Length Of Time With Your Implant

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Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby handfulWES » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:46 pm

I have eluded several times to this community how long have you had an implant? For myself, I have had one for close to 27 years with a number of revisions, my last revision being the best one which was from Coloplast. I think it would be an educational thing as well as informational. All my first 5 implants were from AMS and my last was the Coloplast and I far like this better than anything AMS ever made. I am sure the folks at AMS will hate me but I am only able to call the shots as I have experienced them. There device may have a lifetime warranty, they don't pick up the rest of the bills if it had to be replaced due to defect. Again, I am only telling as it really is because I sure as hell tried. From my number 4 implant to number 5 I called them and did everything I knew and all they did was turn a deaf ear to me. I had to wait 3 years till the VA could do mine as I was on a very long waiting list. I went 3 years without a dick that worked. Oh I could bust a nut, you don't have to have an erection for that but that was all I could do. They did leave me sitting high and dry.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby ED2013 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:56 pm

5 years for me. Any problems after all those revisions?

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby redbullmaster » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:41 pm

My doctor told me that with revisions a bigger implant is usually fitted.
Did you experience this with yours over the years.

Has your size changed from the first implant to the lastone you had fitted?

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby dg_moore » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:36 pm

11 years, and I expect it to last forever. It's never been used so has no miles on it.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby handfulWES » Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:25 pm

I was working on a post and I see some more responses so I will try to incorporate my answers with your responses.

You asked about size and yes, with the AMS I did lose almost 2 inches in length and all the girth I had. I actually renamed my Ralph to “Pencil Dick” because I did loose so much of my girth. I was almost angry but I asked my doctor why he didn’t tell me and he said “I knew you would handle it when the time came”. We have been friends to this day. It wasn’t till I had my 5th revision about 2 1/2 years ago that I received a Coloplast Titian and I now have my girth back and if I choose to pump long enough I get everything that Mother Nature gave me to start with. Let me say that size is way over rated. This was the lesson I learned quickly. ONCE I learned the damn thing would work, WORK every time, all the time and not go limp I became a very happy camper. There were things I did miss with all 4 of the AMS models. One was the look of my dick when it was soft. It didn’t look. I hated going to the Y because you could see it looked artificial. Now what I have when I am on soft looks so damn natural and it will actually swing when I walk and if I am around the house in walking shorts or lounge pants, it hangs down my pants leg as it should and you actually see a sausage hanging. Before the implant I would hang about 4 to 5 inches on a soft and though my glands was smaller than the shaft, it was I though rather nice looking. When it would hang heavy and every guy knows what I am talking about it would be about 6 to 6 3/4 inches and slightly plump and that too looked nice. After my first implant with AMS all that ceased to exist. When I took it down it was rather small about 2 or 3 inches and that took time for me to adapt my way of thinking. Hell I was more use to something that hung down more and would swing when I walked even if I couldn’t get a boner.

With my Titan, on a soft I am the peacock at the Y. I don’t flaunt or show off but I have nothing to be ashamed of in the showers, steam room or sauna. I see the guys looking and you walk up to the urinal to take a leak and I just plop it out and let it go just like the good old days. I guess you realize I’m not a fan of AMS but at the time there were only 2 companies that I know of one was AMS and the other was Mentor. Almost every doctor had contracts with a company, your device would arrive the morning of your surgery, brought by a rep from the company and you prayed they brought enough tubing and things to do the job right. My doctor did use an injection in his office to see what my actual size was. He knew there was going to be a problem using the AMS but he did do a fine job with what he had to work with.

I will take the time to explain. AMS just doesn’t or DIDN’T make a device that handled anything much longer than about 6 to maybe 6 1/2 inches. They also don’t make a reservoir that will handle girth more than 4 to possible 5 inches with cylinders that are 6 inches in length. To accommodate a penis longer than 6 1/2 inches they use extensions at the end of the cylinders that go up inside your body to support the cylinders in your dick. So actually you may have at the base of your penis no inflation for say 1/2 inch. Coloplast makes larger reservoirs to accommodate something longer than 6 1/2 inches, in fact, they are well able to go as much as 10 inches in length and 6 inches around and not have a problem.

