surgery today

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: surgery today

Postby GruffHunter » Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:33 am

Bumble, your recovery experience and timeline seems to follow mine *precisely.*
Gruff Hunter, 59, Titan (24 cm + 1 inch extenders) implanted by Dr Gross, 07 Jan 2017. Gay/open marriage, Chester, VT, USA

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Re: surgery today

Postby Bumble » Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:47 pm

gotta hand it to a buddy of mine who was free thinking outside the box when i described the frenum/glans stimulation and told me to try putting a condom on. it helps immensely. I don't think i would have thought about doing that. It cuts down the stimulation and allows my penis to move against the underwear without discomfort now. I may be trying the condoms with delay lub in them next. Numb my penis and it may help with the discomfort. LOL
53, married 30 y, hypogonadal since 33, pills, rings, VED, Titan 23 cm March 2019

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Re: surgery today

Postby Bumble » Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:09 pm

Day 9: woke up so much better than yesterday. still swollen the size of large orange or small grapefruit. Got dressed easier than yesterday. the glans/frenum stimulation still present and tried to go without condom and that was a mistake. so picked up youngest son at airport: an incredibly weird conversation about how my surgery went and how recovery is going. LOL got home before he is helping with errands and put the condom on with desensitizer lub so could get the errands done. Just gonna chill out rest of the day lay out back yard and catch some sun and nude time. Then first day back to work tomorrow and also second post op with my surgeon. Definitely better today so far.
53, married 30 y, hypogonadal since 33, pills, rings, VED, Titan 23 cm March 2019

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Re: surgery today

Postby Bumble » Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:10 pm

GruffHunter wrote:Bumble, your recovery experience and timeline seems to follow mine *precisely.*

Gruff thanks, you post and others remind me to be patient and let my body heal in its time not mine.
53, married 30 y, hypogonadal since 33, pills, rings, VED, Titan 23 cm March 2019

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Re: surgery today

Postby Bumble » Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:27 am

Day 13, swelling in scrotum and penis has moderately gone down last two days, bruising is resolving on time about two weeks is usually what it will take. the glans frenum sex stimulation has also resolved so no more wearing a condom all day. I got a hematoma between the pump and testicle and on right side of shaft so that is also resolving. My incision site is healing and swelling associated with it has decreased so my dick lays against my belly when standing and doesn't bend like immediately after surgery.
Masturbated and all works, no cold head or floppy head and no numbness on shaft or sac. 4 weeks before cycling the implant and test driving with the wife!
Everyday now i'm great with the decision.
thanks for the support FT
53, married 30 y, hypogonadal since 33, pills, rings, VED, Titan 23 cm March 2019

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Re: surgery today

Postby David_R » Thu Mar 21, 2019 10:51 am

So happy for you, Bumble!

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Re: surgery today

Postby DougAnd » Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:34 pm

How about an up date? Your size and girth coming back yet?
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata


Re: surgery today

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:16 am

Bumble wrote:day two, yeah I'm home had a malfunctioning foley cath and got a foley turp when it was removed and still had fluid in the ballon so had a period of peeing blood and now mostly yellow urine. I got home an yeah I measured, 6 inches length and 6 inch girth at only 20% titan implant pumped. So happy with that. a lot of pain and discomfort but covered by the pain meds and antibiotics. some bleeding from my PA but otherwise happy with results. drain in the scrotum comes out monday and already pulling the pump down. it is a lot larger than i thought it would be. my testicles have shrunk since i've been on testosterone therapy since i was 33 so the pump is the largest thing in my scrotum.

Well, that's great, I'm glad I was wrong :)



Re: surgery today

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:22 am

Bumble wrote:Post surgery day 8: I am wondering if i am ever gonna feel normal and without pain and discomfort. Toot a week off from work and glad i did. It has been emotionally draining recovering without her. She is back home helping to take care of my deceased MIL who died 4 days before the surgery and we made a mutual decision to keep the surgery date. It took us 3 month prior to book it. She doesn't get back till end of the month. I go back to work monday so hoping that will knock down some of my emotional thoughts about the surgery and where i am in the recovery.
physically: i'm bruised from tip to anus, wearing support underwear but really sensitive to the underside of my glans near the tip and PA hole. The sensitivity is somewhat sexual exciting which gets me making pre-cum and dripping. Haven't put my PA back in but do my my scrotal bar in. Peeing is a different sensation that i feel all the way down the shaft, now that could be from the traumatic foley removal i had, i dribble way more than before surgery and while annoying also attribute that to the foley. I am doing keigels to try to strengthen that back up. My scrotum is swollen still about the size of a large orange. I can feel the pump and it is larger than either testicle as my have atrophied since 33 when i started testosterone replacement therapy, the implants are only 20% rumpled so i can feel the fluid displaced when i squeeze the shaft. My doc will not cycle till week 6. the shaft bends when i have it in the upright position as he has asked me to have it. I asked him about the implant bending and i can feel it at that point he said it is common in men who have pot bellies and pre puberty fad pads but it will be ok. all the tubing and pump were placed on the right side of my shaft and scrotum so that area is extremely sensitive i still can't cross or fold my legs without discomfort or prior adjusting the whole scrotum and shaft up and out of the way. I have masturbated and that felt very different as prior to surgery had been taught by our sex therapist (via verbal and written method) how to cum without an erection, I do notice just prior to the corona of the glans on the shaft sides i can feel the implant and push the cylinder thru the tissue to depress them.
I wish i had the smooth sailing results that some on here and others I've talked to but not there yet and really want to get my wife back home, back to work and not walk around with a discomfort level of 4/10. I know as a surgeon myself just got to give it time.

EXACTLY !!! Hot baths will help it feel better (when you Dr. says it's ok and it will help you cycle because the rubber in the pump softens and makes it more pliable and easier to squeeze. :)


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Re: surgery today

Postby Bumble » Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:58 am

so today post op day 22, the shaft hematoma is gone my scrotal hematoma between the pump and right testicle is my biggest issue and worry. a hematoma will either be resorbed by the body or become a mass of scar tissue. I think this scrotal one is becoming a mass of scar tissue and attaching to the right testicle. my doc has me continuing to massage it to break up the scar and wants me to pull the testicle away from it which isn't comfortable. My scrotum still is about the size of an orange by the end of the day. Guess i'll have to be proud of that sac at the nude beach. ;)
I'm into my usual underwear and doing ok with little discomfort. My transitions from standing to sitting and back again are still slowed as the penis is not fully deflated. I've cycled once or twice and still have little over 6 in length and girth which is great. I've masturbated a couple of times and it still feels different but all works. prior to surgery i was used to having my glans covered, i did foreskin restoration and was able to grow enough skin to cover the glans 100% when flaccid. With even a 20% pump i'm fully uncovered, i have to sit to pee now as my PA hole is now uncovered so two drain holes.
Back to work full time and still self conscious about the visual of the package when sitting and standing but that is lessening each day. I was probably more concerned about it than my patients have noticed or seemed to care.
Wife back home and hasn't asked to see it yet but she is dealing with a lot right now so not pushing her to look of feel it out. Still glad i went thru with it and still keeping ice and heat alternating every night.
53, married 30 y, hypogonadal since 33, pills, rings, VED, Titan 23 cm March 2019

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