To be honest, I have been trying and am working with the socio-psychological part of the problem. As I said, I have had experiences of ED since 16, and a bit earlier actually. Lost my virginity at late 15, the girl gave me a blowjob, I became erect, she started turning around so I could penetrate doggystyle, and as soon as she turned, the lil buddy was starting to go soft. I had to squeeze the shaft put the tip in and force it in, so it could again get erect a bit from the vaginal stimulation. Basically this has been going on for all 4 years, and I actually thought it was natural and just how it is. I would always need a blowjob, by the time we switched positions it would start to go soft, I would need to squeeze the base, and then penetrate. Also when masturbating, I cant ejaculate without getting hard, meaning my erection is a direct representation of my arousal and ejaculation (which might suggest psychologically things are ok? Idk just saying). I was saying, when masturbating, like 85% of the time I would start to sweat from the long time I would need to finish, not because I couldn’t or I wasn’t aroused, but when my penis would get erect, I wiuld stop for a second so I dont ejaculate too quick cus I wanted to enjoy it a bit longer, I would squeeze my pelvic floor, but then it would start to go soft. And the same process almost always.
The realisation that something is wrong came in summer 2019, when I was in a relationship with a girl I actually liked quite a lot. She didn’t enjoy blowjobs that much so I didn’t have that kind of stimulation and shit went downhill from there. Without stimulation I couldn't go hard, or I’d go semi-hard, I’d try to squeeze and shit, but it was uncomfortable and made me quite angry, sad and in general an emotional train wreck. Anyway, when I understood the problem I consciously decided to try to be more open with it. All of my close friends know of this problem, guys and girls included, parents also know, and one or two not-as-close-friends. Really wanted to try to battle the idea that only older men can get ED, and to be honest, my biggest problem so far with ED is not as much that I cannot get it to work properly per se, but rather knowing that I lost quite an important person because of it, but also the competitive nature of mine.
There really shouldn’t be shame in getting an implant, whenever I considered it, the idea that I might be shamed by someone because of it was maybe the easiest thing to get out of my mind. I mean, from what I see, you can discretely pump it up for a one night stand, you can work around working with ut secretly, and if in plans to settle down with someone if someone refuses you because of this, then get away from that person. At the end of the day, it’s a 24/7 hard cock... as you said “you can outfuck anyone.” Who really cares if someone has something there or not, if they do and ridicule people for it, it’s their loss.
My biggest fears are:
1. Surgery goes to shit and I end up without a dick or smth - I know it is veeeeery unlikely and almost impossible with a world class surgeon, but it is a scary possibility to think about.
2. Infection - and with it the rest of the problems that can arise, such as scar tissue destroying size etc. Again unlikely in the hands of a good surgeon but a possibility.
3. Short lasting implants - this scares me in the long, If each of my implants would last 15 year i would need 3- max 4 implants, but that is not ensured. It can last 1, or 15 years. This scares me. I don’t want to spend all my life’s money on implants through my life, and end up not doing anything else with my life. Since also I dont come from a rich country or anything like that, so a 20k dollar surgery really is a lot of money here.
4. Rupture during sex - this is pretty self explanatory i think lol.
Anyway, I just wanted to share somme things about myself, maybe someone can relate and feel better with it. For sure you can comment on the “fears” or scares from the implant world and give your opinions or maybe even your own fears before and/or after getting the implant.
Best wishes, and thank you Merrix for the reply.
Salute :).

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Re: My Journal

Postby Robert1966 » Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:10 am

I provide this feedback to assist your decision making. For reference, I am 61yo received an implant 2 years ago.. it was as a consequence of PCa. The implant works really well. Given that you are socially open around the issue it removes a number of factors with implants at a young age, from my experience I provide the following.
- Ensure all other options are exhausted.
- The technology works..  predicated on getting an expert surgeon.
- If your identity is linked to being a sexual person.. i.e. sexuality is prime in your life.. and you choose partners accordingly, then if it were me at the same age, and I knew what I now know from having an implant, I would elect to get an implant (from an expert). It would clearly let you establish maintain a strong sexually-focused identity. If your identity is not so strongly linked to being a sexual person.. you may wish to park the issue .. while the technology continues to improve.

In response to the points you made.

1. Surgery goes to shit and I end up without a dick or smth - I know it is veeeeery unlikely and almost impossible with a world class surgeon, but it is a scary possibility to think about.
- Always choose an expert surgeon

2. Infection - and with it the rest of the problems that can arise, such as scar tissue destroying size etc. Again unlikely in the hands of a good surgeon but a possibility.
- Take every step possible to minimise the possibility.. anti-bacterial washing in the days before surgery, I chose a surgeon with a no-touch technique (which claims a lower (but not zero) infection rate, Antibiotics as advised etc

3. Short lasting implants - this scares me in the long, If each of my implants would last 15 year i would need 3- max 4 implants, but that is not ensured. It can last 1, or 15 years. This scares me. I don’t want to spend all my life’s money on implants through my life, and end up not doing anything else with my life. Since also I dont come from a rich country or anything like that, so a 20k dollar surgery really is a lot of money here.
- Know the stats.... the mean expected lifetime... balance the risks/costs  from your personal viewpoint.  