When I received my last revision at the VA the doctor told me that he had put the second largest reservoir in me in his total career and he had been doing implants for a total of 6 years and that was just about all he did. I had a ton of girt about 6 inches around and length as well. Sorry guys not the 10 incher. LOL I could only dream but REMEMBER I SAID, size isn’t what it is cracked up to be.

Any of you who know me from my post, all over FT know that I somewhat swing in both directions and I tend to lean more to the guys but I have a funny for you. I had to travel for a job and I was gone several days. I was back in the saddle, with my first working implant. I came across this lady who was 39 and built like a brick shit house. We struck up a conversation and I am an excellent judge of a set of knockers and she was something DOUBLE D. We hit it off and I nailed it all night long. We somewhere fell asleep and the next morning she said, you are more man than I ever met. What ashamed I never saw her again. I told you needed some funny. I almost didn’t have 6 inches, and not much in the girth department but I fucking nailed it and if my memory serves me right, I think I busted my nut 4 times and on the last I actually believe it was just a dry orgasm.

I realized right then and there size was not the issue but how you used what you had and I actually thanked God for my wonderful time. I had all the confidence I needed.

I am fixing to make another post behind this one that answers an earlier post. I realize my post may be long but I try to tell the story along with the facts. If you get tired of reading try to continue on. I like to have meat in the story along with facts and if possible find a little humor along the way. As I state in all my post somewhere, I am very serious about ED issues and finding ways to fix the problems. Mine started and get this; in 1969 when I was 19 1/2 and I am 68 will be 69 this year. It doesn’t take a math scholar to figure the year I was born. You have no idea what it was like THEN to ask a doctor about ED issues. Hell we didn’t even have a name for it then.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby handfulWES » Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:39 pm

Do you really want to know? LOL Yes the first 2 were partly due to the insurance I had and what they would exactly cover. Since the first 2 didn't work they opted for the more expensive 700 three piece unit. That one lasted for almost 8 1/4 years. The pump broke as they said I used the damn thing to much. Hell I was still young, and I was taking about 800mgs of "T" per month and I was always ready to run and often twice in a day and I on occasions like a weekend from Friday night to Monday morning I might have had sex 5 to 8 times and it was all good. I was called the Energizer Bunny. The next one lasted just over 9 years as I had slowed down slightly not much but slightly and I was now approaching 60. When it broke due to pump failure I no longer had the insurance I once had and was actually receiving my medical care from the VA. They did the implants but had a long waiting list of 3 years when my name was put on the list. Don't go there as to how I handled 3 years with a broken implant. The doctor I got was a great doctor and he was gay which I actually liked as my last doctor was Bi. He did a fine job but someone on his team must have taken a leak, taken a dump or sneezed and I ended up with a major infection. By the time he actually found it there was no road back but he tried. He also fired 2 people that same day as I had tried to reach him for over 2 weeks. I had IV antibiotics for 7 days and it wasn't fixed. I was sick but I had to go home to take care of some things and I had to be back to the VA in 5 days. I was taking an oral antibiotic 3 times a day to keep the infection from going rampant and eat me alive.

I checked in the afternoon for surgery the next morning. My best friend stayed for my surgery watching the board to see where I was. I went from holding and prep to the OR about 7:30 and I was in the OR almost 7 hours. The long and short was, my insides was full of infection and the doctor actually had to wash my insides out. He had to move everything inside and hose it out. I was in recovery and I was so sick. He came in and told them to give me more medication to stop the vomiting. They were about to say no when he said give me the damn medication and some needles. They jumped. He said I want to get him back in his room and the staff started to say something and he said MOVE and MOVE THEY DID. I got sick along the way and he was shooting me with some more medication as they pushed my bed into the room. He said I don't want another patient in here till well after tomorrow. He had gone from the OR to talk to Steve and Steve was sitting across from my room when we came back. He told Steve he was going to stay the night with me and make sure I had the proper care I needed and he did.

I had a second implant out of this but it took almost 4 months before I could use the damn thing. It works like a charm, anything I lost from the AMS he gave it back including the girth and length. He is now in Florida. He did a fine job and I love my Titan implant. It looks great on a soft as I posted just before this. That is far more than I could say for AMS and their 700 whatever as they have changed the title a number of times.

