Questions from a desperate 27 year old

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Sun May 05, 2019 7:08 pm

Hey DougAnd

So I self stimulated and got a measurement of 6.8 inches or so. Seems I lost some length since my measurements years ago. I was a bit over 7 inches from what I remember. Would the vacuum pump be able to restore any lost length?

And ED2013, thanks, I will call his office on Monday
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby DougAnd » Sun May 05, 2019 9:04 pm

Yes with that little loss your scarring should be almost nothing. You should be able to gain that back within just a few hours on and off pressure. Just be sure to use a small bell/tube. The larger ones balloon rather than stretch. Good luck
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Sun May 05, 2019 9:29 pm

Thank you DougAnd, I will certainly take your advice. This forum is helping me alot already. I really appreciate it everyone :)
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby alibaba » Mon May 06, 2019 1:03 am

Sounds like you have a leak issue if you cannot hold it yet damn those drugs too. My wife used to cook for 3 days to feed everyone at a support group and I filled out forms and paperwork for them. Nearly every one of them were one or more psych meds and they all had problems and changing them often caused more problems than less. Doctor Karpman seems to be well loved. Everyone that I talked to that had surgery by him thought he was a very nice and likeable guy. I've not heard any complaints. Stay motivated to find a way to fix this as there ARE fixes. Sometimes the circuitous road they make us travel to get there sucks but there is a fix and please please, do not go the route of having vein ligation if it turns out to be the common problem of a leak. It rarely works and in the odd way the body works, it most often makes a new route so if it does work short term, ligation likely won't work soon. Most everyone here has some sort of health problem and on blood thinners, cholesterol meds, heart meds and whatever. I am on anti retrovirals for HIV and have chemo on Fridays but none of this keeps us from getting a working dick. Even if you run into the many ODDBALL urologists that give you negative advice, do not give up! There are good, caring doctors out there that love their craft and know how to deal with Your health issues just like ours. As Doctor Eid said one day in an email, it is rare to put an implant in someone who does not have multiple health issues or has not had hernia repairs and he has seen it all. Often the health issue is at least part to blame for the e.d. and e.d. is a big esteem killer. I can recall 3 of us at one time have commented that we did not realize how much e.d. affected our lives until we fixed it. Our outlook improved at home, at work. It made new people out of us. E.d. eats away at us so slow we do not know how much of our life it has been impacted, but again, there is a fix if you need it. You are just another guy with another health problem like the rest of us either are or were so no big deal. Keep everyone posted how things progress as you seek a cure. You may not always get the answer you hope for but if you have a doctor that is hard to deal with or does not address your concerns, fire his ass and find another. Some doctors want easy quick bucks and don't want to deal with people who have issues. I wonder how they get any work at all. Good doctors won't stop till they have helped every single concern and answered every question you have and your other health issue is not a problem because they have seen enough that they know how to make it not a problem. Cheers man.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Joined: Fri May 03, 2019 6:50 pm

Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Mon May 06, 2019 2:18 am

Thanks for your input Alibaba. Yeah I definitely don't feel alone in this forum, truly I feel surrounded by caring compassionate people who have faced one of the worst things a man can face. I'll keep going to these doctors and won't stop until my dick is once again functioning. I was going to call Dr karpmans office tomorrow and see what they can tell me regarding a consultation. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow as well to talk about supplements. I might have a venous leak though, I had been considering that. It is typically harder to maintain an erection on my back and I heard that is a symptom. And yes I will avoid any venous leak surgery. I have heard lots of bad things about it on this forum.

Just wondering, but what do you think of those guys who talk about pornography causing erectile dysfunction? Think it is psuedoscience? Or anything legit to it? I'm willing to try abstaining from porn for longer to see if that helps at all. If I use the pump every day I shouldn't worry about added scarring if I don't masturbate.

Thank you again for your kind words. They have truly reached my heart and are strengthening my resolve as well as my will to live. I won't lie, I have been suicidal for a while because of this. Every night hoping I would die in my sleep. But now I have more resolve to fight this and regain my functioning. Regardless of the obstacles in my way
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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