What went right, What went wrong

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Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby tomas1 » Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:05 pm

Dammit Doug, I hope the damn EKG behaves next time.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby sliphill » Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:50 pm

DougAnd wrote:For several months I've been analyzing my situation looking for a happy ending. Along the way I've identified some interesting things that might help others avoid a repeat. It would take much too long to list everything at once so I'm breaking it down in pieces.

1. Excellent healing, minimum pain, swelling and discoloration. The sign of a skilled surgeon is all of the above. The less trauma the better the outcome. My two surgeons were the best of the best. Same is true for my revision. I easily returned to work 13 days after implant and 5 days after revision. Did not need pain meds except to sleep faster a few nights. (Was not used to sleeping all day and all night). Of course I drank a gallon of fluids daily and was propped up on a wedge pillow. You do have to help your body heal.
2. No infection. You might think well I would hope not! And you'd be right. No one expects to be infected. But the sign of a top notch surgical team is a very low infection rate. I had the best of the best team both times. Very VERY pleased with that.
3. Insurance paid 99%+. My out of pocket costs were almost non existent. Of course I pay $300.00 per month for insurance but well worth it for the coverage.
4. Dial a hardness. Never before could I have the type of erection I was in the mood for. Longer or shorter, softer or rock hard. And never for extended periods. You are in total control! You cannot imagine the mental boost. Want to know what my super power is?
5. No more pre ejaculation. Ever! The only thing worse that suddenly going soft is suddenly going soft after what 3 maybe 4 seconds? Really? Not anymore. The implant makes you really work for an orgasm. You can discipline yourself to go sooner but why? Enjoy the ride.
6. No expensive pills or injections and no vacuum rings limiting time and pleasure.You now and forever have an erection on demand any time any where any way. Oh yeah. :D
I'll post more as time permits for now good night.

Yep, I remember when the pills stopped working. The injections were great for a few years, and then they suddenly stopped working. I hated having a woody for an hour. I feel like you do. Have had my for almost 2 years now.
Ed (sliphill) 68

Implanted by Dr. Michael O'Neill in Charlotte, NC on 6/9/2017 with AMS 700LGX. 18 cm cylinders 3 cm RTE's.

Revision done by Dr. Maxim McKibbon in Charlotte, NC on 4/12/2023 with AMD 700 LGX 22 cm cylinders gm

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Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby Maverick2dog » Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:28 pm

Right: I like both my surgeon.
I have had three surgeries without infection.
Good insurance, with a low max out of pocket.
It looks and feels like the second revision is going to be successful. See the doctor next
week to get okay to use. 7 weeks out from surgery.
I have a flexible job and can set my own schedule. No boss.
My dick is healing surprisingly well as it relates to scaring from being sliced open in three
different places.

Wrong: I have had 3 implant surgeries in 10 months.

I had to pay $6,000 for something that should have only cost $3000. I can pay the $6000,
but I should not have to.

I have missed almost 6 weeks of work in 10 months.

My dick has either hurt, been out of commission or both for 10 months.

My marriage has taken a hit because of the issues, problem, pain caused by all the
surgeries. The lack of sexual intimacy has impacted the non sexual intimacy.

Second revision I was sliced from the bottom of my scrotum to 3/4 of the way up my dick
and on the right and left side of my dick just below the head.

There are more wrongs, but you get the point.

Outcome: To be determined.
Looks like next week I will get deflated for the first time in seven week. Working on
and will get the marriage back on track. At the end of the day if my dick does not
hurt and works reasonably well I will be satisfied with the implant at this point. I do
have some regrets and will have to get past them. Not going to let a rough year
determine how the next year is going to turn out.