That is my story in a short form. I have had a long road to travel and like I said almost 27 years is a very long time. I blazed a trail in a time when implants were only for those over 60 or had a spinal cord injury problem. At 41 1/2 it wasn't considered as I had been trying for almost 2 years before I found a doctor, I didn't know, cut on a part of my anatomy that was only reserved for something or someone special. That my friends: is what real faith truly is. I met him, had lunch with him and said when do we do it (I know bad grammar). I serve a higher being and I knew in my heart I had the right doctor, and later the wrong device but the best at that time. That is fine because what he gave me worked, it worked every time all the time and it didn't go limp till I squeezed the right button.

I do take ED as a serious thing. I often find humor in some of my own situations but they tell me laughter is the best medicine and I have to agree on that one. I often feel I was as alone as there was nothing like FT back then. If you talked to someone at AMS it was some woman and how in the hell would she know anything about a dick as she was born without one. I had all of 3 brochures to read, I saw a model of the AMS 700 in the doctor's office and what he could tell me. Don't tell me it was easy. We have moved mountains when it comes to actually being able to do something with ED and KNOW WHAT - WE HAVE EVEN MORE MOUNTAINS to move still. I was out in the cold; no one to lean on that even knew what I experienced. I have been told by some they would just have the shit cut off and just wouldn't care. I doubt when it happens to you that you will give up that easy. I have met a few guys that sex isn't all that important. I believe they are sick. This is the very core that makes us a man. It hurts deep inside with an ache that can't be described in words. The countless hours I cried all because I couldn't.

Once on my feet I told God, YES GOD, I would do anything and everything to help my fellow brother not to have to suffer alone if possible. It’s a bad thing to hurt like that and feel so alone and lost. I welcome your comments.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby ringo1 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:12 pm

handfulWES wrote:I was working on a post and I see some more responses so I will try to incorporate my answers with your responses.

You asked about size and yes, with the AMS I did lose almost 2 inches in length and all the girth I had. I actually renamed my Ralph to “Pencil Dick” because I did loose so much of my girth. I was almost angry but I asked my doctor why he didn’t tell me and he said “I knew you would handle it when the time came”. We have been friends to this day. It wasn’t till I had my 5th revision about 2 1/2 years ago that I received a Coloplast Titian and I now have my girth back and if I choose to pump long enough I get everything that Mother Nature gave me to start with. Let me say that size is way over rated. This was the lesson I learned quickly. ONCE I learned the damn thing would work, WORK every time, all the time and not go limp I became a very happy camper. There were things I did miss with all 4 of the AMS models. One was the look of my dick when it was soft. It didn’t look. I hated going to the Y because you could see it looked artificial. Now what I have when I am on soft looks so damn natural and it will actually swing when I walk and if I am around the house in walking shorts or lounge pants, it hangs down my pants leg as it should and you actually see a sausage hanging. Before the implant I would hang about 4 to 5 inches on a soft and though my glands was smaller than the shaft, it was I though rather nice looking. When it would hang heavy and every guy knows what I am talking about it would be about 6 to 6 3/4 inches and slightly plump and that too looked nice. After my first implant with AMS all that ceased to exist. When I took it down it was rather small about 2 or 3 inches and that took time for me to adapt my way of thinking. Hell I was more use to something that hung down more and would swing when I walked even if I couldn’t get a boner.

With my Titan, on a soft I am the peacock at the Y. I don’t flaunt or show off but I have nothing to be ashamed of in the showers, steam room or sauna. I see the guys looking and you walk up to the urinal to take a leak and I just plop it out and let it go just like the good old days. I guess you realize I’m not a fan of AMS but at the time there were only 2 companies that I know of one was AMS and the other was Mentor. Almost every doctor had contracts with a company, your device would arrive the morning of your surgery, brought by a rep from the company and you prayed they brought enough tubing and things to do the job right. My doctor did use an injection in his office to see what my actual size was. He knew there was going to be a problem using the AMS but he did do a fine job with what he had to work with.

