My implant journal stating 2/28/19

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby tomas1 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:27 pm

I was totally lucky to not have any bruising or swelling except the area just above my penis; probably where the damned reservoir was jammed through. As everyone says, "everybody's different".
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby Lunatech » Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:20 pm

Day 7- Well it's been 7 days (I'm counting surgery day as day 1 because I was out of surgery before 10am). So one week in and I'm doing much better. I'm still swollen and bruised some but much improved. Days 4-6 were probably my worse in terms of pain. Still have pain but Tylenol is working when I need it. I can feel and make out more and more of the pump every day. I'll be glad when the incision heals and this dang dermabond finally comes off (not helping it along though). When to my family doctor today to have blood drawn for some other tests and that was a fun drive. I came to the realization very quickly that I didn't plan that out too well. I am still swollen enough that my blue jeans were cutting my scrotum in two. Now this normally wouldn't be an issue BUT there are 3 residents in there now instead of 2, so I've got to figure that out. Had to lay down and let everything rest after I got home. Last surgery I had was about 20 years ago on my knee and I can tell the difference 20 years makes on bouncing back from surgery. I'm not as bouncy as I was back then. Still not as bad as it could have been. Another week and I'll probably be back to 90%-95% of normal. One thing I have noticed is that I'm peeing more frequently than normal but I'm producing less per visit (drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day). Guess it's just a by-product of the surgery. Well guess that's it for now. Still progressing in the right direction so all is good. If anyone wants to know anything specific, just ask and I'll do my best to answer.
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby TheProfessor » Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:16 am

Your posts are really helpful. I got home from the hospital yesterday and seem to be doing ok. I’m preparing for days 4-6 if my experience is anything like yours.

What seem like mundane daily experiences can be really helpful to others. Keep them coming!

The Professor

RP July 2016
Gleason 3+4=7
AMS Implant March 2019

University Professor of History


Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby Larry10625 » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:01 am

Lunatech wrote:Day 4- Ok I guess I'll post another update today. Last night around 8pm the pain really amped up another notch. It was probably a 6.5-7 on a 1-10 scale. Enough to get my attention for sure. Tylenol3 really helped take the edge off but another pretty much sleepless night. Being a side sleeper doesn't help with a swollen penis and scrotum. Pain today was 6-6.5 and one Tylenol3 with OTC Tylenol occasionally through the day has kept me going. I do find, like others on here, that around day 3-4 the pain does intensify pretty good. Again it's nothing unbearable but just thought I'd put it out there for anyone who in interested. Other than that I'm still bruised and swollen and looking forward to the days the swelling goes down and I'm activated so I can start the "break in" period.

Icing in 20 minute increments every couple of hours helps a lot... Regular pain relief as prescribed helps... You gotta keep the drug in your system or else, every time you take it, is't like starting all over. I too am a side sleeper and I found that using a small cushion under my junk in bed helped by supporting it. When it's all swollen it is heavier than usual. Hope this helps. :)


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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby FreddyFree » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:07 am

Larry10625 wrote:using a small cushion under my junk in bed helped by supporting it.

I agree, but I used balled up pairs of socks instead of a cushion. That allows you to make fine adjustments and easy to move around.
AMS 700 CX 18cm. x 12mm. With 3cm. RTEs. 10/10/18

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby Lunatech » Sat Mar 09, 2019 4:59 pm

Day 10- Well today is day 10 and nothing new to report. Still continue healing. Bruising is almost all gone and swelling has gone down a lot. Still hurting some and probably will for some time. Mostly deep ache with some sharp and burning thrown in from time to time. All tolerable but still taking OTC Tylenol as I need it. Measured today and flaccid is now 4.5" visible and right at 5.75" pressed towards pubic bone (still swollen and can't press all the way yet) and girth is just shy of 6". Very pleased but I do find it interesting figuring out what to do with it now it "in your face". I went from turtle head/2" and skinny flaccid to this. Again VERY pleased and not freakishly big but a big difference from where I was. Good problem to have :D . I can feel the pump pretty well and have identified everything. I know I could inflate and think I could deflate but there is no way pain wise I'd want to right now plus I'm going by the Dr's orders. I won't pump till he gives me the OK. Too many of you all are thankful you waited till your Dr gave his ok and they know more about this than I do. I know I'll want to pump earlier though. Testosterone shots have my libido racing and my wife is looking GOOD (as usual). To those who have just had an implant done and are swollen/bruised/hurting, hang in there. It gets better fairly quickly from about day 7ish on.
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby SW0110 » Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:06 pm

Day 3 here and I am not bruised at all. The only swelling I had was the fat pad and the pockets your balls sit in when they pull up inside the body.well alg with the ball sack. Pain is still manageable and have been taking pain pills about every six hours.

I am looking forward to finding my pump. It is sitting right now between my balls but am to swollen to do much but realize it is there. I got about 5 inches right now and that is still with all the swelling.

Straight and hard. My wife said it looks like the old days.
18 cm plus 1 rte titan installed March 2019. Revision March 2020 by Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY. He replaced the titan with an AMS 700 LGX 18 cm cylinder plus 2 rte for 20 cm total length.

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby Lunatech » Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:33 am

Day 13 - Nothing much new to report. Still have a dull ache in the penis shaft and base that's more of an annoyance than anything. Have found I still have some engorgement around implant and good engorgement in the glands thanks to a make out session with my wife a couple nights ago (I did behave per doctors orders though). The "hard on" (for lack of better words) wasn't rock hard by any stretch of the imagination but it was good to see him grow on his own a little. The glands got like the old days so it does look like that still works which I was expecting it too. Both stayed engorged much longer than they would have before surgery which is a plus. Little buddy ached more after the blood left. Small amounts of swelling continue to go down. The new resident in my scrotum is trying to assert his dominance in there as the room gets smaller and that's causing some discomfort. Finding going commando feels the best right now. Just have to be careful and hide everything having this new flaccid size :shock: and teenage daughters and their friends in the house. Don't want to scar my off spring for life and get called a pervert by their friends parents. :lol: Cause right now the flaccid is up in your face if I'm not careful.
Overall everything is going good. Have 3wk post op on 3/22 so I'll get further instructions then.
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

Mr stuby
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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby Mr stuby » Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:08 pm

good news on your end ha ha you have every thing under control. takes about 12 wks. before soreness completely goes away
1 to 1 1/2 yrs. for total brake in ?
74yr.old married 54yrs pc11/13 rad seed implants started ved 1/14 .implanted 11/20/2016 ams lgx 18+1 11 up 8 down 6 1/2 flaccid 7 5/8
local uro sanford health,

s. central N.D.

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Re: My implant journal stating 2/28/19

Postby Lunatech » Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:48 am

3 week update
Well I have my 3 week post op appt this afternoon but everything is looking good as far as I can tell. For me week 3 brought back a lot of normality. Very little discomfort and basically no pain (little ache from time to time). Can sit without grabbing and lifting my balls and pump. Pump is starting to feel like part of me now but still know it's there. I did find that the Duluth Trading Co. Ballroom jeans are WONDERFUL because the diamond gusset gives you,well, ballroom. With the addition of the pump these jeans and pants are a game changer. Coming from being a grower to this new bigger flaccid size, I'm finally finding it comfortable to wear pants/jeans most all day. Finding a place for my new size to go has been interesting. David Archy underwear are amazing also. I'll put a link to the one's I wear below if anyone wants to check them out. Now I'm just waiting to see if I'll get activated today or have to wait another 3 weeks. Well that's it for now.

David Archy Men's 4 Pack Micro Modal Separate Pouch Briefs with Fly
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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