4. Rupture during sex - this is pretty self explanatory i think lol.
- I don't think this is a legitimate worry. I aggressively ride dirt bikes and other sports that can impact on the groin area and I too was concerned about this issue pre-surgery ... my surgeon made it clear that the technology was tougher than I was.. and thus it has proved...    I have done enough rough sex with the implant to not have a concern in that can go very robo dick with this technology.!!
Hope this helps 
Born 1958, ED issues following prostatectomy in 2009 for PCa. Used Cialis and prostaglandin but ultimately unworkable. Implanted 2/6/2018, 20cm Titan no RTE

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Re: Question answered

Postby Echegollen » Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:15 pm

merrix wrote:This advice is easier said than done when being 20 years old, but I think it is a good one. If you would be totally confident with an implant, not always spending your energy on worrying if someone finds out, just being totally confident, then it would be a whole lot easier. Not that you have to tell people, but if someone finds out, then instead of being embarassed just stand up straight and say "Yes, tough shit, isn't it? I had a downhill skiing accident (or whatever) and one of the sticks poked my crotch and damaged a vein. Had to get it mechanically fixed. But it works like a fucking charm. I can outfuck anybody on this planet including you Mr. tough guy. Watch out or I will show your GF what good sex for two hours feels like, hahaha..." or something similar. That is as said easier said than done, but I think that the young guy who would take that approach would almost get the best of two worlds.

Good luck, keep us updated.

So good luck with your d

That is the best reply ever. I might use it if I ever get an implant.

Now my question to you Merrix: Knowing what you now know, would you have gotten an implant in your 20s?
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: Question answered

Postby merrix » Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:44 pm

Echegollen wrote:
merrix wrote:This advice is easier said than done when being 20 years old, but I think it is a good one. If you would be totally confident with an implant, not always spending your energy on worrying if someone finds out, just being totally confident, then it would be a whole lot easier. Not that you have to tell people, but if someone finds out, then instead of being embarassed just stand up straight and say "Yes, tough shit, isn't it? I had a downhill skiing accident (or whatever) and one of the sticks poked my crotch and damaged a vein. Had to get it mechanically fixed. But it works like a fucking charm. I can outfuck anybody on this planet including you Mr. tough guy. Watch out or I will show your GF what good sex for two hours feels like, hahaha..." or something similar. That is as said easier said than done, but I think that the young guy who would take that approach would almost get the best of two worlds.

Good luck, keep us updated.

So good luck with your d

That is the best reply ever. I might use it if I ever get an implant.

Now my question to you Merrix: Knowing what you now know, would you have gotten an implant in your 20s?

It is a good one, isn't it?
As I said, for many young guys worrying about the "what will people think", I still think being super straight and confident about it is the best way. Will turn you into an exciting sex machine instead of an impotent wimp.
Could probably even cause some girls to want to try it out after hearing the rumor. As opposed to what the consequence of hearing the rumor about your impotence would be...

Would I have gotten one?
Well, I never thought about it really. I didn't know they existed so I never made any decision.
I can say like this:
Had my ED at 20 yo been so bad that I most of the time couldn't finish the intercourse, and often not even being able to penetrate - then yes. I would have.

However, in my case, my ED wasn't that bad in my early twenties. I could basically always have penetrative sex. Unless piss drunk. However, I sometimes had to bunch in a semi in my partner and then fuck hard to get hard so to say. A blowjob before penetration always worked, as long as I hurried up to penetrate right after.
I learned to get around. None or very fast position changes. Not too long foreplay, etc, etc.
Whether I would have swapped that for an implant, I really can't say. It's 50-50.

As someone cleverly said above, it depends on how you feel. If you are consumed by your lack of sexual performance, if it affects your life outside the bedroom in a destructive way - if you avoid meeting girls, if it consumes you and negatively impacts your studies, career, etc - then you should get one.

However, if you are "only" a bit dissatisfied with your sexual performance, but still think it ok, and that life has more important aspects than being a stud in bed. If pills work decently well, and you are just getting on with your life - then probably doing at such young age is not the right thing.

So it is not only degree of ED. Not at all only that.
It is how your ED affects you. Does it make you miserable or is it just one part of your life that, sure, you wish you had a better dick, but that's just life.
Everybody must make this decision based on their situation and feelings.