59 years old. Forth revision 10/2021
Third revision 9/21 moved pump replaced one cylinder AMS CX 21+ 3. Second revision January 31st 2019 AMS CX 21,+2CM RTE. First revision November 15th, 2018 24CM CX .5RTE. Implanted 4/2018, Titian 22CM 2.5 RTE

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Location: Melbourne, Florida

Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby DougAnd » Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:05 am

Maverick2dog wrote:Right: I like both my surgeon.
I have had three surgeries without infection.
Good insurance, with a low max out of pocket.
It looks and feels like the second revision is going to be successful. See the doctor next
week to get okay to use. 7 weeks out from surgery.
I have a flexible job and can set my own schedule. No boss.
My dick is healing surprisingly well as it relates to scaring from being sliced open in three
different places.

Wrong: I have had 3 implant surgeries in 10 months.

I had to pay $6,000 for something that should have only cost $3000. I can pay the $6000,
but I should not have to.

I have missed almost 6 weeks of work in 10 months.

My dick has either hurt, been out of commission or both for 10 months.

My marriage has taken a hit because of the issues, problem, pain caused by all the
surgeries. The lack of sexual intimacy has impacted the non sexual intimacy.

Second revision I was sliced from the bottom of my scrotum to 3/4 of the way up my dick
and on the right and left side of my dick just below the head.

There are more wrongs, but you get the point.

Outcome: To be determined.
Looks like next week I will get deflated for the first time in seven week. Working on
and will get the marriage back on track. At the end of the day if my dick does not
hurt and works reasonably well I will be satisfied with the implant at this point. I do
have some regrets and will have to get past them. Not going to let a rough year
determine how the next year is going to turn out.


Mav buddy,
I was just thinking about you. Great to hear that things are looking better. I might be facing the same thing in June my 3rd surgery in about 10 months also. You posted post surgery pics before, right? Was wondering if you'd mind posting an update. Also how is your loss of sensitivity? Thanks
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby Maverick2dog » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:16 pm


I go back to the doc March 19th, next Tuesday. I should get the go ahead to start cycling and use. I am waiting to post next pictures and update sometime next week. I want to be able to show pics of all the incisions and full erection and flaccid.

As far as sensitivity I think it is about the same as it was before last revision. It is hard to tell for sure because I have been at 40 percent inflation for seven week. For me staying inflated dulls sensitivity. I have also had to have keep my dick pointed down while I am working and that causes pressure and some pain on the internal parts. My erection wants to point out not down. Try forcing it down 8 to 10 hours at day. After awhile it hurts and I think it dulls sensitivity.

59 years old. Forth revision 10/2021
Third revision 9/21 moved pump replaced one cylinder AMS CX 21+ 3. Second revision January 31st 2019 AMS CX 21,+2CM RTE. First revision November 15th, 2018 24CM CX .5RTE. Implanted 4/2018, Titian 22CM 2.5 RTE

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Location: Melbourne, Florida

Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby DougAnd » Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:57 pm

I know exactly what you mean. I was about 30% inflated for 16 days. that was rough at work
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

Posts: 40
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:36 pm

Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby BionicLeeroy » Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:32 pm

Hi Mav/ Doug I have had a similar experience to you guys
The Good!!
I had peyronies disease which caused a 100+ deg curve, this meant sex was virtually impossible. I can now have sex and am straight with no curve when inflated
The Bad!!!!!!
First operation to fix the Peyronies (Lue procedure) didn't work. Under the same anaesthetic procedure the surgeon placed a malleable implant to fix the curve. (The length of time already on the operating table was to risky to implant an IPP) This was a total nightmare having rigid rods implanted
The next operation to swap the malleable for an IPP (Titan) was botched (Dec 2017). I ended up with a crossover which took numerous appointments/ examinations and still wasn't diagnosed as a fault until the 2nd revision I had in Aug 2018 to swap the titan for an ams cx (The surgeon had advised the deformed shape and fold, was due to the stiffness of the titan - at no time was there mention of a crossover, even though I now have my MRI results which identified a possible crossover prior to having second surgery) Apparently they only discovered this when trying to replant the cylinders. Because of the complications they also did a vertical incision at the underside of my shaft (refer to my previous posts for the horrific photos). Unfortunately this also deschised causing all stitching to come undone
My last revision fixed the crossover but I have been left with uneven tips due to the right side RTE being 10mm forward in the crus. This has caused uneven tips in the glans and when inflated very crooked head. The tips are now all the way into the glans which is causing me concern with regard to erosion. The tip on the r/h side is also over to the edge of the skin and is very prominent just below the glans.
I have had a couple of follow up appointments and all I am now being offered if a mesh graft over where the crossover occurred. This would strengthen the deformed chamber making the bulge less visible. This would however involve a subcoronaial incision and neurovascular bundle being separated (risky). Possibly also to remove the RTE on the RH side to even up the tips again with elevated infection risk.
I feel I have now exhausted any chance of getting this fixed on the NHS and will now try and fund this to get it fixed privately (back in a worse position than square one)
The last 2 years have been a total nightmare with 3 surgeries already.
I have attached photos of the healed scar from last surgery which came apart. Along with current erect and deflated indicating bulge at point of crossover.
47 year old
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte

