13 days out and ready ti jump ship

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13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Biker60 » Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:09 am

Hello All,

Well I am 13 days out of my implant surgery. I don't know if insurance will pay, but since I have peryonies and a good 90+ degree bend I can fight my employers exclusion. I work for a 5 hospital healthcare system, that excludes implants, but not body dysmorphia, or 50K in fertility treatments. But anything for sexual enhancement well, forget that. So I will pay and appeal. I have like 4 appeal levels, and concern is this implant goes south, how do I afford the repair.? I saved 30K for the procedure, however, I still get bent erections, can still ejaculate, penis is smaller and more narrower so blood flow is better now then when I had a 6" penis, to my 3" penis. Ok, that aside, I am really worried about the recovery phase. I have no support at home, as I am a single since wife died. I got off 3 weeks from work, so the time is now. However, the pain is a concern, I developed chronic constipation over the last few years. Hence, I don't take anything that makes that worse. My fear is the surgery and what if it does not work correctly, More surgeries.? I will be 59 next week, was healthy until this pass year. I don't even know if I can bend down to feed the cat and dog. However, I can hire a pet sitter to help with that. Did you guys have to go back to work with a inflated implant? I wear scrubs so I can get baggy ones to hide whatever. My job is more sitting at a computer then standing. Can you sit with the implants, drive? ride my bike, ever ski again? I am looking for every reason to not go thru with this. I am supposed to get a titan genesis. I will spend one night in the hospital which is ok, since I don't have anyone to help when I get home. Last depressing fact, 1 to 3% of all people that go under anesthesia die. Only 9 to 10% of the male population has peyronies. I do have that, and don't expect to die, but it happens. So if anyone cares to tell me why I should go thru with this, please let me know, Sorry for the venting. Nerves are taking over at this point.

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Robert66 » Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:30 am

Biker60 wrote:Hello All,

Well I am 13 days out of my implant surgery. I don't know if insurance will pay, but since I have peryonies and a good 90+ degree bend I can fight my employers exclusion. I work for a 5 hospital healthcare system, that excludes implants, but not body dysmorphia, or 50K in fertility treatments. But anything for sexual enhancement well, forget that. So I will pay and appeal. I have like 4 appeal levels, and concern is this implant goes south, how do I afford the repair.? I saved 30K for the procedure, however, I still get bent erections, can still ejaculate, penis is smaller and more narrower so blood flow is better now then when I had a 6" penis, to my 3" penis. Ok, that aside, I am really worried about the recovery phase. I have no support at home, as I am a single since wife died. I got off 3 weeks from work, so the time is now. However, the pain is a concern, I developed chronic constipation over the last few years. Hence, I don't take anything that makes that worse. My fear is the surgery and what if it does not work correctly, More surgeries.? I will be 59 next week, was healthy until this pass year. I don't even know if I can bend down to feed the cat and dog. However, I can hire a pet sitter to help with that. Did you guys have to go back to work with a inflated implant? I wear scrubs so I can get baggy ones to hide whatever. My job is more sitting at a computer then standing. Can you sit with the implants, drive? ride my bike, ever ski again? I am looking for every reason to not go thru with this. I am supposed to get a titan genesis. I will spend one night in the hospital which is ok, since I don't have anyone to help when I get home. Last depressing fact, 1 to 3% of all people that go under anesthesia die. Only 9 to 10% of the male population has peyronies. I do have that, and don't expect to die, but it happens. So if anyone cares to tell me why I should go thru with this, please let me know, Sorry for the venting. Nerves are taking over at this point.

59. Shit i wish i could be 59 again. Life has lots of speed bumps you can either figure out how to drive over them dont drive. Go for it
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby vajim1 » Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:38 am

Do you want to have sex with a partner? I don't think you can with a 90 degree bend.
My peyronies was not nearly as bad as yours recovery may take longer but I think it is well worth it.
76 year old fart. Prostate removed Oct. 9, 2017,Psa 30 days after .15 next Psa .2. 37 Radiation treatments for recurrent cancer, 1 year out Psa .033 ZERO ERECTIONS, implanted Sept 5 2019 Dr. Lentz Duke Raleigh N.C. Titan 22cm.

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby oneperson » Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:44 am

I just will tell that the death rate from anesthesia you have posted is not true. Is far away from truth.

