caverject dull ache

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caverject dull ache

Postby tomlander » Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:06 pm

I recently switched to caverject from trimix. We've all read about the ache at injection site and post coital from alprostadil formulas like caverject and edex. I find that my soreness is more pronounced after sex, and that this increases if I'm standing and walking around. There's hardly any burn when I inject -- even less than trimix -- and all the discomfort is afterwards.

I'd be interested in the experiences of others here. Thanks.

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Location: Outer Banks, NC

Re: caverject dull ache

Postby dagobx » Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:32 pm


I, too, experienced a dull ache when I first started using Edex. After several injections, I find that the ache either is not there anymore or I have become desensitized to it. As far as it getting worse when I stand up or move around after sex, it really didn't make things get worse. Of course, I take a some pain-killers (ibuprophen 600 mg. twice a day) to deal with the cancer pain I have in my right shoulder - that could be why it's not so bothersome to me.

If it continues to be bothersome to you, you might want to check with your uro and/or take an Advil or other analgesic to minimize the ache. I don't know what causes it or if it could be "dangerous" - that's why if you are worried you should call your uro.

This is my experience with Edex, which is pretty much the same as Caverject. Edex is good stuff! I expect Caverject is, too. I'd like to switch to Trimix, but the VA doesn't offer that yet. Good luck & hope this helps.

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