"If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

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Re: "If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

Postby googly3 » Tue May 21, 2019 4:41 pm

AnotherOldMan wrote:Have you tried experimenting with cock rings? There are quite a few different sizes and shapes.

I tried using the rings once and they were very uncomfortable and hurt my penis. I may have had the wrong size. I have heard a lot about Osbon rings. These are on my list of things to try before the implant. Thanks for suggesting.
ED2013 wrote:No. The pills are not working. You could try injections or pump and ring. Next step after that would be implant.

Appreciate the direct and honest reply. I'm on to the other alternatives and will be trying them in the coming months.

DaveKell wrote:What the final consideration comes down to is if you are completely tired of failures with sex, the timing of pills and injections, and the discomfort of constriction rings. If you don't reasonably see the situation improving is when you consider an implant that has no timing issues, is always reliable, and gives you sex capabilities beyond what you ever had when you functioned just fine naturally.

Fair point, and I'm definitely getting to that level. Going to give the injections a try and make a decision on how I want to proceed. Thanks.

Richard Roberts wrote:I had my implant over 6 months ago and it has been a MIRACLE! My only regret is that I waited so long through all the pills and injections. I feel like Superman now. Anytime, any place, for as long as I want. Never an issue of worry about anything. My experience has been nothing short of a perfect miracle.

I'm really happy for you Richard! Glad it all worked out. Hope it does for me as well. Do you mind sharing who did your surgery?
33 y/o, suffering from ED as long as I can remember. Never had random boners. Pills worked for a few years, but now losing efficacy. Venous leak confirmed by Dr. Garber. Likely going the implant route at some point.

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Re: "If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

Postby Gt1956 » Tue May 21, 2019 4:56 pm

Just something to consider. Since you seem to be against an implant. Btw, I can understand the hesitation. You do realize that the injections has the potential to give you perionies? The treatment of which can lead to penis length loss. Even the safety of rings can be debated.
So since it seems obvious that you'll end up with an implant in the end, why the delay? A couple of years delay just means that you'll miss out on a lot of terrific sex.
There is a common theme amongst the implanted. They almost universally wish that they'd had it done sooner. Why will your sentiments end up different than theirs? That is the bottom line question that you need to resolve in your heart. Best of luck to you.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: "If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

Postby googly3 » Tue May 21, 2019 5:26 pm

Gt1956 wrote:Just something to consider. Since you seem to be against an implant. Btw, I can understand the hesitation. You do realize that the injections has the potential to give you perionies? The treatment of which can lead to penis length loss. Even the safety of rings can be debated.
So since it seems obvious that you'll end up with an implant in the end, why the delay? A couple of years delay just means that you'll miss out on a lot of terrific sex.
There is a common theme amongst the implanted. They almost universally wish that they'd had it done sooner. Why will your sentiments end up different than theirs? That is the bottom line question that you need to resolve in your heart. Best of luck to you.

I did not realize my original post made it seem like I'm against the implant. Not at all! I'm actually all for it, but I was at crossroads after going through previous threads and wanted to check if the condition that I have makes me a viable candidate or not. I understand that this is something that the doctors would be able ascertain, but I wanted to compare my condition with members who have been on the same road.

That being said, that is actually a concern of mine and something I have previously brought up. If I anyway have to go the implant route some day or the other, is it even worth trying the injections? Knowing the fact that there is most certainly going to be some scarring and in the worst case, peyronies. Having either of these conditions reduces the chance of an ideal implant outcome. Going to Dr. Eid next month and see what he says. I think I may just try the injections (if they actually work for me), while I wait for an implant date. Thank you for being direct and clear about your opinion!
33 y/o, suffering from ED as long as I can remember. Never had random boners. Pills worked for a few years, but now losing efficacy. Venous leak confirmed by Dr. Garber. Likely going the implant route at some point.

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Re: "If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

Postby Hoping » Tue May 21, 2019 8:24 pm

I agree with you, I'm just tired of living life like this as well. I've lost a lot of my youth years thinking about ED and just want to resolve it. I feel like it's holding me back in other departments as well. Can't fully focus on a career, family etc. The past 5-6 years, ED has been the biggest issue on my mind. It is a bit different being young with ED - a lot of members here are older who have had a fairly successful sex life and then got ED (not trying to undermine their issues either). Not us. This has always been the normal for us. Hope it all gets better. Would definitely like to keep in touch with you bro.[/quote]

