How about a T-shirt?

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Lost Sheep
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How about a T-shirt?

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:51 pm

I found this in another thread, and thought it a good idea, so put it in what I think is a more appropriate location.
disapointed2 wrote:Any one come up with a good design for a tee shirt that has Bionic on it? Just asking...... Thought it would be funny to see some designs...........
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby tomas1 » Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:24 pm

I'm estranged from my sister, but the last I heard she had had almost every joint in her body replaced.
I've only had one "joint" replaced. Does anyone still refer to a dick as a joint?

I think I'd wear the shirt, but my wife probably would object
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

Lost Sheep
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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:29 pm

tomas1 wrote:I'm estranged from my sister, but the last I heard she had had almost every joint in her body replaced.
I've only had one "joint" replaced. Does anyone still refer to a dick as a joint?

I think I'd wear the shirt, but my wife probably would object

I have heard that term applied so. Not too terribly recently, but depending on your target audience, it should convey the message. has the third definition "Portions of the anatomy that can move." But I opine they are thinking about the points there fingers, arms, ankles articulate more than parts without bones inside them.

I suspect Disappointed2 may have had pictorial t-shirts in mind as well. But I have no skills at drawing.

I wonder if the phrase "Pump me up!" (or permutations thereof) would evoke the desired response?
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Lost Sheep
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Phrases to use on a T-shirt?

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:38 pm

Place Holder to collect/compile the best suggestions. (Optimistically anticipating a large number of responses)
Advertising by Teeshirt is a two-edged sword. But a conversation starter for sure.

Lost Sheep wrote:Priapism whenever you want
Squishy Toy when you prefer

truckrglenn wrote:I'M PART CYBORG

bldoink wrote:A design displaying this ancient Roman design as displayed on etsy with the words Mechanicus Fascinum Diuturnus. As I don't really know the language I may have screwed up the format or forms.

Edit: I guess sinse I'm stealing their image I should post the link to the ad:

I never thought of wearing such a charm/totem/amulet/talisman (or, dare I say it, fetish). Might be better than a T-shirt.

Lost Sheep wrote:Have you ever met a man with a baculum?


Or, for those living in my neck of the woods (Northern circumpolar region)

Have you ever met a man with an oosik?

Or different phrases:
Have you ever bedded a man...
Would you like to bed a man...

implant1959 wrote:
Lost Sheep wrote:
implant1959 wrote:I'm thinking a simple picture of a robot rooster which translates to bionic cock

TheBoyRacer on page 8 (near the end of the page) of this thread posted a proposed coat of arms. Were you thinking of something like that?

not exactly. just thinking a robot rooster no words. most people probably wouldn't get it. but I would know what it meant.
or how about a football Jersey with the name TITAN MAN and the Jersey number would be your implant size. ex. 20+1

Lost Sheep wrote:Is it true that sex with a CoVid19 survivor boosts your immune system against the disease?

Now taking applications for the upcoming clinical trials.

Agfa13 wrote:Just thought of this when I was playing around the other day...
Give me a minute (or a couple minutes) and I will show you what an implant can mean after I have shot my load.
This is too risque to walk around with, but hey, just say it to your partner, lol.

I suggest giving some thought (anyone-chime in) to how to G-Rate (or PG-Rate) Agfa13's sentiment. It is a good one.

Something like "The biggest advantage of Cyborg/Bionic Sex will penetrate AFTER climax.
Or, even less explicit: "My comparative advantage will REALLY penetrate AFTER ciimax."

Lost Sheep wrote:For those familiar with animals in Arctic regions, this T-shirt text would have meaning:

The male Walrus has an oosik.
This male Human has one, too.

Or, perhaps, just one word,

"Baculum", a bone which supports the penis. Found in a select few mammals. Most rodents, some primates and some sea mammals, especially in cold waters. Also may have etymologic relationship to the Roman God, Bacchus.

billigan70 wrote:I have this one - I didn’t create it but definitely wear it !98DD19FC-9B90-42B5-9176-F3FCDACF738A.jpeg

limpbiscuit wrote:Maybe this should go in the injections section of the board, but

Alprostadil, Phentolamine, Alprostadil

Nope. Though it might go there, too, that is a great slogan for a T-shirt or a bumper sticker.

