What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

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What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby basil1492 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:03 am

Hi, dont know if anyone can help here but i've searched the net over and over and can't figure out why trimix cant be found over here in the UK. I've read all of these ingredients are allowed for research and im sure (though i cant find it) that papaverine is allowed at up to 30g. This makes me wonder if i found all the ingredients and could make my own would i be breaking any laws.

I actually have an idea on where to get all the ingredients but wanted to know if i could get into any trouble for ordering them or if theres any chance customs could stop them? I mean, if they are all legal for research purposes and i ordered them im guessing the worst they could do is seize them bu even then would they bother doing that if its legal to own?

Of course all this boils down to whether these are ALL legal in the UK as i cant seem to find any site that says categorically if they are. Any info would be great thanks.

PS same applies for tadalafil if anyone knows. Ive seen sites saying they can sell without prescription but not sure how legit they are.

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby mlc2010 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:35 pm

I don't think any are illegal, theres a difference between buying some for personal use, and selling them

it is not illegal to purchase papaverine. phentolamine and tadalafil, and even if it was, I don't think the police would allocate resources to busting you, unless you was making it your day job to sell them

they are not easy to find because they are not approved for many stuff over here, thats the bottom line

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby basil1492 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:40 pm

Thanks Mic, yes, i agree that its unlikely the police would bother with this especially in small amounts but where its so difficult to get it i was wondering if it was illegal. Its unbelievable how hard it is to get over here unless you buy from risky places like made in china or alibaba

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby mlc2010 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:38 pm

basil1492 wrote:Thanks Mic, yes, i agree that its unlikely the police would bother with this especially in small amounts but where its so difficult to get it i was wondering if it was illegal. Its unbelievable how hard it is to get over here unless you buy from risky places like made in china or alibaba

thats because it's not approved for much over here, a lot of drugs that aren't approved over here are hard to get, due to fact its in short supply

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby basil1492 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:44 am

But "not approved" isnt the same as illegal so even if i get caught buying them they couldnt do anything? No charges etc i mean? If so i'm willing to give it a try as i'd love to see if making trimix with proper powder works better than what ive been doing, buying pills, crushing them etc because im sure im losing a lot of the actual ingredient when i sieve them.

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby mlc2010 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:23 pm

basil1492 wrote:But "not approved" isnt the same as illegal so even if i get caught buying them they couldnt do anything? No charges etc i mean? If so i'm willing to give it a try as i'd love to see if making trimix with proper powder works better than what ive been doing, buying pills, crushing them etc because im sure im losing a lot of the actual ingredient when i sieve them.

no, you wont be charged, people dont get charged for buying weed, and thats illegal. so some powder ( phentolamine, papaverine ) they certainly won't

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby basil1492 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:32 pm

Thank mlc, thats what i needed to know, appreciate the help

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby mlc2010 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:33 pm

basil1492 wrote:Thank mlc, thats what i needed to know, appreciate the help

also, how would the police know you bought it?

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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby ohohiakane » Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:08 pm

Keep in mind that for the "ordinary joe" can only obtain the ingredients of trimix, he MUST HAVE A LIGITIMATE PRESCRIPTION here in the USA.
75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

Personal email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com
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Re: What ingredients in trimix are illegal in the UK?

Postby basil1492 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:41 pm

This is the problem over here ohoh, they wont prescribe it at all. We dont even have compounding pharmacies over here as such but our only option is caverject which is just so painful it negates any good effects it has. Trimix, my own one, works, not as well but it does work. Ive talked to the urologist and they said they wont prescribe it. This means my only way of getting this is to get it from other sources.

There are some that sell trimix but wont deliver to the uk and of course delivery over here is usually more than the trimix anyway even if they would sell to the UK. Buying the ingredients means i can buy enough for loads of batches then just mix them as needed. I have everything i need, scales that measure to mcg so i can mix my own easily enough, just cant find any legit way of buying the ingredients unless i risk madeinchina or alibaba, both of which are risky as neither accept anything like paypal

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