I completely agree with you. And this problem is much more magnified because of our age and how society just is now. I'm tired living life like this and just want to put this behind me and not have to worry when meeting or dating girls wondering if I gave myself the proper dosage of medication (I use a combination of Cialis and injections). I've literally had so many girls I was crazy about slip right through my fingers because of ED, feel like I've lost the love of my life multiple times all because of a physical injury to my penis that's out of my control at this point. An implant would be a sure way to never have to worry about ED again which to me right now sounds amazing. Imagine going on a date with complete confidence in performance, going to the bars and flirting, flirting with women in public with no fear of ED ever occurring.
I'm talking to a few girls right now and will tell them I have ED before I attempt sex with any of them. Keeping my options open as women are flaky and i've had girls ghost me once I told them I have ED or sex just isn't up to par with how many options young women have these days from online dating apps. I'm giving dating and being honest about my ED a few more tries to see what happens. Hopefully will get a relationship with just one obviously and see if the pills and injections will provide a good somewhat normal sex life. If not, I'm done and getting an implant. I can't keep putting off this limbo ED has put me in, need to somehow put this behind me and move on with my life and focus on overall success in other areas of my life (Like you, ED has held me back in pretty much all areas of my life because of the kind of mental torture that ED makes me feel)
Keep in touch, if you want I can give updates on the girls I'm talking to and their reactions etc, I have a date tonight actually, probably will tell her because I'm quite certain she is wanting sex extremely bad with me
Take care brotha
28 years old, single, implanted 7/12/2019 Coloplast Titan 22cm +1cm rte, surgeon Dr. Tobias Kohler at Mayo Clinic Rochester

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Re: "If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

Postby QuestionGuy » Wed May 22, 2019 7:42 pm

there are alot of good responses here! and I too can relate to the OP's analytical dilemma. Here are a couple of considerations I keep in mind as I parse the info on this site, as to what the appropriate solution is:

Different men are at different stages of life and have varying levels of responsiveness from their penises. If I were retired and with my lifelong soulmate wife who enjoyed sitting on my face and giving my "semi hard penis" handjobs....I wouldn't even be on this site.

If I were in my 20's and could never get any type of erection with pills, shots etc...even when alone masturbating and this had been going on for years, I think the implant would be an easy choice.

Myself: I am in the middle of those extremes. With the correct stimulation I can get rock hard....but if I dare reach for a condom, its gone. I also understand that the implant is a one way street. the destruction that occurs putting it in is not reversible. If my penis were a wet noodle 100% of time, id have nothing to lose, but the fact that the plumbing clearly works (under exactly the right conditions) creates this hope that there will be some magic that can just keep it that way.

My experience so far:


On the plus side: injections were a game changer. I do not agree with this talk of how they ruin spontaneity. Sex is very very choreographed and premeditated already. lighting candles, buying condoms, putting on cologne, making sure there is lubricant in the nightstand drawer......the injections are just one more thing in the "magic show" that all men put on anyway. I've injected 1000 times with 30 different women and not one every remarked on why I need to run to the bathroom. although that did surprise me....but Dr. G says : women care about a hard dick. they don't care that you have to do to get it (any more that you care if they need lubricant or not).

On the minus side: Injections did increase scar tissue. I did develop a tolerance and went from weakest BIMIX to strongest TRIMIX. Now with mediocre results, so i'm back to square-1, and therefore considering implant. If the scar tissue compromises an inevitable implant.....it is questionable what the long term value was......but: Dr. G says his scalpel is sharper than my scar tissue, so I don't know to what extent the scaring wrecks the operation. Id love to hear what others have to say.

Praying for an erection:

This was a fate worse than death. Over time, I was ghosted by 6 women, and they were not at all humane about it. I was surprised, especially after a lifetime of pretending not to notice women's imperfections and how some of their bodies did not look so appetizing after the girdles and push up bras came off. I do not begrudge them dumping me....but I cannot condone the nasty and abrupt way some of them treated me though.

Non-Erection Sexual activities:

This is not at all a horrible solution. Obviously you need the right partner....but handjobs and cunnilingus are certainly not the worst forms of punishment i have endured through all of this.

Other stuff:

I also do traction and VED (in anticipation of surgery) I have dome the P-SHOT and the gainswave shocks (so far inconclusive) I also mix Cialis with the TRIMIX now, but am about to stop injecting due to how tough the scar tissue is getting.

The other thing Id like to do is to see someone with implant in the flesh (show and tell) the internet videos are ok....but I still don't get a great feel for what the full result is.

Hope this helps someone.
I'm 55. PostFinasterideSyndrome/Peyronies . Initially had good erections but numbness. Now erections are compromised, but good sensitivity. I see Dr. Irwin Goldstein and do : TRIMIX-Clomiphene-Arimidex –Cabergoline -Cialis -Traction-VED-Pshot-gainswave

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Re: "If pills or injections work, don't get an implant" - Making it difficult to make the plunge

Postby Xomanow » Thu May 23, 2019 7:19 pm

While the injections worked, I didn't care for them....too much hassle and a weird feeling hard on......when the pills worked they were fine.....particularly Cialis....I'd pop one and be good for 36 hours, ready to go at any time.....if the pills didn't lose their efficiency on me I would have stayed with them.....but, that not being the case I wasted no time in getting an implant and it's one of the best things that I've done in my life......
Implanted Jan 4 2017 by Dr. Eid - 70 yo and single...ED gradually over 15 yrs...tired of pills, injections, cock rings....happy with my choice and results. Titan OTR - one 20cm cylinder - one 20cm+1 RTE...."got a rocket in my pocket"....

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