Lost Sheep wrote:Cyborg --- Noun /ˈsīˌbôrɡ/ Person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body.

Cyborg Sex, Anyone?

Or, simply "Cyborg Cock" or "Cyborg Sex Machine"

Lost Sheep wrote:These came to mind last night:

Taking tryouts tonight
Bring your own tape measure

I don't do one night stands
I do tryouts

Originally, I used the word "auditions" instead of "tryouts", but upon further consideration, with the notoriety of Hollywood's "Casting Couch", the word "Audition" might bring about traumatic memories.

Men don't like me 'cause I speak my mind
Women crazy 'bout me 'cause I take my time
(Lightnin' Hopkins/Taj Mahal) Little Red Hen

In another thread, 'Nudist" posted this
nudist wrote:If my implant is successful in sept, I'll probably get a tshirt that says "one man gangbang!"

TANGERINE wrote:try this:
team bionic.jpg

(apology to fedex, this was their slogan back in the day --- it was "when it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight")

For your entertainment, I mad the t shirt and had my girlfriend model this for you, I think you all agree that there are indeed situations "when it absolutely positively has to be there tonight", and the beauty of the implant is that we know that we can make that girl very happy by keeping that guarantee with confidence, bravado and panache. !t shirt girl.jpg

I like it! One could (with the potential of copyright infringement make a logo in block letters, "PenEx" or the like; (Penis Express) and the arrow embedded in the "EX", if it could be made more prominent like the traditional symbol for "male" (the circle and arrow) would be the topper.

Theboyracer wrote:made a quick tongue in cheek one.

"Mind the pump"

There is an image in Theboyracer's post, but I could not transfer it here

Lost Sheep wrote:I know most here embrace the term "bionic", but I never have, despite my love of alliteration. "Bionic", to me implies electronics. Unfortunately, the best term I have found for our population, so far, is, "implanted Men".

T-Shirt: "I am an Implanted Man."

Theboyracer wrote:Inspired by some of your posts I thought it would be really great to have a nice kind of fraternity crest. Here is a quick sketch of an idea for the graphic. Those will be two roosters (cocks) on the sides, the center is the implant and pump mechanism. The only thing I'm not 100% on is the BB (Bionic Brotherhood) in the center, its looking too much like a butterfly.

Would love to hear some feedback and ideas. I think it would make a really cool t-shirt, badge and pin. A little discreet, not in your face and a bit less crass. Anyone with one will automatically recognize it and anyone curious will ask questions.

Hope you guys like.

Was posted 07/16/2020. I could not get the graphic to copy over. Look it up around page 8 of this thread. It is brilliant.

Lost Sheep wrote:I am the master of my own erection
(but am willing to share the controls with you)

Bionic Richard wrote:BIONIC MEMBER

Lost Sheep wrote:Thanks to alfa88's post in Greg1956's birthday thread
for this inspiration:

THIS candle cannot be blown out!
perhaps accompanied by a picture of a penis with a flame coming out the meatus
perhaps backed up by a candle-lit female face with a surprised and pleased look

Lost Sheep wrote:Fallout Shelter
because I never fall out.


What do in case of fallout?
Re-insert and shorten stroke.

This image floated around Franktalk for a while. I don't know why I did not think of adding it here, but mikestap re-posted it in the thread, "What is optimum load rigidity of an implant". So, I added it here.
TeeShirt.JPG (31.87 KiB) Viewed 3750 times

Bionic Joint -

Pump me up! (or permutations thereof)

Lost Sheep
Bronco riders only get 8 seconds. How long do you want, pretty cowgirl?

Rodeo Bull Riders only get 8 seconds
You can ride THIS bull until the cows come home.

(and if she challenges, "Bullshit.", you can offer to prove it!)

Lost Sheep (taken from another thread.
Ask me about my adjustable _______ (choose one: hardness/rigidity/firmness/...)

Lost Sheep
"Put something exciting between your legs." (Plagiarizing Honda's old advertisement)
Lost Sheep
My engine was just rebuilt. Wanna go for a ride?

For the more medically literate:
Lost Sheep
No refractory period. (you could also add, "Ask me how.")

Or more explicit:
Lost Sheep
"Tired of men who Cum and Go...limp?"

