Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Azib92 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:15 pm

Titan implant by Dr. Kramer
Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:23 pm
Hi all.
My name is Alex. I just received a Titan XL 25 cm today by the world renowned Dr. Kramer.
If I tell you. This guy is freakin amazing. He has the best hospitality. He has an amazing team behind him. My surgery day could not have been better.
Please see link to the video of my procedure in my signature at the bottom
Day 0: surgery day:
I arrived at the office at 9:30. Was checked in by an awesome nurse. Dr. Kramer arrived shortly after to shake my hand and answer any questions I had. Shortly after I met my Anesthesiologist Dr. win I believe. Everyone was so nice and made me feel really comfortable.
After surgery I was supposed to get a ride back to my hotel with the concierge company Dr. kramer office works with but the guy who dropped me off had left due to Coronavirus fears. After waiting just a few min, Dr. kramer himself said he would give me a ride back. I tell you, this guy is the best of the best. He is nice and real and upfront and you can tell he genuinely cares about his patients.
If anyone is thinking about getting the implant. Please for the love of all that is good. Make the trip to Baltimore to have it done with Dr. Kramer. You will not regret it. It’s is worth your time, your effort, and your money to have this done the best way. You owe it to urself.
With all the struggles u may have endured regarding ED you deserve to get ur life back. Give that gift to urself. Okay. I’m done preaching.
So day 0 has gone well. Dr. Kramer dropped me off at my hotel. He removed my catheter and said he would be back tomorrow to take off my bandages.
I look for the Motrin that I was supposed to have in my bag but I can’t find it.
My pain is only at about a 2 but I want the ibuprofen as i know it will help the swelling. The doctor said I should take it around the clock.
So I text Dr. Kramer asking him if he can bring some when he comes the next day. He replies back saying that he would come by soon to give me Motrin. He is amazing. He comes by a few hours later. Drops off the Motrin. Gives me instructions on the pump and let’s me know I can return home the next day as I seem fine and healthy.
My pain is about a 2 without any meds or ice at all.
The pain is mostly in the scrotum as well as in the left inguinal area where Im most definite the reservoir was placed. It’s a mild aching soreness.
The only other pain is when I initiate peeing there is a mildly strong burning. But it’s only at the start. The stream is also a little whacky.
I will update day 1 tomorrow night
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby indusvalley » Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:22 pm

Congratulations! Looks excellent! I saw the video and noticed that Doc connected the tubes himself and that there are 3 tubes instead of 2. I have planned that when my time comes, I will tell the Doc that my preference is that the tubes should be pre-connected. My belief is that it will reduce the chances of leakage and failure.
A young guy in his early 30s from South Asia. Implanted Titan 22cm by Dr. Tariq Hakky in Atlanta (Dec 2020). Amazing doctor! No pain during recovery. My size is 5.75” x 4.6” which is better than pre-OP size of 5.6” x 4.5”. Hoping to gain more in future.

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Captain1117 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:40 pm

Thanks Alex for sharing and wish you a speedy recovery.

When did your VL start.

I was hearing Dr Kramer mentioning about Rhinoplasty and the comparative pain with that surgery.

I had a Rhinoplaty myself..more than year ago. The pain wasnt bad but after I recovered from anesthesia my heart was beating too fast for couple of hours and the hospital admitted me for the night. They did several ECG couldnt find anything. Next morning I was discharged and the doctor who saw me next day..said sometimes anaesthesia have these reactions.
Last year I also had circumcisison ..that was painful too.

Someone considering an implant..I am assuming the pain was lesser than Rhinoplasty..if I heard Dr Kramer correctly.

Does Dr .Kraner do the voice recording while shooting in real time.
" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Azib92 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:30 pm

Hey Captain1117
My ED has been all my life. Or as long as I can remember.
The Doctor Records over after surgery of course.
The anesthesiologist he has on his team is great. The nursing staff is great. They take care of you. You Are in good hands.
The pain is definitely less than rhinoplasty. It’s still surgery and will require recovery tho.