Posts: 40
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:36 pm

Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby BionicLeeroy » Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:34 pm

Pics now attached
IMG_6166 (Large).JPG
IMG_6166 (Large).JPG (140.58 KiB) Viewed 1789 times
IMG_6165 (Large).JPG
IMG_6165 (Large).JPG (135.59 KiB) Viewed 1789 times
IMG_6164 (Large).JPG
IMG_6164 (Large).JPG (121.98 KiB) Viewed 1789 times
47 year old
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte

Posts: 40
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:36 pm

Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby BionicLeeroy » Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:37 pm

this one is inflated, no sign of crossover bulge, and fairly straight. Uneven tips are uncomfortable though
IMG_6168 (Large).JPG
IMG_6168 (Large).JPG (175.02 KiB) Viewed 1789 times
47 year old
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte

Posts: 40
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:36 pm

Re: What went right, What went wrong

Postby BionicLeeroy » Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:44 pm

BionicLeeroy wrote:Hi Mav/ Doug I have had a similar experience to you guys
The Good!!
I had peyronies disease which caused a 100+ deg curve, this meant sex was virtually impossible. I can now have sex and am straight with no curve when inflated
The Bad!!!!!!
First operation to fix the Peyronies (Lue procedure) didn't work. Under the same anaesthetic procedure the surgeon placed a malleable implant to fix the curve. (The length of time already on the operating table was to risky to implant an IPP) This was a total nightmare having rigid rods implanted
The next operation to swap the malleable for an IPP (Titan) was botched (Dec 2017). I ended up with a crossover which took numerous appointments/ examinations and still wasn't diagnosed as a fault until the 2nd revision I had in Aug 2018 to swap the titan for an ams cx (The surgeon had advised the deformed shape and fold, was due to the stiffness of the titan - at no time was there mention of a crossover, even though I now have my MRI results which identified a possible crossover prior to having second surgery) Apparently they only discovered this when trying to replace the cylinders. Because of the complications they also did a vertical incision at the underside of my shaft (refer to my previous posts for the horrific photos). Unfortunately this also deschised causing all stitching to come undone
My last revision fixed the crossover but I have been left with uneven tips due to the right side RTE being 10mm forward in the crus. This has caused uneven tips in the glans and when inflated very crooked head. The tips are now all the way into the glans which is causing me concern with regard to erosion. The tip on the r/h side is also over to the edge of the skin and is very prominent just below the glans.
I have had a couple of follow up appointments and all I am now being offered if a mesh graft over where the crossover occurred. This would strengthen the deformed chamber making the bulge less visible. This would however involve a subcoronaial incision and neurovascular bundle being separated (risky). Possibly also to remove the RTE on the RH side to even up the tips again with elevated infection risk.
I feel I have now exhausted any chance of getting this fixed on the NHS and will now try and fund this to get it fixed privately (back in a worse position than square one)
The last 2 years have been a total nightmare with 3 surgeries already.
I have attached photos of the healed scar from last surgery which came apart. Along with current erect and deflated indicating bulge at point of crossover.
47 year old
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte

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