CARNAL RIDES! .....Bionic: 25 cents..... ride as long as you want (Maybe with a picture of an interesting carnival ride)

Tupperware Torpedo (edited down)
Performance Parts by Tupperware

E D Fighters

Powered by Hydraulics

Mr. Stuby -- could not remember where he heard this (I saw it in the '70's on a t-shirt)

erotika hydraulik roksolid (as long as your readers do not mistake this for an offer of waterworks!)
hidraŭlike helpata erotiko since Roksolid opened the gate to translation into other languages, here is one in Esperanto saying "hydraulically assisted erotica"
hidraŭlike akcelita erotiko (hydraulically assisted erotica)
sekso bionika (bionic sex)
eros bionika (bionic eros)
The potentials are endless

PCHelp76180 (with drawing -or maybe a photo would do- of an irritated/angry rooster)
Stop staring at my Cock

Got Wood? Inspired by a sign I saw on the side of a truck advertising a tree surgeon/firewood business. This leads naturally to the t-Shirt:
Need Wood?
Need Wood? I got wood.

"Never lose interest after withdrawal"
(comment: I don't think the term "withdrawal" helps? But how about this variant on your idea?
"Bank on it! No early withdrawal.")
No Penalty for Early Withdrawal (which doesn't make sense from a sexual point of view, but is the banking catchphrase)
"This bank has no interest in early withdrawal"

Bionic Richard

Bionic Richard
The Bionic Brotherhood

Bionic Richard
I'm pumped to see you

Ask me what’s up....

How hard would you like it?

Came across a water tower yesterday. One the water tower was painted RIDGID. i thought that that sounded enticing for a tee shirt.

They also make great tools.

Lost Sheep (Inspired by the above two posts)

(Must be careful - could be seen as calling oneself a "tool" or insulting to wenches/women)

Lost Sheep
When asked, you explain it stands for "Orgasm Delivery System"
Motto: If you don't cum within 60 minutes, your next orgasm is free. (or your money back)

Anonymous3 posted on page two of this thread, "Positive Spin"
these terms:
Bionic Dicks of America
1800 we fuck you

Lost Sheep
Rising from the beltline, an upward pointing arrow with text along the shaft, "My eyes are up here" . Your choice, which is nearer the beltline, the "My" or the "here".

Lost Sheep: (Suggested by Tomas1's post earlier in this thread)
Welcome to my joint. Perhaps followed by
Cum on in or perhaps
May I cum in?

Lost Sheep
The RIGID Tools corporate logo followed by
Tools for every purpose
Ask me what mine can do in your (tool)box.

antelope posted on
This comment:
A buddy of mine used to say, "I've got a small dick, but I can go twice."
So, I submit the t-shirt logo
Half the size, twice the fun

In that same thread, I posted: When I was stationed in the American Southwest, I had a friend who told this story about visiting a brothel across the border. When he mentioned that he had a small penis, the professional lady replied,
Pequeño pero Sabroso or, for the non-bilingual, the translation,
Small but Tasty

"Inflatable Boyfriend"
(I bring new meaning to the phrase.)

bldoink posted some ideas which I paraphrase:
In viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12332&p=107378#p107378

I'm an elevator baby, push my button and get me up!
I'm an elevator baby, push my button and get a rise!

I'm a bean stalk, babe, with magic beans just for you.
Squeeze my bean and ride up to the clouds (or magic castle)
Squeeze my beans and watch my stalk grow
Fie, Fi, Fo, Fuck
(to which Larry 10625 added: Fie, Fi, Fo, Fuck; Oh my god my wife can suck.)

I'm an oak babe, I have an acorn just for you. Squeeze it hard and it will grow a strong tree for you!
(still working on that)

I have an acorn for you, babe. Squeeze it to grow a mighty oak for you.
Take my acorn and from it cums a mighty oak!

Lost Sheep
From little acorns mighty oaks do grow!
(with picture of an Oak Tree with trunk coming up from one's beltline, the shape of the tree that evokes the general shape of a penis.

Lost Sheep inspired by DaveKell
Livin' the Bionic Life or Livin' the Life Bionic (recall Ricky Martin's song "Livin' la Lida Loca")
Ride the Bionic Slide? Kind of reminiscent of bldoink's "Carnal Rides - 25 cents - ride as long as you want")

Lost Sheep
Looking for flaccid?
Don't look here.