I will take the time to explain. AMS just doesn’t or DIDN’T make a device that handled anything much longer than about 6 to maybe 6 1/2 inches. They also don’t make a reservoir that will handle girth more than 4 to possible 5 inches with cylinders that are 6 inches in length. To accommodate a penis longer than 6 1/2 inches they use extensions at the end of the cylinders that go up inside your body to support the cylinders in your dick. So actually you may have at the base of your penis no inflation for say 1/2 inch. Coloplast makes larger reservoirs to accommodate something longer than 6 1/2 inches, in fact, they are well able to go as much as 10 inches in length and 6 inches around and not have a problem.

When I received my last revision at the VA the doctor told me that he had put the second largest reservoir in me in his total career and he had been doing implants for a total of 6 years and that was just about all he did. I had a ton of girt about 6 inches around and length as well. Sorry guys not the 10 incher. LOL I could only dream but REMEMBER I SAID, size isn’t what it is cracked up to be.

Any of you who know me from my post, all over FT know that I somewhat swing in both directions and I tend to lean more to the guys but I have a funny for you. I had to travel for a job and I was gone several days. I was back in the saddle, with my first working implant. I came across this lady who was 39 and built like a brick shit house. We struck up a conversation and I am an excellent judge of a set of knockers and she was something DOUBLE D. We hit it off and I nailed it all night long. We somewhere fell asleep and the next morning she said, you are more man than I ever met. What ashamed I never saw her again. I told you needed some funny. I almost didn’t have 6 inches, and not much in the girth department but I fucking nailed it and if my memory serves me right, I think I busted my nut 4 times and on the last I actually believe it was just a dry orgasm.

I realized right then and there size was not the issue but how you used what you had and I actually thanked God for my wonderful time. I had all the confidence I needed.

I am fixing to make another post behind this one that answers an earlier post. I realize my post may be long but I try to tell the story along with the facts. If you get tired of reading try to continue on. I like to have meat in the story along with facts and if possible find a little humor along the way. As I state in all my post somewhere, I am very serious about ED issues and finding ways to fix the problems. Mine started and get this; in 1969 when I was 19 1/2 and I am 68 will be 69 this year. It doesn’t take a math scholar to figure the year I was born. You have no idea what it was like THEN to ask a doctor about ED issues. Hell we didn’t even have a name for it then.


respect...and truly respect for you for fightign this shit for so many years and not givign up...and from your post u really seem very casul abotu it however i am sure it sure wodnt be an easy jorueby 2 years 5 revision....wow
my only concern aftr 5 surgries u peiace is still ok as in scar tissue...sensation ..overall what i mean to ask is do u still get pleasure in sex..i also now now after ed sex is mostly in the head but phically is it still pelasureable for u
37 yrs...ed due to single episode of trauma...had penile vein stripping... worst outcome ever..now trying towards an implant

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby mr.skin » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:59 am

handfulWES wrote:I have eluded several times to this community how long have you had an implant? For myself, I have had one for close to 27 years with a number of revisions, my last revision being the best one which was from Coloplast. I think it would be an educational thing as well as informational. All my first 5 implants were from AMS and my last was the Coloplast and I far like this better than anything AMS ever made. I am sure the folks at AMS will hate me but I am only able to call the shots as I have experienced them. There device may have a lifetime warranty, they don't pick up the rest of the bills if it had to be replaced due to defect. Again, I am only telling as it really is because I sure as hell tried. From my number 4 implant to number 5 I called them and did everything I knew and all they did was turn a deaf ear to me. I had to wait 3 years till the VA could do mine as I was on a very long waiting list. I went 3 years without a dick that worked. Oh I could bust a nut, you don't have to have an erection for that but that was all I could do. They did leave me sitting high and dry.


I am so glad you stick around. As a 25 yo receiving an implant I am scared af that I will not be longer able to have an implant after 50 bc 3 or 4 revisions are all that might be possible.

I do have some questions for you :

i) I guess you may have experienced some downsides with the implant in regards to lifestyle ( which still get outweighted by the advantages) which where those ?

ii) did you lose a lot of sensitivity with all those revisions ? (e.g. numb spots etc)

iii) could you maybe write up your timeline of the implant ? meaning first received 92/93 etc... and the reason for the revision. (Edit: Didnt see the post above, regarding the infection - did you lose length and sensitivity post infection ?