In my case, it was a combination of factors that kept me from going crazy about it at a young age.
One important part I think was that I always had some degree of ED. Which also meant that I had no real bench mark. I didn't know how bad it was, I didn't know how other men's dicks worked. I lived on some sort of hope that it wasn't that bad. I think it would be a lot worse going from being a young man with a perfectly working dick to getting ED at a young age.
Furthermore, I am not the person who lets things get me down. I don't think I can get depressed.
And finally, as I said, I could and did have sex. I learned how to work around my dick's issues. I wasn't the best lover most likely, but I was in the game, participating.

Once I took the decision, the #1 and #3 above were different.
My ED got worse with age (of course) and even with double doses of Cialis + Viagra, it wasn't sure I would be able to stay hard long enough to complete intercourse. It started to get to me, and I couldn't help noticing it got to my wife as well.
So I started to think about doing something about it. As part of that "research", I had a frank talk with my wife. Asked her about how bad it was compared to previous lovers of her. Something I never really did before. To protect myself probably. She didn't want to answer of course, but I pressed her, and that was it for me.
She said it never even happened once that some guy couldn't get hard or went soft during sex. Never. Not even once. It was just hard and stayed that way till all was over.
That hit me like a sledge hammer and a few weeks later I had my video consultation with Eid. The rest is history...
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: My Journal

Postby alibaba » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:03 am

Pills, cock rings, injections, all have their issues to explain also. Bottom line is does it work or not, and are you satisfied with remaining status quo? People talk and there is not a whole lot you can do about that but be selective in who you associate with. Next thing to keep in mind is that you will not remain 20 forever. As Merrix stated, the situation is a little more touchy when you are younger but young you will not remain. If there is an option to remedy the issue, how long are you willing to not have it fixed? I read a study yesterday that said 30.2% of males between 20 and 30 have trouble having erections consistently which is up 12% from 10 years ago. It is a tough decision as I said before and there is no going back once you done it. That was hard for me to wrap my head around it but once I saw it work, I wish I had one 20 years earlier. Also consider how the lifestyle you plan fits into this. Are you planning a long term monogamous relationship are to screw everything that walks by for the next 15 years? Both can give you an answer to you your concerns when you think about it. Most important is see a good doctor for a recommendation what steps to try first. I don't mean some guy with a big ad on the internet that does everything from kidney stones to liposuction, I mean someone with a lot of E.D. experience. Cheers man. Don't despair and find the cause of your issue first, then make an attack plan.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Re: My Journal

Postby merrix » Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:31 pm

Agree with Ali.
If you as a 20 yo need cock rings or even injections, then for sure - go for the implant. I'd definitely say that as a young single dating guy, I'd prefer to pull the "downhill skiing accident gave me ED, now I have a bionic super dick" story every day of the week vs bringing my needles when going out to a club.
I'm just saying that in cases like my own, when someone CAN have sex, it is just a matter of the quality of that sex - then it comes down to the question whether that level is acceptable to you.
The day it is not, the day it makes you feel bad, when you start changing your behaviour, avoiding dating, etc - that's when it is time to pull the plug and call Dr. Eid (or any other top class surgeon of course).

Then there is of course another aspect to it as well. ED is not getting any better. With age, everything works against you. Testosterone levels slowly go down. Blood pressure slowly goes up. Arteries slowly clogs up. So if it is borderline acceptable when 20, then most likely it will be crap when you're 40. Also something to keep in mind.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 3027
Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:04 pm

Re: My Journal

Postby alibaba » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:20 pm

Merrix, you were spot on that it only gets worse as time goes on and given enough time, it can limit your options for a fix and how much recovery you get. I still maintain you did so well because you were young and did not let things go completely to shit before addressing the situation. Cheers. d
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Location: Australia

Re: My Journal

Postby Smetro » Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:12 am

I’m reviving this thread because I believe strongly that every man either having just been implanted with or who is considering having an IPP placed should read Merrix’s excellent analysis and subsequent discussion.
Please utilise this excellent resource.
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am


Postby merrix » Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:53 pm

Someone asked me in a PM if I can use my implant for sex in other positions than missionary. Apparently the person asking the question understood things as if I had said in My Journal that I could only to missionary.

Never mind how he got that impression.
Let me make it clear now instead. I can do any position I want. If anything sets boundaries for positions, it is my agility, my imagination and my partner. Never my dick.
Since a year or two, I almost always pump at or close to maximum hardness. And this works for any position.

Nor really sure why theoretically it wouldn't work for all positions. I guess if it wasn't hard enough, or rather if it had too much hinge at the base, it could slip out in some positions where you are not in complete control. But in my case, it has less hinge at the base than a great natural erection, so this is not an issue.
For some reason, I used to think (during the first couple of years) that it didn't feel comfortable with full inflation. Since a couple of years, that has changed. I love it.
But even back then, when I used to pump to a lower level of hardness, I could still do any position.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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