Lost Sheep
Squishy toy -->> Pile Driver (insert the machine of your choice, Drill Rig, Rocket Ship, etc.

Lost Sheep
Pocket Rocket
WARNING: Pocket Rocket under the hood

Lost Sheep
Dynamite Stick Inside

FrankTalk member "Happy Toy" has a great name to put on a t-shirt
Happy Toy
Happy Stick or Happy Stick Inside (or below)

Evinrude suggested AMS or Coloplast corporate logo so fellow implantees (or, I suppose, women who recognize them) would know.
Since AMS and Coloplast make other medical devices, perhaps a full specification would be useful;
AMS LGX inside or Coloplast Titan inside (not unlike computers specifying their CPU)

clayton2526 wrote
What about "The Nutty Professor". Being bionic shows the transition from the Professor to Buddy Love! Anyone think it would ignite curiosity?

disapointed2 suggested
maybe a drawing of or picture of just the pump? That would work... yes, there are line drawings as well as actual photographs of the devices that could be printed onto cloth. In some venues, there might be objections on morality grounds, but free speech is a protected activity and in most "pickup" venues certainly would give a man a "hook". Quite a better opening as a conversation starter than the line, "What's your sign?" or "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"

tomas1 (inspired by disapointed2's suggestion above) posted
The picture of the pump and the words "Transplant Recipient".
That should stoke curiosity or conversation.

These phrases are not particularly germane to implanted men, but could be useful

These phrases are not particularly germane to implanted men, but could be useful

Are you in Real Estate?
Is this a Lot?

Once we get going,
you'll want a reappraisal

Once you see this,
you will want to subdivide

You will want to take a picture.
Set your camera on Panorama

2020 Census taker
Mind if I pole(poll) you?

Unlike a Ball Park Frank
This one plumps BEFORE you cook it.

Are you into the environment?
Come up and hug my tree!

We'll do it on the lawn
and get arrested for smokin' grass

Got so much wood
I have to be careful around woodpeckers

Don't worry about the economy
check out this stimulus package

I'll flip you so much
you'll think you are at IHOP

Like French Food?
Bone Appetit

Come to school with me
You'll graduate Magna CUm Loudly

I measure 8", but some women don't like that much girth
(adapted from: I got 4" right here, but some women don't like it that wide)

I keep getting thrown back
for being over the legal limit

You think its a fairy tale...well Puff the Magic Dragon

Come up and tell Pinocchio a lie

Jack the Magic Beanstalk
Fi, Fie, Fo, Fum,
Lay on down, I'll make you cum

I'm a nice guy - I'm an organ donor

Are you a nurse? Can you tell me if this is swollen?

When we're done, you can clean up with a Sham-WOW

Like Star Wars? Come on up and chew Bacca

Worried about the flu season?
I got penisCillin here

I'll get you so wet they'll call FEMA,
thinking a levy broke

Come up and free Willy

I got more wood than Home Depot.

disapointed2 wrote:a picture of cross tubes should do maybe

As long as they don't look too much like the crossbones on the Jolly Roger flag. :shock:
I suppose putting that image on a mock-up of a family crest would look interesting.

My Carnal Rides are a lot more fun than Carnival Rides

Rodeo riders do it in 8 seconds (
You can ride me "cowgirl" until the cows come home

Rodeo Bull Riders get 8 seconds
You can ride THIS bull as long as you want

Lost Sheep found another:
Spoonful of Fun
(taken from the Mimi & Richard Fariña song, "Hard Lovin' Loser")
of course, this might implicitly promise that you can deliver semen, so prostatectomized men might need a caveat of some kind.

Bionic Richard wrote:Life can be hard at anytime!
So can I!

Which inspired me to write.
Life is hard
I am easy....and hard.

Lost Sheep
A good man is hard to find.
A hard man is good to find.

You can stop looking.

Agfa13 wrote:Energizer cock...keeps going, and going, and going...

DaveKell wrote:Thought I'd add this: I HAVE A NOBEL PIECE PRIZE

tomas1 wrote:How about a red baseball cap with the words:
"Made myself great again"

Don't wear it in some parts of the country though.

spirit wrote:Very simple

as of XX/XX/XXXX

Lost Sheep wrote:THIS junk AIN'T junk!