Thank you so much and best regards
ED since 2012
nothing works properly

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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby handfulWES » Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:22 pm

I know this is a hell of a long post. These questions cannot be answered with a yes/no answer. It takes explanations along with background and the story that goes along with the answer. God, IF I COULD HAVE HAD A SUPPORT GROUP LIKE THIS to ask questions or read about first hand experiences, or A REAL MAN THAT I MIGHT CALL TO TALK WITH would have made a huge difference. Dr. Hicks used me in an article that appeared in a magazine published by Carillon hospital many years back. He also gave my phone number to guys to talk to me. WITH EVERYTHING I EXPERIENCED – MY IMPLANT WAS THE BEST DECISION I MADE. I ran all the options available at the time. Sorry for the length.

I see 2 post that need some answers: I will start with the one from ringo1 in: You asked about scarred tissue. Yes there is a very small amount not really enough to actually mention, provided your doctor was very good. If you don’t know how the cylinders are placed inside your dick (I could use penis but I think dick sounds rather good) They take the end of the cylinder with a needle and thread attached the doctor will bring the needle thru your copra tissue and guide it out the head of your penis. As he continues to pull the thread the cylinder then starts to follow until it reaches the glands or head of your dick. The thread is then removed and he will adjust your cylinder inside your dick and will proceed with the other side, thus the reason for 2 cylinders. I had a great doctor with my first implant. He never removed any of my copra tissue but pulled the cylinder thru so it would be completely surrounded by the copra tissue. I do understand that most doctors actually will remove a small amount of copra tissue to make it easier to pull the cylinder thru.

Your next question and I might add, is a good one. I never had a guy I could talk with before I had my implant on how well the damn thing would work. When it comes to having sex and better than sex is making real love, either with a lady or a guy I fucking swear it is great. Suffering a dick that would drop you and go limp or worse yet couldn’t get it up, this was the fucking bomb. No matter if you lost some in length or girth. You at least had a dick that would stay hard and no worry that it would go soft. With those 2 fears out of the way, you could fuck all day, all night or both. I never lost a step from one revision to the next other than recovery time for the surgery.

Let me add a NOTE HERE: I want to mention again I was taking “T” (Testosterone) and in those days my level would run well over a 1,000mgs and I was horny 24/7 just like a teenager. I could still bust 2 nuts back to back, I had far better control with my implant (will explain) and I would almost fuck a watermelon I was so damn horny. In fact, some days at work I would hit the head and as my best friend would say, “I did a 30 second popper. I felt so alive.

I KNOW that lots of things dealing with sex actually does start in our brain. That is the head which sets on our shoulders. Any man will tell you unless the head that swings between our legs gets interested it is a lost cause. I KNOW, I KNOW you are right about things starting in our brain. But the brain in the head swinging between my legs tells the one sitting on my shoulders to fucking enjoy the ride. So to answer your question, it is great. On the sensitive part I will answer with the next response so just keep reading.

Mr. Skin: I am working off 2 monitors and I don’t know one particular fact about the after 50 part. I think I may possible have 2 different thoughts to nothing after 50. Let me say thanks to you as well for my sticking it out and my working thru a hell of a number of problems. I have surmised I have used an implant far longer than any of the members here on FT. I would like to think I did blaze a trail for men today.