Death associated to anesthesia in surgeries is about 1 for each 250000 interventions.
Implanted September 12nd 2019. Coloplast Titan OTR 20 cm + 1 cm RTE. Dr Cruz (Spain). Liver transplanted. Born in 1967. ED since 24 in different degrees. Pills stopped working in March 2019. Injections caused much pain.

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Waynetho » Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:58 am

As to constipation post operatively, I can tell you that an enema bulb was my friend for the first week or so after surgery. Not that I was really constipated but I didn't want to push hard enough to get it out for fear of pain. If you keep the opioid use to a minimum, you probably won't have more than 2-3 days where that sort of assistance is needed.
62yo, married 41 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Weazer » Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:07 pm

I have Peyronie's as well and my insurance paid because it was reconstructive surgery. In fact they paid twice. Once for the grafting procedure then a year and a half later for an implant.

Stop worrying about the pain. I never used the pain meds I was prescribed. I'm not going to tell you it's painless because it's not but it is tolerable. You won't want to do much for the first week but you will still be able to feed your dog, fix dinner ect. It's like this, first week sucks, second week better, third week much, much better.

I did not leave the hospital inflated but I was so swollen there wasn't much difference. If you need to go out the first couple weeks wear jockey shorts or something tight enough to keep it up against your body. Stop worrying you will be fine.

As far as why you should get it, you should because you will fucking love it. I bet you will pump it up just to look at it. You will be able to penetrate a woman again with the added bonus of not having to worry about losing your erection or orgasming too soon.

I had mine less than a year before it got a leak but I am chomping at the bit to get a new one. Unfortunately, I just started a new job and don't have any time off built up and the new insurance won't pay but I'm getting it done ASAP.
57, not married, Peyronies Disease in 2014, plication surgery 2016, failed, grafted in 2016, implant Dec. 27 2018. Titan 20cm +1RTE

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Txagq8 » Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:45 pm

Our situations aren’t alike. But I do understand the anxiety. I’m 11 days out.

I won’t have any help in the home the first week or so. Yeah, my wife knows I’m getting it done. We did discuss it and she said do it. But she doesn’t know when. She and daughter had a bunch of planned travel to visit relatives etc etc Dec :lol: 28-Jan 5. The only day this year I could get it done was Dec 31, and if I do it then, there’s no out of pocket expense. I’m at the limit for the calendar year already. So I booked it, arranged for a buddy to drive me to/from hospital, and with a little luck I won’t have much swelling or anything by the time she gets back from her travels.

I do have the heavy chores.....hauling hay, putting out cattle feed.....covered.

Having the surgery doesn’t worry me too much. Waking up with a smaller dick bothers me a bit but the fact that it might work sort of eases that issue. The fact that I’ll never throw another spontaneous natural erection, even though they were crummy 50% quality erections, is disconcerting. Like I said in a prior post, my mind is like a cage full of rats with all sorts of conflicted thought.

But it’ll be okay. I’m not gonna worry about this stuff today. I’ll worry about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

Lost Sheep
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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:42 pm

Biker60 wrote:Hello All,

Well I am 13 days out of my implant surgery. I don't know if insurance will pay, but since I have peryonies and a good 90+ degree bend I can fight my employers exclusion. I work for a 5 hospital healthcare system, that excludes implants, but not body dysmorphia, or 50K in fertility treatments. But anything for sexual enhancement well, forget that. So I will pay and appeal. I have like 4 appeal levels, and concern is this implant goes south, how do I afford the repair.? I saved 30K for the procedure, however, I still get bent erections, can still ejaculate, penis is smaller and more narrower so blood flow is better now then when I had a 6" penis, to my 3" penis. Ok, that aside, I am really worried about the recovery phase. I have no support at home, as I am a single since wife died. I got off 3 weeks from work, so the time is now. However, the pain is a concern, I developed chronic constipation over the last few years. Hence, I don't take anything that makes that worse. My fear is the surgery and what if it does not work correctly, More surgeries.? I will be 59 next week, was healthy until this pass year. I don't even know if I can bend down to feed the cat and dog. However, I can hire a pet sitter to help with that. Did you guys have to go back to work with a inflated implant? I wear scrubs so I can get baggy ones to hide whatever. My job is more sitting at a computer then standing. Can you sit with the implants, drive? ride my bike, ever ski again? I am looking for every reason to not go thru with this. I am supposed to get a titan genesis. I will spend one night in the hospital which is ok, since I don't have anyone to help when I get home. Last depressing fact, 1 to 3% of all people that go under anesthesia die. Only 9 to 10% of the male population has peyronies. I do have that, and don't expect to die, but it happens. So if anyone cares to tell me why I should go thru with this, please let me know, Sorry for the venting. Nerves are taking over at this point.