Update day 3:
The swelling has stayed the same. Bruising is still present on the scrotum an lower shaft.
The pain has definitely gotten better though. The pain on the lower shaft due to the crinkles of the tubes has subsided. Although there is some bruising and swelling in that area now. It’s a sign that the tissue is stretching to make room for the new merchandise.
The pain in my left inguinal is almost completely gone. Again. My body has stretched to make room for the reservoir there. Some mild bruising still there.
The main discomfort is the scrotum from swelling. As well as some mild discomfort in the base of the penis.
I believe day 3-4 is probably the Peak of swelling and pain. And it’s all better from there on.
Finally took a shower today. The hot water made the scrotum feel much better. I’m also trying to stay diligent in keeping the area clean and disinfecting so as not to cause any issues. That’s a hig deal. The recovery will come. Just gotta give it time.
I saw a very recent poster also by Dr. Kramer. say they started pumping at day 6. And sex at day 10. His pics show better recovery rates than mine. But I’m hoping for even half those results.
If I can pump in a couple of days would be awesome. The sex can wait a couple of weeks. I’m not in a hurry. I just want to see what kinda weapon I got ;)
Will try to update again soon

I hope to be able to
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Captain1117 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:44 pm

Thank you for the responses.
" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby LookingUp » Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:10 am

Thanks for posting. I couldn't ask for more than "light" pain in any procedure. Awesome you took the leap.

I've put this off for almost 3 years. Got an appointment for May and on hold due to Virus shutdowns. One Day....

ED 26 years. 1995->Pills->Shots->Implant penoscrotal Implanted Feb2021, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal, 100cc reservoir. Looking forward to revision with a better Doctor.

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Azib92 » Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:31 pm

Honestly. To me. Anyone who is having trouble getting it up at any point in their life and know that it’s biological (which 99% of the time it is) than getting this procedure done is a no brainer. Yea u can dabble in pills and injections (if they even work for u, and a lot of times they don’t, didn’t for me) but in the end ur gonna need this procedure if u ever want to be able to perform indefinitely. Long term. Way more cost effective. But forget money for a second. U have the benefit of being able to get it up whenever u want. To me that even beats the way we are naturally at 18. We can perform regardless of attraction levels. Without foreplay. U can be a real alpha male and take a woman whenever u want. Nothing will beat that. Ever.
I haven’t gotten started yet. I’ve just begun my journey. But I know that once I’m healed and ready for action. This “machine” will not disappoint me ever. I will finally have control and that is the best feeling in the world.
And here is another update.
Day 5:
Woke up today after a very good night sleep because I took 700 mg ibuprofen.
Swelling today has definitely gone down.
Day 3 was the most swelling in scrotum. Day 4 maybe slightly less but not by much.
Today the swelling is noticeably less.
I still have a ways to go. But my predictions were right. Day3-4 is usually peak for most things in the body. Injuries. Surgeries. Pain. Swelling. Peak on day 3-4ish. So it seems like it’s all better from here on out and I’m excited.
I’m hoping that by the end of this week I’ll be able to start cycling.
Sadly I have to go back to work tomorrow. I’m hoping it doesn’t interfere my recovery too much.
I’m gonna wear tight underwear and try to stay off my feet. And take a lot of ibuprofen. Wish me luck.
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Greg1956 » Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:31 pm

Congratulations and welcome e to the Bionic Club! Your results look excellent. Best wishes as you continue your recovery.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Azib92 » Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:58 pm

Hey all.
Just another update: I’m kinda bored.
Day 8: Not much change regarding pain or swelling the last couple of days. The pain was a bit worse this morning but it has gotten better. I started back at work on day 6 so I guess the fact that my swelling and pain have stayed the same is a plus. I’ve had to tuck my 20% inflated penis to the side as leaving it up feels worse. I hope bending my penis and hence the cylinders sideways doesn’t mess with it. Especially since it’s 20% inflated. The soreness/pain in my penis due to bending to the side has gotten more bearable.
I see now what everyone on this site means when they say just give it time.
This procedure needs to time to recover. I guess I got excited cuz I saw one guy on here cycling at day 6 and sex at day 9. WTH. I was thinking. I’m young. I’m lying in bed all day. I should be good to go at the same rate. Not even close.
I definitely need another week or maybe 2 in order for the swelling to go down and start using this thing. Hopefully soon. The anticipation is killin me.
I don’t really care about anything. I just wanna see what it looks like fully loaded. You know!
Anyway. Will take some more time.
Update you soon.
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Re: Titan Implant by the best: Dr. Kramer https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Postby Waynetho » Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:04 pm

Azib92, I couldn't properly dress left (placing the head to the left of my zipper seam) without discomfort for about a month, maybe a little longer. It got better every day.
62yo, married 41 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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