So let’s start with your first question. You asked about downsides and lifestyle and correctly stated the advantages did override or outweigh the downsides. In my first 4 implants the major downside was what I actually lost with my dick: ONE the length and TWO the girth. Here I had lived with something that was 5 to 5 1/2 around and with a major boner something that measured 8 inches. With those first 4 revisions, I ended up to something that was about 3 1/4 inches around and barely 6 inches in length. I was levied. Oh I called my doctor and was HOT and his nurse put me thru to him. He told me to come in about 5:30 after his last patient and he would check things for me. He did some checking and I teased him about just wanting to play with a dick and he laughed. He explained, he said, when I injected you in the office I knew this would be a major issue in the start. He said I felt I knew you well enough that you would work thru the problem. This was also the time that I learned that AMS couldn’t go more than about 6 to 6 1/2 inches in length. He opted for the 6 inch mark trying to give me as much girth as possible. I also learned he tried something different by not taking any of the copra tissue out. It was about this same time that the little blue pills were on the market. That was never an option in the past. He told me I now had a brand new toy to play with and I went home to play with my new toy. I was several months playing with my new toy before I tried it out on the real deal. I learned I had a hard dick that worked every time all the time and being on the “T” I was always fucking horny. So in SHORT that was about the only real downside I experienced. I discovered the one secret that men have always said in wanting a bigger dick, SIZE ISN’T THE IMPORTANT thing. It is WHAT YOU DO WITH THE SIZE YOU HAVE. With the many revisions that I had in the beginning was due to my insurance not wanting to pay the cost of an AMS 700 whatever.

(ii & iii) – I don’t know that in the beginning that I even noticed a major lost of sensitivity. I think thru the many revisions I did lose some sensitivity. With Dr. Hicks introducing me to the little blue pills and having all my copra tissue taking some blue actually brought back most of the sensitivity because I did have some blood flow to the head. The blood flow there did increase the sensitivity, it may not have been as great as it was before my implant, but I didn’t see that as a total downside. SOMETHNG ELSE: I learned if I didn’t pump my implant to its full max gave me more sensitivity as well. I was sporting a healthy boner that again worked every time all the time. I also want to add here another NOTE: I learned that all my struggles, for the most part, with Premature Ejaculation were from the fact that when I would have a boner I rushed to get to the end because in the back of my brain I would lose my erection. I did a hell of a lot of foreplay and trusted my partner had received most of what they needed. Once I started to fuck it was I guess, more for me so that my orgasm and ejaculation would give me some type of satisfaction. This had been a major struggle and ANY MAN SUFFERING ED ISSUES, IF HONEST, WILL MOST LIKELY SAY THE SAME. With the implant, knowing I wouldn’t go soft at the wrong time, afforded me an opportunity to actually be with a woman or man and I could use my dick far more to get her off along with my own pleasure. I HAD THIS NEW outlook and as for any guy would do who doesn’t lose his boner in controlling his ejaculation will change up his fucking method, strokes, speed, his thrust or even stop for a few seconds and start back again. What this will ACCOMPLISH is small orgasms for you and when you decide to make your own homerun you throw your all into busting your nut. You should have a more powerful orgasm and your ejaculation should fucking rock your world. SMALL NOTE: If you have PE problems, try not to tense up your body so much. I know if you are on top and want to support yourself you are tense. GUYS plant your feet against the headboard, wall to help you thrust without all that damn weight on your arms and legs by tensing up your muscles to hold you in place.

One last thing on the revisions: With each revision it took longer for the swelling to go down by at least 7 to 10 days longer. I will explain: With the first implant, by day 5 I was using the shower, I wasn’t having to hold my junk with both hands and by day 10 I was actually playing with it a little, that’s when I discovered on the first one the damn pump didn’t work so well. With each revision that 5 day mark became like 7 and the next one was like 9 or 10 days before the swelling took a significant change. So it was like say about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks before I could even try to mess with my new toy. With revision 5 I had major complications.

I will also put in a plug for the topic under general “Your Prostate”. Your prostate is where all this starts and ends. That determines everything including, the tingles you feel, the amount of PRE you leak, the messages sent to your brain sitting on your shoulders and yes to the head of your dick. It determines the type of orgasm and ejaculation you will have and the amount of shit that you actually squirt and the number of times you will squirt something along with how far it might go, like over your head in a JO session. Learning to control, use and make your prostate work for you will add A MAJOR DEMINSIOIN TO YOUR SEX LIFE.

ONE LAST MAJOR NOTE HERE ON THE PROSTATE: The percentage of the male population would almost not experience problems with their prostate if they took better care of it. I am covering all this in my topic “Your Prostate” as I am trying to work on it as much as possible.