So sorry about the passing of your wife. The support and encouragement of a good woman is very helpful in maintaining one's perspective.

Remember why you are doing this (which I assume is more for pain {from the payronie's} relief and for self-image than hope of sexual performance. However, you are not yet 60 and the potential for a second marriage or relationship is significant.

I would suggest asking if the pain from the peyronie's or potential for penile damage (which should be covered by insurance, so the company DOES have a vested interest in an implant as a preventative, prophylactic procedure) would lend support for your appeals.

Having a personal care attendant is a boon (I had my girlfriend stay with me and she took care of all the household duties so I could stay horizontal). Having someone come in to take care of the pets is a good idea, if only for the litter box(es), though if you maintain good hygiene, infection potential is minimal, but given the potential consequences, care is to be exercised.

Nerves? I never had any. I knew in my heart of hearts it was the right decision. Not only for my self-image but for my future relationship(s).

Note: I keep my cats' litter boxes on a platform, so I don't have to bend down for them.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby cobylinks » Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:44 pm

Why go thru with it?
Because your 59 and have your whole life ahead of you.
I just had mine done in Oct and have peryonie as well.
Pain last about 4 days then sore for a while.
Best thing I have ever done for myself.
No more pills, shots or worries and Peryonies is less than 20% of what it was and dr. Thinks that will go away also.
Get it done and enjoy the rest of your life you will be fine just like the rest of us.
Best of luck.
Received implants 10/4/19 Coloplast 24cm + 1cm RTE
Dr. Brady, Orlando, Fl

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Re: 13 days out and ready ti jump ship

Postby Andy1955 » Fri Dec 20, 2019 7:50 pm

I also had/have Peyronies and that sucked! My curve was 90 degrees straight up. I had the hour glass deformity with three noticeable plaques. One night I woke up and it felt as if there was a hand wrapped around my dick squeezing the hell out of it. Erections stopped. Not slowed; they just plain stopped even with the ed drugs. I tried everything imaginable to ignore this. Another thing I started noticing was I was loosing length. I thought my world was coming to an end. Pretty bleak picture huh. I am also alone. Was sick because my girlfriend is younger and very attractive and my dick would not work.

I talked to several different surgeons because I didn’t want to accept what my Urologist told me; I needed an implant. I thought he was full of it. I saw a couple of other Drs and they said the same thing but I did not have a comfort level with them. I went back to my original Dr with a notepad full of questions. He took time to answer them and really talk to me. I had the surgery May 2018. I used a medical company to transport me to and from the hospital. I did not have to stay overnight.

When I went home I was told to use a cold compress (ice or frozen peas) every 20 minutes for a couple of days. Was told not to attempt any type cycling or sex until My return visit. I did exactly as instructed. I took 4 of the 28 pain pills prescribed. I took those when I got home, and the following day. The combination of this and ice made the pain very manageable. I sat in a Lazy-boy chair the majority of the next three days then slowly started doing light things around the house.

It has been a year and a half and you can not look at my dick and tell there is any sign of Peyronies. It works with a few pumps and I can go until either my girlfriend or I pass out. I get feelings of excitement but not a natural erection. More like the old “chubby” I used to get.

Why do it? Do it for yourself. I was getting depressed as hell thinking I was never going to be able to have sex again. Now I can when I want. I can also throw a couple of pumps in and it creates a nice bulge. Yes even the older guys like that because older as well as the younger women look. Helps your ego immensely.

My insurance paid the majority of the cost. It all depends on how the Dr codes the surgery I believe. I was surprised but I put my faith in them and was successful.

I’m told someone in the medical profession is the worst patient. Select a surgeon you trust. There are many on here depending on your location and willingness to travel. Trust that Dr and follow his instructions and you will be fine. I wish you the absolute best!
Inplanted May 24, 2018. AMS 700 CX, MS Pump. 21cm x 12mm. Peyronies and ED. Pills stopped working and extreme curvature

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