Unfreezing trimix for use

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Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby Kansasal » Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:37 am

I just purchased trimix for the first time. I got 5 vials with 1 ml each of trimix. My dosage to start is 15 units which the pharmacist calculated to be 6 doses per vial if I am optimistic and can stay at 15.
So the package says that it will keep for 45 days in the freezer but only three days in the refrigerator. Using math, this means that my wife and I have to have sex twice daily for the three days once I start a vial to use it all up. This doesn't seem right. So how can I draw the 15 units and put the vial back in the freezer for consumption at a later date? I plan to use the compound two or three times a week.
Also when do you inject yourself before penetration? Do you inject, then foreplay then penetration? Do you have foreplay first, then inject? What are some of your methods?

Thanks. I am waiting for Monday morning to try this so my doctor will be in his office in case of problems.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby Rickey11 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:17 am

Hi, I have been using trimix now for a little over a year, and it has been quite the learning curve! First of all, I freeze mine and they have remained potent for 7 months in the freezer, and this is after using it multiple times. The compounding pharmacy always tries to discourage me from doing this, telling me that I can only use it for one month, then I am supposed to discard the remaining trimix. I refreeze it immediately after drawing it up in the syringe, and use strict sterile technique in giving the injections.

I do not pre-freeze the trimix in syringes ahead of time so to ensure sterility. If I know that I am going to use it within a couple of hours I DO pre freeze it in a syringe.
I inject about 5 minutes ahead of foreplay, so as to make sure that it is as "real" as it can be.
All in all these injections are well worth the slight trouble they cause, as I can last longer than almost any "normal" guy! I can adjust the dose to give me an erection for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the needs and wants of my wife.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby Kansasal » Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:34 am

Thanks for your response! I'm glad it works so well for you. How do you thaw it? Do you take a vial out and rub it between your hands? Once it is liquid, then draw it out, then refreeze?

Thanks again! I am looking forward to the adventures I used to have...and so is my wife!!!

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby once a writer » Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:56 am

My story is similar to Rickey's. I've had good luck with long-term freezing. I think you can find older posts on this site with other guys who will say the same thing.

My drill is to thaw the vial and fill three or four syringes every week. The vial then goes back into the freezer. The syringes go in the refrigerator until use. To thaw the vial, I just let it sit out for 15-20 minutes. My injection drill is to inject just before foreplay. Gives my wife the satisfaction of assisting me to erection.
Eugene, Oregon, USA. Born 1941. Married 1968. ED since mid-1990s. Began trimix January 2014. Dosage gradually increased over time. Added cock ring in 2016. After dosage reached 30 units, switched to quad mix in May 2018. On blood pressure meds.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby cwatt1 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:24 am

Interesting. My compounding pharmacy sold me two 2.5 ml vials of trimix, with instructions to freeze the one that will not be used until later but refrigerate the one for immediate use for up to 30 days. (Insurance allows me 5 ml of trimix per month)

When I intend to use it, I take the vial out of the fridge for about 10 minutes or so, then load up the syringe.
ED since using SSRI antidepressants. Unable to maintain erection sufficient for penetration. Tried PDE5's, VED, injections. AMS 700 CX implanted 8/1/2022, penoscrotal by Dr. McVary, Loyola medical center. 15cm + 1.5 and 1.0 RTE's. 65 ml reservoir.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby tomas1 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:56 pm

Mine is slightly different. I get it in dry form and add saline to it. Total 2ml per vial. I fill 4 or so syringes at once and keep all in the refrigerator; not frozen. I've never suspected that it gets weaker before emptying the vial which takes over a month. I'm sure they try to very ultra conservative on the shelf life. For some reason, they even put a shelf life on the dry stuff before it gets mixed. I ignore that also.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby dtwarren1942 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:06 pm

My five 2 ml vials come frozen. I put one in the refrigerator and the other four in the freezer. I go through a vial about every four weeks. No problem with the four weeks in the refrig. or 16 weeks in the freezer.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby bd5403 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:23 pm

I just started using tri mix and so far have not froze any but do warm it before injecting. Have been using bi mix for several years but found that tri mix makes my dick harder and stay hard longer. Do you live in Kansas? If you do give me a shout as I do.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby Cigar56 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:56 pm

I think some guys stress way too much over this. If I have multiple vials, I'll freeze all but one and leave another in the fridge. I don't keep track of how long they're in the freezer, or in the fridge. I've never had a problem either way.

I asked my urologist once about freezing syringes and she gave me one of the most incredulous looks I have ever seen -- and that's not to knock what anybody else does. I have taken vials out of the freezer and to Jamaica and back with no problems. Everyone should do what they think is best, but not fret about it at all.

As for when to inject, It just depends on what kind of relationship a guy has. My wife is going through menopause and has a very low drive at the moment. That means there is little foreplay, so I inject about 10 minutes before we're going to have intercourse.

you'll find your rhythm as you become more experienced with this. One thing I have noticed is that none of us does it exactly the same. For example, some guys are scared to death of a trip to the emergency room, and others have sex and go to sleep with a full erection. I am starting to think that the proper approach to this medicine is somewhere in the middle of extreme caution and recklessness.

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Re: Unfreezing trimix for use

Postby Kansasal » Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:42 pm

Thank you all for your answers and support!!! You have been most informative and encouraging!
Ok, so today was my first injection. I waited until a weekday to try it to make sure that my uro was going to be available if anything went wrong. Overly cautious to be sure, but this is my first time. I took a frozen vial and put it in the fridge Saturday night to thaw. Point of information, 1 ml vial thaws out real quick. It was thawed by Sunday morning, and probably thawed out not that long after I put it in the fridge. (The pharmacy told me that I can thaw out the vial, draw the medication in the syringe, and re freeze for the next time. I am leaving it in the fridge and using it again. Other people use it out of the fridge with no probs.) Today, Monday, I got the vial out, swabbed the top with an alcohol wipe, and loaded the syringe. My doctor recommended 15 units, but I just started testosterone injections and had a forty percent erection. I decided to do 10 units since I was so closer to erection than I had been in a long time. My wife swabbed my penis down with a alcohol wipe. She was very nervous about giving me an injection, but was brave about it. She did very well and I hardly felt her giving me the shot. She compressed the injection site for a minute or so and I walked around for a couple of minutes. Then we went to bed. She caressed me for about 10 to 15 minutes. She thought I got about 60 percent erect but also thought I got much longer. We couldn't achieve penetration, but it was easier for her to masterbate me to completion. Not quite the experience I hoped for but encouraging.

So Wednesday, I am going to increase to 20 units. Even though the doctor advised 15, I don't think it will be quite enough.

cigar56, I love your username. I am sorry I didn't think of it. I am a cigar smoker and I was born in 56. Things are much different for me than you. My wife has been in menopause for 12 years now and her sex drive has increased 1000 percent and she craves sex now. We are catching up for some vey lean years indeed. This is why I am working so hard for erections.

Thanks again and good luck everyone. I will keep you advised as things develop for those of you who are are just starting out like I did.

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