You asked about a timeline. I will try to think here. At 41 1/2 which was about midsummer of 1991 I had my first implant and the pump failed right off the bat. Nine weeks later I had my first revision. Remember AMS had major pump problems. My second implant took place in about September and due to the insurance I could only have AMS’s 2 piece unit called an Ambicor which you pumped up and to deflate you just bent your dick in half and no that didn’t hurt. The issue I had was it was somewhat hard but if you were not careful and I MEAN CAREFUL, you could deflate the damn thing in 3 seconds while you were fucking. I found this to be very unsatisfactory and so Dr. Hicks and myself fought with the insurance till they said yes, and that was about 6 more months later.

This put me at 42 with a 3rd revision as I had a birthday in August after my 2nd implant. We were now into spring here in VA and I did it all over again which was about 6 months from the 2nd revision. I will add this here: With each revision it took longer for the swelling to go down by at least 7 to 10 days longer. I will explain: With the first implant, by day 5 I was using the shower, I wasn’t having to hold my junk with both hands and by day 10 I was actually playing with it a little, that’s when I discovered on the first one the damn pump didn’t work so well. With each revision that 5 day mark became like 7 and the next one was like 9 or 10 days before the swelling took a significant change. So it was like say about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks before I could even try to mess with my new toy. This revision lasted about 8 1/4 years. Yes, the problem was the pump again. Dr. Hicks in teasing said I had worn the damn pump out. In those days with a “T” level as high as mine, fucking horny all the time I did use and use it I did. When that broke Dr. Hicks was deployed because he was in the Army Reserves as a Colonel and was gone. I knew he was due back in about 5 more months and I wasn’t about to have anyone else use a knife on my Mr. HAPPY. He returned and this was about 2001 and I believe it was late spring or early summer. This was revision number 4. That revision worked for just over 9 years and yes, the pump stops working. (both times when the pump stopped I was like at a half boner – I couldn’t take my dick up nor could I take it down to a soft)

With revision 5 I no longer had the insurance and the VA had started doing implants but with a long waiting list and when my name was added, I was told it was about a 3 year wait and wait I did. I did receive what I believe the best implant. I need to qualify this statement: The Titan gave me back so much. I regained a dick that was way more like what I had before the first implant. The BIGGEST THING: When I would take it down to a soft dick it looked like the real deal. It hangs about 4 1/2 to 5 1/4 inches (I actually measured this morning) and it swings between my legs when I walk. If in the summer I decide to just wear some soft jogging shorts and go commando it hangs down my right leg and IF YOU ARE LOOKING you will see this nice thing making a slight bulge inside my pants leg again the demissions above. If I wear nice fitted pants with my boxer briefs, I display a rather nice package, nothing massive but a very nice package. Should I get bold which I sometimes will, and wear jeans commando and this would be someplace where I would want the looks, with possibly one or two small squeezes on the pump, NOW I have something that attracts a bit more attention down my pants leg. Talk about feeling like the cock of the walk, that’s me. If you were to feel it thru my pants it feels exactly like the real thing. Let me warn, feeling it will make it actually get slightly bigger because I still have some blood flow thru the copra tissues.

You asked about length, girth and sensations: With my first 4 implants I did lose both girth and length. Even with the infection and since that is way behind me I have compensated for a bit more lost of sensation in the head. The biggest thing is I am able with the Titan to pump enough to have a very hard dick but nowhere near its max limit both girth and length. Again, with the help and not always a small amount of blue say 25mgs I don’t notice the sensation lost as much. NOTE: In my own private JO sessions, I generally don’t take any blue. Those sessions are geared more for orgasms without ejaculations till I am ready for the end. Again, why I work with guys on a one on one basis because there is a world out there where 95 percent of the men I think hasn’t discovered thus my work I do one on one. (Before you go there, I don’t fuck them, I don’t have a problem with oral all because the session is about them not me.)
68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Joined: Wed May 08, 2013 11:11 am
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Re: Length Of Time With Your Implant

Postby LMCatman » Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:25 pm

1 year, 3 years, 2 years.....
73 Years old. RP Oct 2010, No erections after, Botched Titan implant April, 2013, Successful Titan revision, April , 2014 by Dr. Paul Perito, Miami. Titan failure Feb 2017. Rev. by Dr Perito March 1st, 2017. Titan failure Nov 2020. New Titan January 2021

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