The movie "Field of Dreams" had the catch phrase, "Build it, they will come."


Build it, they will come.
Erect it, you will cum.

No place to go but up (with the "P" drawn to be reminiscent of an erect penis)

bear928 wrote:Bedroom bully

"Bedroom Billy" is perhaps less intimidating?

bldoink wrote:Hydraulics powered Frolics! or Frolics powered by Hydraulics! or just Frolics by Hydraulics! or Feeling filled Frolics by Hydraulics. or Filled feeling frolics by Hydraulics. or Hydraulic Pipe Laying thru Bionics or Bionic Hydraulic Pipe Laying or .....

Bionic Hydraulic Frolic. Short, to the point and rhymes. Arrange the words in any order you like.

b_rad2 wrote:Under Pressure

Lost Sheep wrote:I'm under pressure so YOU don't have to be

Lost Sheep wrote:Hire the Handicapped.
Sometimes prosthetics work BETTER than original equipment.

(This, if it prompts a prospective sex-partner to ask what your handicap is, might be a great conversation-starter.)

I await comment of if this t-shirt would be offensive. Sometimes I a am a bit blind to that sort of thing.

Lost Sheep wrote:Tired of Inflated sexpectations?
Not a "pipe dream" here.
Just a dream pipe!

Txagq8 wrote:In addition to/in lieu of/as an added bonus.....

Has anyone thought of assembling “the men of” calendar?

Twelve photogenic guys, albeit some in their 60s/70s.......

Posed with their equipment for the world to admire.

Revenue generated could be used to keep website afloat.

I’m still undecided. Would anyone buy one or would we end up paying people to take one? Surely at least a few medical professionals in the urological community would purchase a few to use as gag gifts.

tomas1 wrote:I just noticed that we have a "NEW MEMBER" topic.
It could be a tee shirt name.

Lost Sheep wrote:Two variations on a phrase I overheard:

My mouth makes no promises my body can't keep.
My mouth writes no checks my body can't cash.

Lost Sheep wrote:Tourist bureaus around the world have developed slogans that might trigger interesting conversations. Some might require re-writing a little bit.

Best enjoyed slowly (Latvia)
Experience It! (Haiti)
See it! Feel it! Love it! (Lithuania)
You have to feel it! (Paraguay)
It’s all about U (Ukraine)
Discover what matters (Vanuatu)

Lost Sheep wrote:(Continuing my prior post)
Tourist bureaus around the world have developed slogans that might trigger interesting conversations. Some might require re-writing a little bit.

Live It to Believe It - Mexico
Once is not enough - Nepal
Powered by nature - Norway probably should be re-worded, substitute something for "nature"
Let’s explore - Zambia

Lost Sheep wrote:No text needed (but if the picture is gone, it is a traffic sign combining the straight ahead arrow with the u-turn arrow and the circle bar over the u-turn part of the symbol.)
Traffic.jpg (12.08 KiB) Viewed 4270 times
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Wed May 19, 2021 1:11 pm, edited 126 times in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby bldoink » Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:05 pm

.....Bionic: 25 cents.....
ride as long as you want
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby Lunatech » Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:34 pm

Here's a couple I threw together just for laughs


49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby disapointed2 » Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:32 pm

Lets keep this going for a while.....great tee shirt designs
67yrs old. ed for 8yrs. Implanted 5-29-2019

Mr stuby
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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby Mr stuby » Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:50 pm

what color scheme are are we going to have flesh, black,
black and blue
74yr.old married 54yrs pc11/13 rad seed implants started ved 1/14 .implanted 11/20/2016 ams lgx 18+1 11 up 8 down 6 1/2 flaccid 7 5/8
local uro sanford health,

s. central N.D.

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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby DougAnd » Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:53 pm

E D Fighters
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: How about a T-shirt?

Postby GruffHunter » Tue Apr 09, 2019 11:22 pm

Powered by Hydraulics
Gruff Hunter, 59, Titan (24 cm + 1 inch extenders) implanted by Dr Gross, 07 Jan 2017. Gay/open marriage, Chester, VT, USA

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